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Topic: Who's driving? (Read 188 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Who's driving?
Reply #1
Our Jeep has Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and it has taken time to get used to it and understand its limitations, it is very useful on long drives but in traffic, it is a bit unnerving having it automatically brake to a stop and then accelerate when the car in front of you takes off.
I would have appreciated this feature more during my working days, commuting 37 miles each way, most of it on freeways.
Glad that is over.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Who's driving?
Reply #2
ACC was a godsend for my 28 mile stop and go freeway commute, after I settled in to trusting it and understanding it’s limitations.    Mine is on a Ford Fusion.

It’s a huge stress reducer in stop and go freeway driving.   Frees you up to concentrate on the cars around you, instead of doing that AND keeping watch on the car in front of you to maintain distance.   The 2017 Ford Fusion ACC doesn’t handle folks cutting in front of you well, but since you are now can focus more attention to watch what cars are doing around you, that’s not a problem.   I went from being annoyed having cars in front of me, to actively wanting to follow another car, to let them do the speed up/slow down dance.

Rented Tesla for four days last week for my niece’s wedding in Indianapolis, their ACC is far smoother and effortless compared to Ford’s implementation.  Hard to describe, it’s like the car was designed to always have it, rather than an afterthought with the Ford.   Also helps that the display in the cluster shows all the vehicles it sees, bit of reassurance that the car is aware of its surroundings.

Side note, at the DMV, while waiting to have my RV VIN verified, overheard a driving tester talk to a young driver about to go out, saying the student could not rely upon any automation, like ACC, blind spot, etc, had to demonstrate ability without using any of that, as it should be.   I still think my unmarried twenty something kids will never have to teach their kids to drive in 20 years.

2017 TK

Re: Who's driving?
Reply #3
My first scary moment with ACC was while I was driving north on the 15 north of Las Vegas when a bunch of tumble weeds were crossing the road. The little ones had no reaction from the ACC but, when a 'large one crossed my path the ACC slammed on the brakes, and I mean slammed on the brakes. I went from 75 to 20 mph in a heartbeat, I am thankful the there was no one behind me *whew* . Lesson learned, one that I will never forget, be careful out there...
Jerry Galang
Meridian, ID 83646

Re: Who's driving?
Reply #4
"... and I mean slammed on the brakes."

Guess that's something like the TV commercial wherein a couple come to a screeching halt behind a lunch wagon that has the word 'Tacos' on the back. So, let's have lunch!   :D  :D   ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!