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Topic: New Washington Tax Targets Only RV Owners (Read 3 times) previous topic - next topic
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New Washington Tax Targets Only RV Owners
Yahoo Message Number: 19485
Found in a GoodSam newsletter!

Your Action Is Needed Immediately

The Washington State Legislature is now considering a new tax aimed specifically at RVs that would cost RV owners hundreds of dollars a year, every year. A new tax of one half of one percent will be placed on the assessed value of your RV every year, unless this bill is stopped now.

Under House Bill 1142, these tax receipts would be dedicated to the Washington Department of Parks and Recreation for capital expenses and improvement. While finding funding for the Parks Department in a difficult budgetary environment is a noble goal, taxing only RV owners who are not any more likely to use the parks than car owners, hikers or bikers is unfair andwrong.

The bill is sponsored by Representatives McIntire, Armstrong, Dunshee, Cooper, O'Brien, Kenney, Linville, Kagi and Chase. The House Fisheries, Ecology and Parks Committee is now considering the bill.
Members of that committee are Representatives Cooper, Berkey, Sump, Hinkle, Buck, Hatfield, O'Brien, Pearson and Upthegrove. These representatives along with all other House representatives need to hear the RV community's position on this bill.
 Your help is needed to kill this bill now. If you live in Washington state, please contact your elected state representatives to voice your opposition to the legislation. Call
1-800-562-6000 or visit http://dfind.leg.wa.gov/dfinder.cfm for help
 in identifying your representatives and sending them a message. In your phone call or email message, please tell them that:

* As a constituent and RV owner, you are strongly opposed to House Bill 1142.
* This new tax unfairly and wrongly targets only RV owners, who are no more likely than car owners, tent campers, hikers, or bikers to use the parks that this tax is designed to benefit.
* The new tax would represent a financial burden to you in troubled economic times.
* A fairer approach would be to institute user fees at the parks so that funding would be raised from those people actually using the parks.
* Washington voters voted just two years ago to repeal the annual motor vehicle excise tax. Bringing back the tax in another form that applies only to RV owners defies the public's view of such taxes.
* Include your name and address to prove you are a constituent.

Thank you for your help in this very important matter!

To stay updated on this important issue, please visit www. goodsamclub. com



LD Wannabe http://www.budster.com  (my home page)
Jerry Galang
Meridian, ID 83646