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Topic: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV? (Read 383 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
While looking on YouTube for info on the various Wilson antennas, I tripped over this. Verizon service through Visible.
Unlimited data, messages and minutes for $40 a month.
Anyone using this?

No Annual Contract Unlimited Phone Plan | Visible

Talks about using a router to get around a single connect to the hotspot.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #2
Here is all the information about Visible in one place.

Verizon Visible by the tech geeks at Technomadia

Harvest Hosts + Boondockers Welcome #23975
Escapees SKP #138195
2007 23.5' Twin King

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #4
There are quite a few recent reviews of Visible; a search will bring up several sources.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #5
i have the plan for few months and when you start putting folks in the party line price come down by $5 per addition. at least in nj service is great (it is using verizon backbone) and i used tethering to get data on my laptop and ipad and it works well fine, of course not as fast as coaxial but good enough. as for customer service, i don't think i had to use it so far. starting the service and putting folks in the party line was straight forward and there are no hidden fees, we have three lines and  each month I see three $30 hits on credit card.

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #6
I have had Visible for over two years and am very pleased with it.  The hot spot is far superior over the Verizon one that I had previously.  I drastically reduced my cell phone bill with Visible.   After having set up Visible I’ve only needed customer support once.  Although it was online, my problem was diagnosed and corrected quickly.  I posted about Visible around two years ago and there was a thread on the topic.  The one problem I did encounter was when I was in Florida. I did not always have service.  But, that was a Verizon issue.  Verizon customers also did not have service in those areas.
2017 Mid-Bath
2017 MB

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #7
I had Visible for 2 or 3 months and finally stopped the service.  I was trying it out as a replacement for our Verizon service, but it was not reliable.  Oh, I had service everyplace that our Verizon phones had service...that wasn't the problem. 

First problem that cropped up was it wouldn't open a chat box on a particular website.  "Chatted" with a CSR (the only way to reach anyone) and after an hour or so got that problem solved.  Then there were a couple of websites where I could stream news programs I wanted to watch.  They'd each work for about a week and then stop working.  Again, "chatted" with a CSR and was never able to solve the problem. 

I finally decided that if I couldn't do everything on the Visible phone that I could do on the Verizon phones, it wasn't reliable enough to use as our only service, so I ended the service.  Too bad, because truly unlimited service and $25 per month was great.
Linda Hylton

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #8
Thanks, Monica, I have seen any negatives about them - other than Verizon could terminate their agreement with them.
If I need customer service I have learned to never go to a Verizon store and wait and wait. Better to go to one of their authorized independent stores. Seldom a wait and they are more knowledgable.

I think I will put my Mi-Fi on Visible and see how it goes.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #9
And I l quote from verizon web site

Faster speeds with 5G, no hidden fees.
Get unlimited data*, minutes, messages, and mobile hotspot usage** on Verizon’s 5G** Networks for only $40/mo.
 *Select 4G LTE and 5G Ultra Wideband and Nationwide Networks only.
**In times of traffic, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic. 5G capped at 200 Mbps. 5G currently available on select devices. 5G Ultra Wideband available only in parts of select cities. 5G Nationwide available in 1,800+ cities.

Keeping in mind the Verizon says the word 'unlimited' is just an advertising slogan.  The only thing imho that you can trust with ALL the cell phone providers is they will hid behind smoke and mirros then mislead you into thinking you have something you don't have. 
As I read the above exception I see the 'unlimited' is only available on select Verizon networks.   

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #10
Visible, as a Verizon-owned entity, is reasonably safe if you're OK with the various limitations mentioned by others here. But from time to time, some small outfit will pop up offering unlimited internet at a ridiculously low price. I've been a customer of three of these over the years. All three failed.

The first was Millennicom, an outfit with a slick website that made it look like a big company. It eventually turned out that they were actually just a couple of guys working for a small private school. They were reselling Verizon's discounted educational wireless service, intended mainly for rural schools, to RVers and others. That was great for a couple of years, until Verizon got wise and shut them down.

The next, OmniLynx, was doing exactly the same thing. Amusingly, they said they were aware of the Millennicom debacle, "but that won't happen to us." It did, and in rather less time.

Then there was FMCA (the Family Motor Coach Ass'n), which announced a super-cheap unlimited data plan for its members, but had to suddenly cancel when Verizon found out.

I wasn't involved in that one. But I did sign up with Island Wi-Fi/Finally Wi-Fi, which offered unlimited internet connectivity via a Netgear hotspot device for $80 a month. Having been down the "too good to be true" road before, I fully expected this one not to last, but figured I'd "get while the getting was good." As it turned out, they lasted eleven months before AT&T shut them down and my hotspot suddenly went dead.

When I tried to re-activate it with AT&T directly, I learned that my device's wireless number was assigned to somebody with a different name, and the account had actually been a FirstNet account. FirstNet is a wireless service offered to first responders such as police, fire, and EMT personnel. They get unlimited access cheaply, and they deserve it. But Island Wi-Fi/Finally Wi-Fi had been reselling that service to average guys like me--strictly against the rules.

Again, I'm not talking about Visible here. But next time you see a too-good-to-be-true wireless internet offer, bear in mind that it may very well shut down without warning in a few months.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #11
Good to know that Visible is owned by Verizon. Selling excess bandwidth where they have it I suppose. Thanks for that info.

Yeah, I remember Millennicom. OK while it lasted.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #12
Good to know that Visible is owned by Verizon. Selling excess bandwidth where they have it I suppose. Thanks for that info.

Gee may I suggest if Verizon can make a profit selling bandwidth at this price point why don't they do that for ALL customers.   I'm thinking somebody is not getting a very good deal.

 <smile> just this old man spitballing.
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Cheap Truly Unlimited Internet for Your RV?
Reply #13
It's fairly common biz practice to sell unused capacity at a discount under another label. At some point, they expect demand will overtake the excess.  Airlines are a classic example of selling seats at various prices.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy