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Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Yep… I got bit by the cat thieves… ouch!

I went to visit my relatives for the holidays and there wasn’t any place to keep the LD nearby.  So I paid for a month at a RV storage lot in Las Vegas and then flew out to see the folks.  I should have known better but as they say, hindsight is 20-20.  Anyway, I flew into Las Vegas yesterday morning and took a Lyft ride out to the storage lot.  Everything seemed OK until I turned over the engine.  Then, SURPRISE… my brand new 2021 MB is making more noise than a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Oh crud.  I’m now deciding who to call first… police, insurance company, search for mechanic, LDOG.  I end up calling my daughter and have her search for an auto repair that can replace the converter while I try to call the Las Vegas police.  I get put on hold for half an hour before giving up but my daughter comes through with a winner.  The place was 2 doors down from the storage lot and is called D.O.C. Auto Repair.  I have no affiliation with them but I can say that they did an outstanding job for me.  I told the owner (Damien) about my predicament and he walked with me over to the LD and crawled under it to inspect the damage.  He took some pictures with my phone and said to give them to my insurance company.  He then searched around and found a Ford OEM catalytic converter and made arrangements to have it delivered today.  When it wasn’t on the early truck, he called and made a fuss and had them deliver it before noon.  When it did arrive, he had it installed right away and had me on the road by 12:30.  A very professional and courteous business and one I would recommend if in need of a mechanic in Las Vegas.

Now for the details because I know your going to ask.  The Ford 7.3 liter V8 engine has only 1 catalytic converter and it’s a behemoth.  His cost was $2114.29 and he charged me $20.45 for a gasket and $240 labor to install.  With NV tax it came to $2553.52.  The O2 sensor was also cutoff and taken during the theft but the replacement was on backorder.  I was given the choice of installing an aftermarket sensor or having a plug installed and ordering the OEM sensor and installing it myself.  I chose the latter and estimated delivery is early February by Summit Racing.  The LD is displaying a CEL but no adverse effects that I can tell.

Progressive Insurance has been great.  Yesterday I called in the claim and this afternoon an adjuster called me back.  She had me send them the pictures of the cut exhaust pipe as well as the newly installed converter.  I also sent them a picture of the police report that I got when I went to the police station and all my receipts; auto repair, hotel and Lyft rides.  They’ll do a direct deposit to my bank of all cost minus the $500 deductible… well it wasn’t going to be all good news was it?

All in all it was a $500 lesson learned about leaving the LD unattended for a month.  Locked storage lot or not, thieves will take what they can.

- John
Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #1
Here are some pictures of the theft and one of the LD front end on the lift.  Damien didn’t think his lift was big enough to support the full weight of the LD so he just lifted the front end and it worked.

- John

Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #2

So very sorry you got hit by cat thieves. Back in 2015 when LD called me that my chassis had been delivered, I saw the catalytic converter and thought, “That’s one big cat”.

When my cats were stolen off of my 2002 Sequoia, it howled when I fired up the big V8. I was shocked. When I had my “Cat Straps” installed (2 cats on the Sequoia), I vowed to get a cat for our RB. I did.

Several months ago, some disappointed cat thief tried to get the Sequoia’s cats again. They ran off without them. Came close but not quite. That’s when I had my mechanic install pipe clamps all along the straps and converters. I had a welder secure the nuts on the clamps. So far, so good.

The LD cat strap has a heat sensor that sounds an alarm when anyone or any animal gets underneath or near the rig. I have it set on 24/7. It sounds briefly on occasion. So far, so good.

May be time to step up your game.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #3
All in all it was a $500 lesson learned about leaving the LD unattended for a month.  Locked storage lot or not, thieves will take what they can.
- John

My Lazy Daze was broken into at my secured storage lot in 2020 (they took mostly electronics and strangely items to "cook" drugs like pans, pots, and spoons and left behind their hypodermic "hot shot" on the floor in the process).  I'm glad you were able to get the issue quickly resolved.  Sadly, these are "desperate times". 
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #4
Sorry this happened to you, but glad to hear of another good mechanical service option.  I live in Las Vegas and store my rig in a garage storage facility but it was vandalized three years ago when stored outdoors under a canopy.  Fortunately not the Cat!  Not sure how easy it would be to replace the catalytic converter on a 20 year old RV.
2000 TK

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #5
Actually, replacing the convertor on an older LD isn't too bad. I speak from experience as the cat was stolen from our 99 LD fall of 2020. My mechanic was able to use a "universal" replacement and the total cost was in the $500-$600 range. Not that I like spending that kind of money, but certainly better than on a newer model.

George & Jo Ann
2017 MB
George & Jo Ann
2017 MB

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #6
My mechanic was able to use a "universal" replacement and the total cost was in the $500-$600 range. Not that I like spending that kind of money, but certainly better than on a newer model.

The reason for the high price of my cat replacement was mostly due to having a Ford OEM cat installed instead of a universal.  The insurance company wanted to install an $800 universal but I said that because the LD was new and so little miles, I wanted an OEM installed and they said ok.

- John
Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #7
Back in August, I had the Catstrap system with alarm installed on my LD and my Jeep.

Previous threads about theft freaked me out, so I made sure to get protected.

John, I'm sorry you had to go through that but really glad that Progessive stepped up and you're whole again!
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #8
So sorry you had to go through this steal.  Before I sold my RV I feared the Cat would be stolen at the storage lot.  Visited it daily and drove by at dark.  No theft occurred thank goodness. 

Thieves are disgusting.  At work we used to dream about traps for these type of people.  For this type of thief I imagine we would wait for them to go under the RV.  Then steel poles would drop strategically around the outside of the RV to trap the thief under the RV.  Finally barbed wire would deploy between each steel pole.  Police are then called and thief arrested.  Oh if the thief tries to cut their way out the tires start to deflate crushing the thief.  Also, the engine starts and after warming up hot fluid it is sprayed at the thief until the cutting is stopped.   ;D

This is all a dream.  But you get the idea.  You should hear what we would do to someone trying to steel the RV!

Ron and Linda
Ada Michigan

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #9
First of all I want to say thank you to Kent, Cheryl, Seesaw60, Deb, Ron and Linda for your kind words.  Life lessons are usually not cheap, but this one wasn’t too bad.

Ron… your “dream about traps for these type of people” made me think of this commercial included in the movie Robocop 2.

Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #10
First of all I want to say thank you to Kent, Cheryl, Seesaw60, Deb, Ron and Linda for your kind words.  Life lessons are usually not cheap, but this one wasn’t too bad.

Ron… your “dream about traps for these type of people” made me think of this commercial included in the movie Robocop 2.

That’s it!  I love it.

Ron and Linda
Ada Michigan

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #11
I'm flying out from Alaska next week to pick up my LD in Arizona from secured storage yard at the RV repair shop.  This morning they called to tell me that a few days ago someone got in and several motorhomes had catalytic converters stolen --  mine was one of them.  In fact many others all over town were stolen too.  I'm horrified but at least it's fixable and they didn't break other things.  The shop is getting repair information for me and thank heaven for insurance, now I will test it out.  I've turned 75, and wonder if I'm getting too old for this.
p.s. They said that they are mostly hitting Fords.
1997 MB

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #12
Cat theft in Washington State got so bad last year, there are now bills going through the legislature to make it harder to sell them, and increase the penalties. I wonder if a 100lbs of dog poop on the pavement under the cat converter would discourage someone from crawling under there.
2005 Jayco 24SS

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #13
So what exactly do you get when you are paying for “locked, secure storage”?  Does the storage facility have no liability for anything? Is it limited to the theft of the entire vehicle or not even that?
If the “locked and secured” storage facility has no liability, why pay the higher fees for it vs a long term unsecured lot?
Just trying to understand.
SoCal-Gal  (Tracy)
1991 26.5 RB
Previous 1988 22’ LD Multi plan
Previous 1992 Six-pack Camper
Spare the sealant, spoil the job.
Travelers: Tracy, spouse Anthony, Coton de Tulear, Gabby and parrotlet, Indigo

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #14
So what exactly do you get when you are paying for “locked, secure storage”?  Does the storage facility have no liability for anything? Is it limited to the theft of the entire vehicle or not even that?
If the “locked and secured” storage facility has no liability, why pay the higher fees for it vs a long term unsecured lot?
Just trying to understand.

Interestingly, the storage facilities do not accept liability and will have you sign an acknowledgement to that affect. That is one of the reasons I gave up my covered spot at our local facility and Nocona now resides at home. I realize many people don't have that option.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #17
I recently realized that using the Catstrap with alarm may be helpful with gas theft. Now that thieves are crawling under vehicles to drill holes in gas tanks, maybe the alarm will chase them away.

I have the Catstrap on my LD and Jeep with alarms for each. Next, I'll be adding locking gas caps. :-)
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #18
My LD is parked in my driveway just outside my kitchen window. Every once in a while, I’ll hear the Cat Strap alarm sound for a few seconds. It’s nice knowing it’s there to stand guard. Meow!

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #19
I've purchased the Cat Strap and alarm.  Installation of the strap seems straight forward with the benefit of the insights on this thread, but I'm stumped on where/how to install the alarm.  Any advice/pictures on the alarm installation would be appreciated.  The wires on the alarm are not that long and the distance between the battery and a spot that provides the eye good exposure to the undercarriage is long.  Thanks

2015 MB
2021 Ford Escape Hybrid

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #20
I installed a Cat Strap in the spring of last year.

The Cat Strap's heat-set glue has already failed along most of the converter and is still secured by the many extra u-clamps. I had sanded and cleaned with solvent the surfaces where the strap was glued.
I also added two stainless steel cables, they run through the converter's heat shield, and are clamped in multiple places.
I'm thinking about painting the cat a bright orange using high-temp paint.
You can't stop someone determined to remove the cat but you can make it so difficult that the thief is tempted to find an easier victim.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #21

Here are a few pics of my Cat Strap and Cat Eye installation.

The cat strap goes the length of the exhaust system and is held in place with the wire zip ties provided. These are good for holding the strap in place but you really need pipe clamps placed fore and aft of the cat itself.

I have not yet had the nuts welded to the pipe clamps but I have done so on my Toyota Sequoia. The pipe clamps are installed as close to either end of the cat converter and along the length of the exhaust as best fits.

From inside the engine compartment, you can see where my mechanic installed the alarm (circled in red). The Cat Eye is mounted directly below the alarm and aims down the length of the exhaust system. You can’t see it in my photos but it’s there. Tight fit for sure. As long as the eyes sensor can aim in the direction of the converter with no obstruction, you should be fine.

Just a bit of a heads up here. When running the engine, turn off the cat alarm otherwise it will cycle on and off. Also, after driving the rig (alarm off) do not turn the alarm on until the engine has cooled off otherwise the residual heat from the exhaust will trigger the alarm.

I set my alarm on for 24/7 unless otherwise noted as above.

Best of luck.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #23
First of all I want to say thank you to Kent, Cheryl, Seesaw60, Deb, Ron and Linda for your kind words.  Life lessons are usually not cheap, but this one wasn’t too bad.

Ron… your “dream about traps for these type of people” made me think of this commercial included in the movie Robocop 2.

Found another deterent video.  Hahah


Ron and Linda
Ada Michigan

Re: Another Catalytic Converter Theft
Reply #24
Hoping this is an easy DIY install of Cat Strap. What size pipe clamps fit on a 2006 LD? Thanks.
2006 RB