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Topic: The Rabbit Died!! (Read 39 times) previous topic - next topic
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The Rabbit Died!!
Yahoo Message Number: 20111
Well, I'm 'with child' as of this afternoon. Went to the Mother Ship, and rather than get the minor repairs and stuff done as planned, I plunked down the $$$ on the following:

Blue & White, 261/2' Rear Bath 2 extra 12-volt outlets - one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen Bigger Air Conditioner (thanks to Lindley's experience and advice) 40 Channel CB because I caravan and like to yak with truckers when all else fails Leatherette on both front seats, no charge, thanks to a little deal Ed came up with.
Manual Satellite and 400 watt inverter for said satellite 10 Disc CD Changer with AM/FM/Cassette and Remote Control

Get my 2 110Watt Solars that are on my 1987 LD put on the new one And, I think I was successful in getting them to leave off the wooden magazine rack and the clock.
 Ed was a delight - I gave him a copy of that beautiful picture Bill Haas took of Mz. Daisy in the grasslands - he's going to get it framed.
 I think that's it. The EDC (expected date of confinement) is sometime in November -

How's that for avoiding maintenance?

Sarah, Mz. Daisy, and the Toad in Orange County    ~^_^~

Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 20114
Sarah, I drove out from L.A. and placed my 26 RB order last Monday. As much as Ed frets about people changing their minds after signing on the dotted line, I am sure that I want to make a few minor changes, and your config raises some questions for me. As you have the benefit of LD experience (which I do not):
1) What prompted you to order the extra 12v outlets?
2) I'm not convinced about the necessity for the 15,000 BTU even after reading Linley's post. Do you REALLY think I should be?
3) You don't mention it, but I notice that several people have mentioned that they thought the Electric Step was "essential." I didn't order it, but what do you think?
4) I also didn't order the CB but am going to have that added when I go out next week.
 Funny that we both did this: I also told Ed last week that I wanted the clock and mag rack left off, and he said they'd "try" to do that.
I'm not getting the satellite because I rarely watch broadcast TV, but did get 2 solars with inverter because I eventually want to upgrade the audio & video systems for DVD mini "home theater". Am wondering about getting Sirius satellite radio antenna installed.
Any words of wisdom on all this? - David Walker

Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 20117
Hi Sarah ---
 You rascal, you!  Art and I are so happy for you!  We had no idea you were even considering ordering a new LD...had this been

Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 20119

Congratulations!  Wow, that is an expensive "repair"!

and... the gestation period is about the same as for humans :)

I am curious about one thing.  You said that you ordered the leatherette seats.  Are these the same as the  vinyl faux leather (whichis what I have on order) or are they made with the new leather- like material that Steve did as a one-off for someone in this group.

When I contacted Steve to try to order, he indicated that they probably wouldn't be coming out with the new material before the 2004 models.

congrats again,

Mike S.
'06 30' TB Anniversary Edition

Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 20120
Wow! Sarah, you really surprised a bunch of people!  (And yourself?)

Congratulations! Will this be a "Mz. Daisy Two"?

I guess I'd really fall off my chair if Andy did this!

Sharon N.

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 20121
Sarah -
 Congratulations!  Now I'm jealous!  Your LD will be newer than ours!  But I like your choice of colors - same as ours.  We gotta get together on the road someday.

--Al in Bremerton --2002 26.5 MB

on 3/22/03 7:40 PM, Sarah Blackwood wrote:

Re: Sarah's new rig
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 20122
I'm not Sarah (obviously!), but I can't resist putting in my oar. She will have her own answers, I'm sure.

1. You just can't have too many outlets--both 12V and 120V. You need them  for running/charging your laptop computer, cell phone, FRS/GMRS walkie  talkies, portable shortwave radio, battery charger, camcorder, digital still  camera, GPS receiver, portable Fan-Tastic fan, table lamp, and a zillion other  things you have or will acquire in your travels. And you want them distributed  all through the coach, so you don't have to string wires  from here to there.

2. Do you need the larger A/C unit? Depends on where you're going. If you  plan to spend much time in the southeast or the desert southwest, get it. If  you're not sure, get it. If you buy the smaller one and find out later that it just  doesn't quite have the capacity you need, retrofitting a bigger one will be a  VERY expensive upgrade! Better to get the extra capacity now.

3. Opinions on electric steps are divided. People who have them generally  like them very much. People who don't (like me) can't imagine why you'd  spend three or four hundred dollars for this when you don't even need the  manual step because the coach is so close to the ground. The only times I've  used my steps were when I was going to have an elderly visitor I knew had  mobility problems. Normally I leave the step retracted and just walk right into  the coach--it's no effort.

4. Even if you don't like to chat with truckers, the CB is an important safety  accessory. You're right to order it.

5. As you may know from the "Improving Gertie" portion (http://

www.andybaird.com/travels/gertie/improv.htm) of my "Travels with Gertie" website, I removed my wooden magazine rack and replaced it with plastic wall pockets from Staples. Much more practical! As for the clock, I replaced its guts with a radio-controlled movement from Klockit ($14.95) that automatically syncs with the Bureau of Standards atomic clock in Ft. Collins, CO. Cheap and easy to do.
 You'll find a number of posts about Sirius and XM satellite radio here if you search the archive. I'd think carefully about the choice of service. Sirius carries NPR while XM does not, but XM has ten times the customer base and seems more likely to survive in the long run. When you buy one of these things, it isn't like buying a regular AM/FM radio--you're tying the knot with a single provider and betting that company will stay in business, because that's your sole source of listening material. It would not be good to get stuck with a satellite radio receiver that went permanently dead because the only provider went belly up.

Andy Baird :-)
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Was: The Rabbit Died!! Now: why I chose what I chose
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 20129
David  wrote: (snip)

1) What prompted you to order the extra 12v outlets?    My current use of 12-Volt outlets is pretty high. Everyone probably doesn't  need them, but here's how I use them:  Re-charge the laptop, electric toothbrush, cell phone, batteries for the  Digital Camera (thanks to Andy Baird), Batteries for other odds and ends of  things, portable 12-volt TV - things like that. I simple like the  convenience of being able to hook up everything at once if I want to.

2) I'm not convinced about the necessity for the 15,000 BTU even after  reading Linley's post. Do you REALLY think I should be?    I'm going to let Linley answer this one if he's so inclined. I had the good  fortune to get to know Linley and his wife Celia at the Life on Wheels  Conference last summer. He's one of the smartest people I know, and has the  special ability to answer technical questions very clearly.  I've asked his  advice on many occasions, and when Linley tells me something, I know I can  take it to the bank.

3) You don't mention it, but I notice that several people have mentioned  that they thought the Electric Step was "essential." I didn't order it, but  what do you think?    I have a manual one now, and it's sure easy to use. However, several LD  owners who have newer LDs told me that the new ones are higher off the  ground than mine and it makes stepping up or down a bit of a trip when the  step's not deployed. So here's what I did: while in the showroom, I moved  their 'permanent' wooden step, and stepped in and out of the RV without the  step several times - even pretended it was raining cats and dogs. Not a  problem. Next I deployed the manual step, and it's even slicker than mine -  - quick as a wink. So, my decision was go manual. Others would chose  otherwise.

4) - - - Am wondering about getting Sirius satellite radio antenna
Any words of wisdom on all this? - - -

I'm going to add the Satellite Receiver for radio later - I've been corresponding with a Art Bergreen and Andy Baird (from the LD list) about this, and I'm copying a comment from one of them here. I'm going to go with XM Radio. It has a bit of advertising, and Sirius doesn't.

http://www.xmradio.com/ http://www.siriusradio.com/

Note that the two systems are incompatible and the equipment for each does not work with the other system. We have XM, and Bob Filler (atacamagold on Yahoo) decided XM was financially stronger.

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Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 20130
Al Kurkoski at kurkoski wrote: (snip)
 - - - - But Ilike your choice of colors - same as ours.  We gotta get together on the road someday. - - -
 Al - I'm sorry I missed you guys when you were in Phoenix, but I'm sure we'll meet up when I get back up to the Seattle area later this spring - I might get to go to the RV-Talk get-to-gether. In any event, I won't leave the area without seeing you two. Many stories to share, huh?

Hugs - Sarah (I'm so excited I can hardly sit still!!!)

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Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 20132
Barbara wrote: (snip) - - You rascal, you!  Art and I are so happy for you! We had no idea you were even considering ordering a new LD...had this been in the works for a while? Happy gestation, my friend! - - -
Barbara, I'm even having morning sickness, - - - or is that just the giddy butterflies that comes with ordering this lovely pile of aluminum and wood? Yeeee-hah!!!!!!

Sarah ~^_^~

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Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 20136
- - - Congratulations!  Wow, that is an expensive "repair"! and... the gestation period is about the same as for humans :)

I am curious about one thing.  You said that you ordered the leatherette seats.  Are these the same as the  vinyl faux leather (whichis what I have on order)

Mike - it's the faux leather. Isn't this just a hoot?


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Re: Sarah's new rig
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 20139
Andy, After reading your most helpful letter, I followed the lead to your web site with its exhaustive list of "Gertie" alterations. You are amazing! I used to think of myself as a tinkerer of sorts, but now this rank amateur has encountered the Master. I don't think I could beg

Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 20140
4) I also didn't order the CB but am going to have that added when I
go out next week.

If you go to any LD Caravan Club outings a CB is essential.  If you travel with others, CBs are very nice to have.  A CB is useful to get info from truckers when there are traffic problems.

    I'm not getting the satellite because I rarely watch broadcast
TV, but did get 2 solars with inverter because I eventually want to upgrade the audio & video systems for DVD mini "home theater". Am wondering about getting Sirius satellite radio antenna installed.

I'd recommend having the satellite antenna mounted only if you are sure which service you want to subscribe to.  An alternative, is to ask LD if they will install a pipe through the roof with a vent cap covering it.  An LDer friend of ours did this because he was expecting to add antennas on the roof.  After putting two up there myself (and considering a third), I wish I had something like that.

Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 20144
Sarah, Congratulations!!! I agree that the gestation period is terribly rough.  At least you'll be able to enjoy your current LD until the new one is ready.  We're hopefully in the last 4 to 5 weeks before "delivery" of our 26.5 MB, and right now we've got cabin fever so bad we can't stand it.  We've had a couple of weeks now of 60 to 70 degree weather here in West TN and all we can talk about is wanting to hit the road to somewhere, anywhere.


PS:  Please keep the travel reports coming.  I've started a file of "don't miss" spots based on your posts.  Thanks for the ideas.

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 20146
Sharon wrote: (snip) - - Congratulations! Will this be a "Mz. Daisy Two"? - - -
 Well, I had a talk with Mz. Daisy, (anthropomorphic as she is - - ) and she said that she'd be flattered to have a younger lady called Mz. Daisy, and I rather like your idea of "Mz. Daisy Two". Hm-m-m

Sarah, Mz. Daisy the Older, and the Toad in Orange County, CA

Gertie modifications (long)
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 20148
Thanks for your kind words about the Gertie website, David. Bear in mind that Gertie is 18 years old, so many of the modifications I made will probably not be necessary. And of course, the really major work had been done by Judie and Gary, her previous owners--in particular, I have them to thank for the heavy-duty electrical system.
 I'll be happy to take a crack at your questions; the answers (and the discussion they provoke) may be food for thought for others in the future.
That's what's great about this group!
 "If you were in my shoes right now, where would you add extra outlets (both 12V & 120V)?"
 I don't know the RB floorplan very well, but a good rule of thumb is "wherever there's a horizontal surface." That's where power-using equipment tends to accumulate: kitchen and bathroom counters, the dinette table, even the overcab bedroom...
 "I notice you have a far larger Inverter. LD offers only the 400w. Do you think this will prove to be inadequate?"
 The answer really depends on your electrical needs. Gertie's previous oiwners were a NASA engineer and an ex-Apple employee, and they use a lot of electronics gear--as do I (a software designer and photographer).  They installed the 2,000W inverter, four solar panels and four gel batteries, and I'm grateful for that. Could I get by with less? Oh, probably. But the heavy power at my disposal, and the boondocking independence it affords me, are such a wonderful luxury for a techie like me! ;-)
 A few general comments: big inverters are VERY expensive. 300W costs about $75, but 2,000W will run you $1,200-$1,500. You really need to think hard about spending that kind of money. Also, it's no good having a big inverter if it drains your batteries in ten minutes...and it's no good having lots of batteries if you don't have the solar power to keep them charged. In short, the parts of system have to be matched.
 Since LD won't install a bigger inverter even if you ask, you might as well try the 400W one and see how you get along with it. Chances are you'll  find it adequate; but if not, you can retrofit a larger one.
 "And what about my choice of Inverter placement? I ordered it installed in that high cabinet so that it would be convenient for plugging in any future AV equipment."
 Your choice of location seems reasonable, given what you intend to do. Bear in mind that in Gertie's case, unlike LD's standard practice, *all* 120VAC outlets are powered by the inverter when it's on--so its physical location makes no difference. again, this is something you have no choice about as far as LD is concerned, so you may as well live with it...and rewire later if necessary.
 "I cannot conceivably imagine doing so in the summer. November through April is when one goes to the desert."
 Fair enough; it sounds as if you know what you'll be encountering, so you should be OK...and if it gets too hot, you can always head north.

"I'm thinking of a cookoo clock for the wall..... (just kidding!)"

Ooh, great idea! Can you get one that's radio-controlled from the Schwarzwald in Bavaria? ;-)
 "NPR would be my Number One reason for getting it in the first place (as well as a source for good classical music programming"
 Agreed; I listen to my local public radio station quite a lot for classical music. I would be very reluctant to buy a satellite radio system that didn't carry NPR (although I find Deutsche Welle's nightly "NewsLink" shortwave broadcast a good alternative for international news). Matter of fact, Gertie's previous owners just emailed to ask how the war is going--they've been driving all week through parts of Texas where there apparently is no NPR, and all you can get is round-the-clock country/western music and evangelical Christian radio.
 I shouldn't have painted Sirius in quite such gloomy terms. Your Mac analogy is apt; I've been hearing for literally twenty years that Apple is imminently doomed, but their products are stronger than ever. (Funny, nobody ever says BMW is doomed because they have a 2% market share. ;-) And of course LD is another case of a top-quality product with minuscule market share--which may be why so many LD owners are also Macophiles. But I digress. ;-)
 You have to understand that I don't have either satellite radio system, so my opinion on this is of limited value--when traveling, I rely on my 20GB iPod, which holds my entire CD collection. I don't even know whether the two systems' antennas are interchangeable--you'd have to check with an installer.
I like the idea someone else mentioned of having LD install a through-pipe in the roof with a cap...that way you can bring in whatever cables you need in the future. As an alternative, you can always use the refrigerator vent. That's how Gertie's solar panels get their power into the coach.

"I want to make the right decisions now rather than have remorse in November."
 Of course. But don't let yourself get too worried about it. Remember, Gertie came from the factory without solar panels, extra batteries, an inverter and quite a lot of other things. She's a shining example of how much you can add later!

Andy Baird :-)
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 20152
Charles wrote: (snip) - - - At least you'll be able to enjoy your current LD until the new one is ready. - - -
 Hey Charles, you're so right. I'm really lucky to have a Lazy Daze already - the wait otherwise could be miserable.
 - - - Please keep the travel reports coming.  I've started a file of "don't miss" spots based on your posts. - - -
 I appreciate the nice comment about the travel reports - I file other people's favorite places away also. It's a great way to see the USA.

Happy Trails - Sarah

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Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 20159
Soooo, do you think you like full timing :-).....?

You're an inspiration to all of us!


Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 20170

You are going to love the difference between the old and new 'Mz. Daisys'. You have the best of two worlds now. If you are going to have to wait 8 months for the new LD to hatch, at least you have your old one to wait in. We waited until just a month before the new one was ready before selling the old LD. They are sooo easy to sell if clean.

If LD will install an extra vent cap for future antennas, do it. It is difficult to install them afterwards. I just spent a day installing two antennas and running the wires inside is a real pain.


2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 20191
Larry wrote: (snip) - - - If LD will install an extra vent cap for future antennas, do it. It is difficult to install them afterwards. I just spent a day installing two antennas and running the wires inside is a real pain. - - -

Hi Larry - I'm going back out to the Mother Ship this Friday to talk to Ed and Steve about a few things (i.e. I'm going to add the entertainment center ~^_^~) and I sure will talk to them about installing that capped pathway.
I'm hoping that I read on this list that they've already done it for someone.
 I enjoyed the time I spent at the factory last Saturday with Ed - he certainly knows his stuff, and gave me some suggestions that I hadn't thought about.  I didn't get the real factory tour (it was closed on Saturday) or see the video about the Lazy Daze that rolled over, so I'm going to do that while I'm there this Friday.
 You guys sure are giving me good ideas and lots of encouragement - thanks heaps -

Sarah in Orange, CA or thereabouts, until the Escapade

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[Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 20209
Sarah, would you be willing to share some of Ed's suggestions that you "hadn't thought of"?--- Also, a report of your follow up visit would be so wonderful if you have the time.
Thanksabunch, Lorna
2003 RB

[Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #22
Yahoo Message Number: 20218
I'm hoping that I read on this list that they've already done it for someone.
Hi Sarah, It was good to meet you at Death Valley.
I had LD install a cable access on the roof both for my old '93 and again on my '02.  It's basically an additional vent cap, with a removable lid,  mounted where a hole may be safely drilled through the roof.  They did not drill the hole, that became my job.  But not difficult.  I believe I used about a 1/2" hole as I had several antenna cables coming in.  Then sealed it with the Parlastic that LD sells.  They did the same but separate install for the satellite dish with its own vent cap.  I will probably try to reopen the sealant to add an XM and a cellular antenna.   We'll see how that goes.

Regards,  Steve T

Was The Rabbit Died!! Now: Ed's suggestions
Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 20224
Lorna wrote (snip) - - - would you be willing to share some of Ed's suggestions that you "hadn't thought of"? - - -
 Well, it's really not a very big deal, but here it is. I had 100% decided to go in there and buy a 26 1/2' Mid Bath with the two couches, because I just absolutely LOVE those three big windows in the back. As Ed got to know how I travel (alone) and what I like (wide open view and places for people to sit and visit) he pointed out that the rear bath is actually the most open of them all. He agreed that the Mid Bath was great for people with families because of how the MB actually divides the RV up into two sleeping spaces.
(Rear and the overhead) Since I travel sans kids, and love to have a bunch of people over for yakking, it turns out that he was right. The Rear Bath gives me what I really want. Lots of open space - I still have the big windows, including the fact that I can see out the back from the front, and places for lots of people to sit together. It's even called the party model.
So after November, 'come on over!!!'
 We mostly just agreed about everything else - the Satellite thing, manual step - stuff like that.
 Now I'm not writing this to convince anyone else that they should get this model. There are pros and cons to each one of the floor plans. The beauty of the whole thing is to be able to just sit there and think about how you live - experience the coach. What a fun day.
 - - - Also, a report of your follow up visit would be so wonderful if you have the time. - - -

OK, will do.

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Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: The Rabbit Died!!
Reply #24
Yahoo Message Number: 20226
Steve T wrote: (snip) - - -  It was good to meet you at Death Valley.
I had LD install a cable access on the roof both for my old '93 and again on my '02.  It's basically an additional vent cap, with a removable lid,  mounted where a hole may be safely drilled through the roof.  They did not drill the hole, - - -
 Hey Steve T - good to hear from you again. I'm ready to go off-roading again with the DVD's!! I think of you everytime I see a new toy like the remote temp sensors. ~^_^~
 Now let me see if really understand what they did. They did NOT drill the hole in the roof, they just put a vent cap on the roof to sort-of mark a place where it would be safe for you to drill a hole. Right? Let me know if I got it or not.

Happy Trails - Sarah in Orange, CA

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