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Topic: A good run... (Read 473 times) previous topic - next topic
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A good run...

My 2003 TK has new owners, great people who will maintain it and enjoy it!

It was a very tough decision to let the LD go after almost 19 years of "goseedo", but health issues made it clear that it was time. I've learned so much and had wonderful (and a few that were not!) adventures along so many roads and in so many beautiful and varied places. The people I've met and the friendships that I've made are treasured; they have enriched my life beyond words. I've camped and RVed for about 60 years, and feel very fortunate to have been able to enjoy the opportunities that this lifestyle has provided, and I will still visit LDO and contribute where I can.

Happy trails to all of you, and many thanks; it has indeed been a good run!

2003 TK has a new home

Re: A good run...
Reply #1
It is good to hear that you plan to stay active on this site.  With 19 years of experience in your Lazy Daze, you have a lot to offer!
2002 M-23 Twin King & 2016 Subaru Forester tow car

Re: A good run...
Reply #2
It's a decision we'll all face sooner or later, Joan, and I know it must hurt. Please stay around--we need your level head and sage advice! Your contributions here over the years have been invaluable. Happy trails to you, even if they are different ones.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: A good run...
Reply #3
Without a doubt you’ve been a great help to Margee and I for more than a few years.  And it’s very good news that you’ll continue to help this neighborhood.   Best wishes Joan. 

Re: A good run...
Reply #4
Thank you for all your shares here Joan.  That's definitely a good long run!  Many blessings to you.
In Boldness & Gratitude,
Amy, Sebastian & Merkat ,,,^..^,,,
Future Laze Daze owners:  27?, 31IB or 31TB

Re: A good run...
Reply #5
Oh wow, that came as a surprise. As an owner of a 2003 TK myself I know parting with it would entail some pretty serious thought.

Thanks for all the great advice.


Re: A good run...
Reply #6
Dear Joan,

Thank you for letting us into your life and able to share in your wisdom. You are a true inspiration.

Please continue to keep us well informed. You have done very well. Your decision to pass your keys to another is the brave thing to do.

Stay strong.


2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: A good run...
Reply #7
Ahh Joan - you and Leah will be so missed.  Glad to know you will still be active and pass on your good advice to this forum.. Can’t thank you enough for all the info, instructions and confidence you gave us gals at your walk around the rig tech talks, so good the guys started coming over to listen in.  Hugs and pets!   Barb and Captain
1992 22' TK

Re: A good run...
Reply #8
Dear Joan,

It was a pleasure to have met you at a Morro Bay GTG many years ago.  I always enjoyed your viewpoint and contributions to the group/family of LD owners.  I wish you well and success in dealing with whatever health issues you are now facing. You are a very strong person, a trait that we all respect and love about you.  Please continue to post to the group.  Thank you for the many memories and the knowledge that you have freely shared.............

Gary & Karen
2007 30' TB

Re: A good run...
Reply #9
Joan, I know it must have been tough to give up something that you thoroughly enjoyed!  But I trust you've had a great ride leaving you lots of memories.  I think it has been nearly twenty years since you hooked up with the Past Tents caravan group.  We frequently ponder what lays ahead for us.  As others have said, please stick around on this site.

Cuidate querida amiga,
Art and Barbara
Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: A good run...
Reply #10
"The people I've met and the friendships that I've made are..."


It's been a long road since the day that you and I stood shoulder to shoulder and got 'numbered in' at that fateful Caravan Club meeting in Live Oak. I remember it like yesterday! We were both looking forward to great new adventures and as it happened I believe we met the challenge. Fair well Sister, please don't be shy, I for one look for your posts.  :'(

Steve S.
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: A good run...
Reply #11
So glad to have met you, friend! Please take care and hope to see you on the forums here.
Jan Forseth
2007 27' Midbath named Footloose

Re: A good run...
Reply #12
Joan, you no longer have a coach, but you will always have a family that loves and treasures you. — Jon&Loni
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: A good run...
Reply #13
Dang, just when I get mine.

Long run indeed, I remember the day my dad gave up his RV keys two years ago (we have differing views on RVs, was never going to use his, too fancy)   Was really tough on him being off the road the next year.  But then YMMV.

Do stick around, your advice has been invaluable over the years.


2017 TK

Re: A good run...
Reply #14
Best of luck, Joan, on the road ahead! Thanks for all your advice and knowledge over the years and glad to hear you'll still be visiting the forum to educate us "newbies!"
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: A good run...
Reply #15

While we have never met, I have learned countless lessons from you on this forum.  Your wealth of knowledge has taught me so much, I thank you and wish you the best in this next chapter of your life. 

Happy Trails to you!

'O6 IB Anniversary Model
Sue, My Copilot
Carlie, our canine princess

Re: A good run...
Reply #16
A good run, indeed, Joan.    Many good times with Northern Exposure of Lazy Daze.    We had 25 years with Lazy Daze, fun times and few *adventures* along the way.   We sold our 2006 RB  18 months ago.   We miss it but know it was the right decision at the right time for us.    Please stay on the forum as you have so much wisdom to impart.

Happy trails,
Juli W.
Minden, NV
Juli W.
Former owner 1994 mid bath,  2006 26.5'rear bath

Re: A good run...
Reply #17
Say it ain't so Joan. I hate to see another member of the Class of 2003 hang up the keys.

It seems like only yesterday that we met you, I think in the parking lot of the Camping World in Morgan Hill on our way home from picking up our LD. I bet you have a clearer memory of that than I do, my memories now always coming with a "Was it like that or was it . . ." And then there are all the Past Tents campouts. And my wife El hanging with the Ladeze and coming home to tell me, "Boy that Joan knows more about RVing than you do."

You know, they have cabins to rent at Cachuma. Throw a sleeping bag in the car and join us.
2003 26.5'RB
Gardnerville, NV

Re: A good run...
Reply #18
Happy trails!
2021 Mid Bath

Re: A good run...
Reply #20
Joan, I'm saddened that you have 'graduated' to the Lazy Daze Alumni Association.  I'd rather we'd all go on forever, but that is never in the cards.   You answered my early question about YMMV and I have passed on GOAL and other wisdoms I learned from you.
I do hope to see you and Leah down the road sometime, somewhere.
Joel & Terry
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: A good run...
Reply #21
Thank you, Joan, for the presentations you gave at both the Lazy Daze Jubilee and at the Ladeze campouts, all the hand-outs, and the numerous questions you answered over my 19 years of RVing with Lazy Dazes.  Sharing your knowledge of RVing and the sound advice you gave was so much appreciated.  Wishing you all the best in your next chapter of life. 

2017 MB

Re: A good run...
Reply #22
"Sharing your knowledge of RVing and the sound advice you gave was so much appreciated."

What else could we have expected of a former School Marm? There, I said it, the little kept secret she's been hiding all these years.   :D
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: A good run...
Reply #23
Countless women Lazy Dazers have driven millions of miles with confidence and mastery of all things Lazy Daze because of Joan's warm, generous extraordinary range of wisdom.  And that's just from those of us fortunate to have attended Ladeze functions.  As for the rest of you here on this forum ... better give Joan lots more good stuff to sink her teeth into because, best of all, she was born with the teacher gene and loves sharing her knowledge  - or will tell you where to look for it.

And, agreeing with Jon and Loni, Joan is family.
2003 RB

Re: A good run...
Reply #24
Oh Joan... I have had a few conversations with you, but your vibrant wisdom was always evident! So much wish for more to come...all the best...Bill Benson
2005 MB