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Topic: 2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8 (Read 341 times) previous topic - next topic
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2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8
I’m looking at purchasing one of the two models to roam North America for a few years hiking, fishing, etc.. Aside from the length difference. Any thought on build quality and interior appointments between the two years (ie cabinetry, flooring, appliances, components, etc)? Any thoughts comparing engines?


Re: 2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8
Reply #1
Just for your information I am  beginning to gather information to sell our 2008  27ft MB. I am researching to come up with a price. Very nice LD, garaged during life of vehicle and very low miles 45k+. Original owner. Am thinking to sell since my wife has passed and  has too many memories.
Bill and Linda Hicks
2008 MB

Re: 2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8
Reply #2
Hi Bill, I'm sorry to hear about your loss!  It's never easy to part with someone after such a long time.  That is the biggest burden of the Caravan Club; is the memories of the people that we became friends with, that are no longer with us.
   Grief counsellors usually recommend not making big decisions right away. Sort of have to let things and thoughts percolate for a while.    My and our LDOF thoughts are with you.
    Prices are hard to determine for older coaches.  RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: 2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8
Reply #3
Hi Ron,
Thanks for your thoughts and concern. Wise counsel. Linda passed away 2 1/2years ago so I have held off for a while. The 2 1/2 years may sound like a long time but with me it is not the case. Thanks again for taking the time to share. Enjoy your travels.

Bill and Linda Hicks
2008 MB

Re: 2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8
Reply #4
Newer is better, to the extent you can afford it.   Maintenance and mileage play a large role in how an older coach maintains value.   

Scroll down to 1999 and start reading.   The 2008 will have a substantially updated chassis, transmission, and generator.  There will be desirable engine updates as well, even for the same size engine (thinking spark plug threads here).    Be aware that there were probably some 2008 model year LD's built on a 2007 Ford chasis. 

Changes by year

2003 MB

Re: 2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8
Reply #5
The 2008 LD has a V8, not the V10, it will not be as suitable if the buyer is planning on towing, the V10 isn’t overpowered.
V8 has 450 lbs less CCC than the V10..
Changes by year

The 1999 V10 spits out spark plug which can destroy the engine, the spark plug problem can be rectified with the installation of inserts.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: 2008 LD 23.5 V8 5.4 vs 1999 LD 26.5 V10 6.8
Reply #6
Hi Larry; The 24 foot version, 2008 and newer came with a V8, but in all the V10 was an option. I think just an additional $1k. I'm surprised that Lazy Daze would have any actually 'on hand'. You would probably have had to order a V8 specially. I know of only one V8 of those years in the Caravan Club. That person said he got a $6000 discount (I'll have to check Bill Schriner about that) from the seller (used) because of the V8. He (the seller) said that when people found out that it wasn't the V10, they lost interest rapidly.  So much for any "savings" from paying less upfront. I suspect that it gets the same 10.0 mpg +/- that the rest of us get with the V10.  ( I might get 10.7+ with the Agilis tires and driving slower. The E350 has a slightly lower ratio differential with the V10 )  RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB