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Topic: Most beautiful place/Price of Gas (Read 2 times) previous topic - next topic
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Most beautiful place/Price of Gas
Yahoo Message Number: 19796
Mac, You wrote about some concerns regarding the cost of gas that was holding you back from ordering a LD. Here are some thoughts and observations from one who is on the 5th month of waiting. Last year, when I was reading through the archives, I came across a couple of sad posts. One person was travelling solo, their spouse had died after they had placed their order. Another had to sell their new LD after only 2 months because of health reasons. Then another person, whose screen name was ironically "fearless" went through the long wait, had a misshap on the way home when the "toad" came loose and never took a trip in the LD. He said his circumstances changed with the crash of the stock market and needed to sell his LD with NO miles on it. I guess what I am saying in a long winded fashion, is if this is something you want and can afford, can you afford to NOT order it now? There are always reasons and people to tell you not to do something. If you order now, you would not be getting a new LD until November and gas will probably be back in a reasonable price range.
You could also view the low interest rates that are available as helping to lower the cost of ownership. I don't know how I could put a price tag on watching the sun set over the Grand Tetons at Oxbow Bend with moose and elk grazing on the other side of the Snake River.
Or the thrill of watching a Grizzly and her two cubs competing with a coyote and some large birds for a carcass in Yellowstone. Or the sun rising in Coral Reef, or...... I could go on. The price of regret is always high. Do it now if you can! Steve K (in muddy Ohio)
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: Most beautiful place/Price of Gas
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 19873
...... I could go on. The price of regret is

always high. Do it now if you can! Steve K (in muddy Ohio)
To quote Mark Twain:

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream."   (...and do it in your Lazy Daze!)

Chris Horst
2002 30'
Formerly: 2002 30' IB