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Topic: Over sensitive smoke detector (Read 6 times) previous topic - next topic
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Over sensitive smoke detector
Yahoo Message Number: 19611
Just want to know if others are having the same problem with the smoke detector going off when there is no visible smoke. I cannot even make toast in a toaster sitting on the stove with the vent fan going without the detector going off. Cooking bacon. Forget it. I always use the vent hood fan even though it sounds like a 747 :) and weather permitting, the bath vent fan to try to draw air flow toward the back rather than front where the detector is located. (RB model)

Every time it goes off I take it down and cover it with a blanket until the cooking is done. I then return it unless I forget for awhile!!

I have talked with others in this RV park and most have removed their smoke detectors permanently. For obvious reasons I don't want to do this and will live with it as is unless there is a better less sensitive model that works for this small space.

Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 19613
"Just want to know if others are having the same problem with the smoke detector going off when there is no visible smoke"

Our old LD had a smoke detector that was extremely sensitive, like yours. I found a suitable inexpensive replacement at Home Depot. It should have " for RV use" printed on the back of the new detector and on the packaging. The new smoke detector only sounded when something was burning.
Try moving it as far from the kitchen as possible. It is mounted with two screws and is easy to relocate.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 19622
The new smoke detector only sounded when something

was burning.
Are these things rated for sensitivity? I have had sensitivity problems with detectors in a home before but no problems in my current home. I would hate to buy another one and have the same problem because of the small space.

Try moving it as far from the kitchen as possible.
I have considered moving it to the front of the coach. I expect it's current placement is because it it by the exit door but maybe this is not as important in such a small space.

When I hear that so many people have removed them permanently, I am concerned for their safety. You would think that the industry would come up with a suitable solution.

Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 19623
Just wanted to share what we do with our over-sensitive smoke detector...
 Whenever we know we'll be cooking something that is bound to set it off, we just temporarily cover it with a Saran QuickCover (those wonderful plastic- wrap covers reminiscent of shower caps).  We use the small size, which fits perfectly; and it's magenta-colored, so it's obvious enough that we notice it and remember to take it off when we're finished cooking.

It works like a charm!

--- Barbara

Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 19624
just temporarily cover it with a Saran QuickCover
Thanks Barbara. I'm going to try that. I always opt for the easy solution first.


Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 19625
I have a 23'FL (RB) and had the same problem. But opening the Fantastic vent on one side and the bath vent on the other stopped the problem.  The detector is in the front of the coach.  If necessary turn on one of the vents.  And I don't use the range fan.
There will be variations between coaches.
Steve T

Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 19626
opening the
Fantastic vent on one side and the bath vent on the other stopped the problem.
Windows open, all fans on is fine in fair weather but this in not always comfortable even in Tropical Texas :) and IMO shouldn't be necesary. The placement of my fantastic fan actually pulls the air flow over the detector so in cool weather I use the hood fan and the bath fan to pull air flow away from the detector. Still goes off.

This is more of an irritant than a real problem except for those people I have met (not Lazy Daze owners) that have eliminated their smoke detectors.

Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 19628
The FF can be set to blow in, with the bathroom vent set to blow out.  This should move the air to the rear.


Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 19632
"Just want to know if others are having the same problem with the smoke detector going off when there is no visible smoke."
 Used to happen to me all the time, and it drove me crazy. Disconnecting your smoke detector (as the others you talked with did) is like driving without seatbelts--suicidal. Fortunately, the fix is easy: get an RV-certified smoke detector. I learned this (among many other things) at Mac McCoy's fire ssafety seminar at last year's Escapees Fall Escapade. Quoiing from my journal(http://
www.andybaird.com/travels/escapade/escapade10.htm and http://
 "I also bought from Mac a $21 Firex #4651 RV-certified smoke detector and mounted it over the head of the "upstairs" bed. It should avoid the incessant chirping I was having with the two different generic-brand detectors I had tried in the lounge area. (As soon as I'd install one it would start periodically chirping as if its battery were low, and I'd have to disconnect it to keep from going crazy.)
 "You see, I had learned from Mac's seminar that the RV-certified smoke detectors have circuit boards that are potted (dipped in plastic) to prevent them from being influenced by moisture and to lessen the effects of vibration.
That's why the cheap ones you buy at Wal-Mart are fine for homes, but don't work so well in RVs, as I had already found out! The RV rating, by the way, is not even mentioned on the box; it's hidden inside the case in fine print."
 Since installing the Firex #4651 detector last fall I haven't had a single false alarm.

Andy Baird:-)
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 19637
Fortunately, the fix is easy: get an RV-certified smoke detector.  . . . "You see, I had learned from Mac's seminar that the RV-certified smoke detectors have circuit boards that are potted (dipped in plastic) to prevent them from being influenced by moisture and to lessen the effects of vibration.
I understand the need to do this when replacing the smoke detector in an older unit, but surely the smoke detectors the LD factory is installing are RV-certified aren't they?


Re: Over sensitive smoke detector
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 19638
but surely the smoke detectors

the LD factory is installing are RV-certified aren't they?

Just looked this up. Per LD manual "A RV approved smoke alarm is provided......" From alarm owners manual and checking the back of the detector, it is a Firex Model C and there are instrux as to where to mount in a mobile home.