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Life changes
My partner Mary passed away last week, mercifully without any pain or discomfort. She had wanted to go on a trip from our Arizona back to her old home in Minnesota, in April, in my old 1991 Lazy Daze 24' RV. Which she loved, enjoying cooking hot dogs on the stove, and the luxury of a nice little bathroom and a generous closet for her clothes. But she is gone now. I'll keep the LD parked by the side of my little house in Tombstone. Perfect as a second bedroom, and to store extra stuff. But no more trips. By myself, it's simpler to go out into the desert or the mountains in my small Ford Transit Connect, very good for one person, rough camping that I enjoy. Life throws changes at us sometimes, changes that you can't see coming. At 79, there may come a time when I run out of cash, and then will sell the house, fire up the Lazy Daze, and drive off into another spectacular Arizona sunset. We'll see!

Re: Life changes
Reply #1
Sorry to learn of Mary’s passing, completely understand leaving the Lazy Daze parked for a while.

May your memories you both made together on your Lazy Daze trips give you comfort.

2017 TK

Re: Life changes
Reply #2
I'm so sorry Jon. My thoughts are with you.  O:)
Jodi, Kevin, and Lincoln (the crazy doodle dog)
2011 TK - also the "DogHaus"- adopted October 2023
2000 30IB - the "DogHaus" - adopted April 2020 - rehomed October 2023

Re: Life changes
Reply #3
Many condolences on the loss of your partner Mary. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
 2001 TK “Dazi”

Re: Life changes
Reply #4
"But she is gone now. I'll keep the LD parked by the side of my little house..."

Heart ache for you Jon! But don't despair. I lost my love 19 years ago, when the LD was new. Putting it on the road was the best thing I could have done, it opened a whole new world for me and gathered many new friends!  :'(
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Life changes
Reply #6
Jon, I am so very sorry to hear of Mary's passing.  There is no pain like that pain.  Somehow you go on.  Sometimes I question the "How" part of it, though.

These dreary days lately in our little (usually) sunshine corner of the world are not helping.

No Visine needed these days.

   Virtual hugs,



Re: Life changes
Reply #7
I can’t even fathom. I’m so sorry for your loss but it seems you are somehow able to keep a positive outlook. Be sure to stay in touch with friends and family through these rough times.
Joe B.
2008 26ft  grey/white Rear Bath
Family of 5 hitting the open road as much as we can.

Re: Life changes
Reply #9
Prayers to you & Mary.  I am certain your memories of Mary and the 91’ Daze were spectacular.
Know that Mary’s spirit is part of you.

17 North to Flagstaff is in your future.
From a Lumberjack Alum,

1994 Twin King

Re: Life changes
Reply #10
After loosing my partner of over 20 years, (the Lazy Daze came first) a few years ago, I understand.  We had just started to happily RV together, he got to meet a bunch of LD'rs at the Balloon Fiesta a month before he passed.  You'll go through a lot of thoughts of the trips that won't come, but maybe find it in your heart to go visit the places Mary wanted to see in her memory.
2005 RB