Uphoulstery Smeldy: was dyes March 28, 2001, 06:10:57 pm Yahoo Message Number: 2929In the 14 years that we had our LD, it never quit smelling. We got the thing because we wanted mobile shelter for a 5-week trip to Alaska. I even put dymo-tape labels on all of the storage cupboards and drawer so that we could inventory the rig when we rented it out!In the wonderful trip, we go so comfortablw with the Lazy Daze (Bungalow Truck) that we kept it!Every time we went inside the BT, the upholstery smell would remind us that we could roll down the driveway and escape! Enter, and your eyeblink rate would slow down: a world apart.Never any hurtfull aromas, no headaces, but HOME.bob