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A different point of view
Yahoo Message Number: 19581
My use of a LD seems to be different from the majority in this group and I want potential owners to know that a LD works for those that do not plan to do much of the traditional remote travel and boondocking.

I purchased my LD with the intention of full-timing and only rarely being without hookups.  As a single, I did not have the privacy issues that favor the two room configuration of the MB and chose the wide open RB. I also did not wish to crawl up into the overhead sleeping area every night so I opted for the entertainment center. I find the pull out sofa very comfortable to sleep. Yes, I have to make it up every night and put it away every morning but this is not a big deal. I use a flat sheet and a down comforter with a washable duvet. Note, I only pull it out to twin size and this may not be as convenient for couples who would have to pull it out and fold down the back cushion etc. . At a greater size it would also eliminate the floor space between the bed and the chairs. Could be awkward, but it sure works for me.  There are other inconveniences of this lifestyle more significant than daily bed making i.e. dumping tanks, laundry, no dishwasher and I just defrosted a fridge for the first time in many years.

Does someone like me really need a Lazy Daze? I researched this project extensively before making my decision.

I am mechanically challenged and as any RV is a very complex set up I needed reliability. Repairs and major maintenance will have to be done by pros and will cost. I have learned to do some minor maintenance chores and will continue to educate myself on all these things so at least I can find the right pros to do necessary repairs/maintenance in the future. For example, my attitude toward changing tires is that is what cell phones and roadside assistance is for! But I have learned how to check tire pressure. On my delivery check out the only thing under the hood that interested me is `where do you put the washer fluid'.

Sometimes RV internet sites like this one can frighten newbies because they tend to focus on problems. In reality, the pleasures and the things that go right are far more frequent that the problems. It's just that nobody talks about the equipment that works the way it is supposed to work.

Until I picked up my LD, I had never driven anything bigger than a car and this was a big issue with me. To say I was nervous would be conservative.  My LD drives as promised. Now I can't believe that I

was so up tight about this.

Not everyone is interested in the same things but a LD fits many lifestyles. This is one decision I got right.

Love my Lazy Daze.

Re: A different point of view
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 19586
Dear Linda,  I enjoyed your posting.  We are not the most mechanically inclined, team.  We are considering a LD for the same reasons you stated in your message. The internet resources are wonderful and this group is amazing, I guess we will be constantly learning how to do things. Have you found that the 26 LD is small and mobile enough to comply with most site requirements in N parks and N forests?  We figure we may be more cramped inside than with a bigger unit with slide out and frills, but we are "out there" to be "out side", otherwise we could stay home.  Do you live on your LD?   Sharon

Re: A different point of view
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 19592
Sometimes RV internet sites like this one can frighten newbies because they tend to focus on problems. In reality, the pleasures and the things that go right are far more frequent that the problems. It's just that nobody talks about the equipment that works the way it is supposed to work.
Linda, bear in mind the the 'raison d'etre' for this site (historically) was as an alternative for LD owners who did NOT purchase them from the factory. It did not have to be on the internet, but that is just the first medium of choice these days. As a consequence, most club members had purchased their units used, and along with that come the problems. This forum was handy as a way for folks to decipher, share, and iron out these issues, since the systems, construction, and chassis were similar. As a matter of fact, had it been started as a forum for owners of new models, it probably would have become boring in short order -  they are just too well put together.

Still, new units grow into old units, and if a lot of travel is factored into the equation - you can expect a lot more systems problems down the road than you would in a stationary house. If you travel little - the chassis and drivetrain will still suffer, and those problems can be even more expensive. If this site continues to be around enough years down the line, and you follow the tips and maintenance sugeested here, you can keep that LD in top shape and as enjoyable as the day you drove it off the showroom floor.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: A different point of view
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 19594
Have you found that the 26 LD is small and mobile enough to comply
with most site requirements in N parks and N forests?

Will leave to others to answer this as so far I have only stayed in commercial parks and don't plan to stay in "primitive" places frequently. That is not why I purchased a LD.

We figure we may be more cramped inside.
I have had the opportunity to visit with many people in different rigs which is very different than looking at pristine models at a dealer.  Most are living in their set up for at least 4-5 months in the winter. Many are larger than my LD but with the exception of the $200,000+ 35-40'Class A's none feel more spacious than my RB. Part of the reason is the wide open layout with no separate sleeping area but I certainly understand those that prefer having two separate rooms. It's a trade off.

Another reason is the wonderfull extra large windows. Also, general clutter. My LD has plenty of storage and I am very carefull about keeping everything put away in it's "place". This does not come naturally for me but it does not take much to overwhelm this small space. Another reason I like the entertainment center is that it provides lots of storage and all "sins" are hidden behind attractive cabinets.

Do you live on your LD?
I have since I picked it up in Jan. and will be until I get home in May. I then intend to get rid of "stuff" and be a real full-timer by mid march.

**Anyone want to buy a condo in Minneapolis? :)


Re: A different point of view
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 19597
Steve I did not mean to sound critical of this or any other informative RV internet site. I love this group and have read almost every message posted. I agree with what you say and know full well that as my rig ages the problems will come. I hope to have my LD for the next 20+ years and it is the advice from this group that will help me keep it on the road, safe and functioning for that long.

My point was that I was frightened off of this lifestyle for over a year because it is easy to get the impression that there are ONLY problems with RVs. Yes, I will have my share. But with proper maintenance the problems should not out weigh the pleasures.


Re: A different point of view
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 19610
Linda, There are lots of folks that like to camp mostly with hook-ups. Many like to have at least water and electric but full hook-ups is even better so you don't have to wait in line at a dump station. My wife likes full hook-ups not having ever been a real camper. She also likes to take long showers and bath our daughter in the tub so without hook-ups that isn't really possible (without dumping and filling the water tank often) so we balance between both types. I prefer the more primitive camp grounds because they give more privacy and are generally prettier places and not tenament style where they pack you in like sardines. My wife is beginning to like those more but still likes to have the hook-ups.
 We also got the LD because we wanted something reliable and they had the best durability rating. After having seen all the rest and then LD it was a no brainer as to what rig we'd get! We have only had 2 minor problems with it, a shower hose fitting cracked at the faucet end and a cracked inner window pane in the kitchen and both were promptly taken care of by LD. They even shipped the entire shower head and hose assembly UPS Red even though I told them I was in no rush for it and didn't plan to use the LD for a couple weeks.
 Although I'm handy I prefer NOT to have to work on my RV more than I have to or want to. That means not doing things I don't care to HAVE to do myself! I do like doing certain projects and some work on it but I don't want to do all repairs and maintenance myself when they're needed. I know that as the LD gets older it may require more maintenance or replacement of parts to keep it in top shape but as long as you maintain them well and do the preventative maintenance they will require far less than most other brands. I do some of the maintenance myself but prefer to have many things done by those that do that for a living. Having the appliances and systems done annually costs only a couple hundred dollars and then I can spend the time with my family instead of working on things myself.

There are folks that like to camp with them, others that like to travel with them, and others like to do a little of both. Regardless of what your intended use of them is there is no better Class C to do it in than a Lazy Daze!

To each his own!


Re: A different point of view
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 19618
Linda, I will be fulltiming by the end of May (I think) and can't begin to tell you how uplifting your message was.  I too am a mechanically challenged single woman, selected the 26.5RB for its openness and better use of space for a solo traveler and have been extremely apprehensive about my ability to handle a completely unfamiliar set of "challenges" this late in life.  But it's never too late to look for nirvana, and I've always been an adventurer, so let 'er rip!  Thank you for your positive message -- it has done wonders to ease the FUDs (fears, uncertainties and doubts!).  I hope to meet you down the road some day.
Lorna Dunham
2003 RB

Re: A different point of view
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 19621
it has done wonders
to ease the FUDs (fears, uncertainties and doubts!).  I hope to meet you down the road some day.
Lorna Dunham
I know how you feel. I went through the eye rolling and comments from my kids like "what will she do next?" "should we have her committed?" etc. Not very encouraging. Other family members wanted me to buy a condo in AZ so they could come to visit. I had no friends that have done this sort of thing. Now I have many!

Now that the family knows how happy I am with what I am doing the tone has changed completely. They are thrilled for me and my son is coming down to TX next week to visit and check out what this is all about. Well, maybe he's checking up on me!

I only wish that I had had the kind of positive messages from my parents when they were at this stage in their lives that I am able to send my children. Nothing would have pleased me more.

If you want to contact me off site -- lmbaird at yahoo dot com.

A different point of view
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 19595
Send info on the condo, I know of someone who is looking to buy a house in the Twin Cities area.  Long shot, but who knows?  No, I'm not in real estate.

[Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: A different point of view
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 19600
John My comment re condo was in jest and further discussion is not appropirate to this site. I can be contacted at lmbaird at yahoo dot com