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Water Pump Problem - Need Advice
Yesterday I filled my tank with water.  I used water without any problems.  Then suddenly last night there was no more water.  I checked the fuse which was okay and replaced it with a new one just to be sure.  I contacted Todd and he advised to take of the panel, turn on the pump and open a faucet and then to reach in and feel the pump to see if it is running or hot.  I did that and it was not running nor was it hot.  He then said it sounds like a bad pump and to check my warranty information and call Shurflo.  I called them and they said the pump was out of warranty.   Shurflo said it could be different things.  I am not mechanically inclined so I can’t check.  Shurflo said it would probably be less expensive to replace the pump than to hire someone to try to diagnose the problem.  My 2017 mid-bath is only three years old.  (I had the converter replaced the beginning of this year.)  I currently have the Shurflo 4008 RV Revolution pump.  What pump do you suggest that I get?  I will be in Missouri tomorrow and will need to find a place to get this replaced.   Thank you for any advice.
2017 Mid-Bath
2017 MB

Re: Water Pump Problem - Need Advice
Reply #1
Even though you have bad luck with the first one, I would choose a 4008 again as a replacement.

I would also probably want to do a little more troubleshooting to make sure the pump is the problem.  If you are handy with a multimeter, my process would involve making sure the pump is receiving power. 

2003 MB

Re: Water Pump Problem - Need Advice
Reply #2
Since your converter was replaced, I would recheck the fuse for the pump and verify that the wire connected there has not come loose. If it is ok, then further diagnosis would require checking voltages at the pump, both sides of the pressure switch. Do you have a friend local who could do that? You could go ahead and order a new pump - if that is not the problem, it is a handy spare to have around for about $70.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Water Pump Problem - Need Advice
Reply #3
"...they said the pump was out of warranty."

At first I was suspicious of that statement but when I checked the box mine came in I see that they only offer a two (2) year warranty.  :'(   It does seem that it should not have failed in so short a time. That being said I've had them (other models) fail after only a short period, one even soaked my carpet in bed and bath.

Wish I could offer more help!   :(
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Water Pump Problem - Need Advice
Reply #4
Try a gentle tap on the pump filter.  I had a similar problem and it got the pump started again.
2016 MB "Idyll Daze"

Re: Water Pump Problem - Need Advice
Reply #5
Our older unit has a secondary switch in the bathroom that will turn the pump off. Maybe if you have a switch in that area that you don't know what it does, I almost replaced ours because of the switch. Tap the pump gently and see if the pressure switch might close.

1994 MB

Re: Water Pump Problem - Need Advice
Reply #6
Thank you for all your helpful replies.  I changed campgrounds yesterday and called some mobile RV service people.  One would not be able to get a pump during the time I am here, another one wanted to bring over some other model of water pump, and another wanted $100 a half hour just to check it out.  So I am waiting until I get home in about a week to deal with this.  In the meantime, I have jugs of water that I'm using.  Took a shower at the campground, which I rarely do.  If it ends up being anything other than having to replace the water pump, I will post.  If it does need to be replaced, I'll get the the same Shur flo water pump as was installed by Lazy Daze, as per the recommendations here.  I appreciate all the feedback. 

2017 Mid-Bath
2017 MB