More information

Lazy Daze, Inc.
4303 Mission Boulevard
Montclair, CA 91763

We are sad to report that Lazy Daze, one of the most recognizable names in the RV industry, is no longer in business. Lazy Daze ceased production in May 2022 and no longer exists as a company. Please note that the old phone number(s) and website(s) are no longer under the control of the former company and may be being used by other entities.

Lazy Daze Owners group—A friendly, knowledgeable group with a wealth of resources for anyone who owns a Lazy Daze, is thinking of buying or selling one.

Yahoo "Techsnoz" group—Technical information on Lazy Daze maintenance and upgrades. (Note: All Yahoo groups have closed)

Eureka! Live—Offers hundreds of hints, tips and projects for RV enhancements (Retired with some dated information but fondly remembered through the WayBack Machine).


Deciphering dates
Lazy Dazes built on Ford E450 chassis (the majority in the past ten years) use 225/75R16 tires, load range E. Tires should be replaced 5–6 years from their date of manufacture, regardless of mileage. Make sure new tires are as "fresh" as possible. Here's how to read a tire's date of manufacture.

Tire code

The correct tire pressure for your rig depends on its weight per axle and on the type of tires you're using. Each tire manufacturer has charts showing correct pressures for various tire models and axle weights. Here's the chart for Michelin XPS RIB 225/75R16 tires (recommended for Lazy Dazes).

Front axle (lbs) Pressure (PSI)
3,300 40
3,580 45
3,880 50
4,120 55
4,380 60
4,670 65
4,880 70
5,120 75
5,360 80

Rear axle (lbs) Pressure (PSI)
6,000 40
6,520 45
7,060 50
7,500 55
7,980 60
8,600 65
8,880 70
9,320 75
9,880 80

This software is not published or sponsored by Lazy Daze, Inc. Lazy Daze specifications and floorplans are used by permission. Any errors are the sole responsibility of the author, Andy Baird.