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Topic: Health Warning (Read 3 times) previous topic - next topic
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Health Warning
Yahoo Message Number: 23012
Since this group travels a lot I thought I would post this information concerning Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis). I contracted this disease 3 years ago in southern california where I live. It is very prevalent in the south western US. You can read about the disease and my personal history on my web page: http://members.tripod.com/~B_u_d/vf.htm

This can be a dibilitating illness that is often mis-diagnosed as pneumonia or flu virus. You may have already been infected and not know it. The Cocci will be dormant in your system only to rear it's ugly head when your immune system is overloaded.

Another site to check out that I contribute to is: http://www.valleyfeversurvivor.com/ there is good information there also. We are attempting to inform all that we can about this disease.
Please pass this information on to all those that you know who travel in the south western US.



former LD owner, see a pic of my last LD http://members.tripod.com/~B_u_d/LD.html wannabe again
Jerry Galang
Meridian, ID 83646

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Health Warning
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 23014
 You have my sympathy, it sounds like you've been through quite an ordeal.  Your website says that the disease is contracted from inhaling spores from contaminated soil.  Is there any way to recognize if soil is contaminated with these spores?


Jerry budster59@...> wrote: Since this group travels a lot I thought I would post this information concerning Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis).

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Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Health Warning
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 23015
David Envers  wrote: Is there any way to recognize if soil is contaminated with these spores?

Dave, No there isn't a way to tell. You just have to be aware of the endemic areas, southern california, arizona, new mexico, west texas.
If you are in these areas and can see dust in the air, don't breath it in. Close your windows, turn the ac on re-circulate. Even a 'SARS' type mask will not work as the spores are only 2 microns in diameter.


Jerry Galang
Meridian, ID 83646