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Topic: Washed Rig (Read 157 times) previous topic - next topic
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Washed Rig
Today was overcast and 70's, I've been waiting for a cloudy day to wash/wax the rig.   This afternoon my partner and I started with the roof, he hosed while I used the soft brush.   Then we washed one side at a time, he would dry first and I would follow behind with one more wipe.   Then we did the Finish Kare Ultra Polymer Sealant.   He was on the ladder while I was waxing the lower areas.    Then he did all the high areas in the nose over the cab, then he started wiping off the polymer.   While I did under the nose and the hood/sides.  In the past I have done this over the course of a few days.   I feel so much relief to get it all done in one afternoon.   Teamwork made all the difference!  I thought I would post photos.  
1998 MB in Sunnyvale CA

Re: Washed Rig
Reply #1
Nice job!!!
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Washed Rig
Reply #2
Beautiful job. It looks brand new!