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Topic: An Interesting Tire Story  (Read 156 times) previous topic - next topic
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An Interesting Tire Story
We were 35 miles from home and the TPMS alarm went off.   Right inside dually was losing air.   We were on a busy freeway.  So we slowed down and pulled off the freeway into an empty parking lot.

First thing I did was to check the time pressure.  It was 58 lbs.   We were in a bad part of town on a Sunday.   After thinking about our options, I decided to fill the tire with air and find a safer area.  We started the generator and plugged in our air compressor.  I also decided to give Coach-Net a call to see about our options.  Margee was also looking on-line for a tire repair shop that was open and within a few miles. 

I filled the tire to 80 lbs.  We couldn’t find an open repair shop that was relatively close.  So then we called Coach-Net which took about 10 minutes.  Coach-Net said they’d call me back with an ETA for mobile service.  While waiting I checked the tire pressure and it was holding.    I waited another 5 minutes and checked the tire again.  Holding. 

So I called Coach-Net back and said we were moving to a safer area and to cancel our service request until we were in a better place.  The tire pressure continued to hold.

In the back of my mind, I thought the TPMS sensor felt loose when I removed it to check the pressure.  The tire pressure holds mile after mile.  Our only conclusion was the “loose” sensor must have leaked air.   Perhaps when I was cleanings the tire and hub caps yesterday, I had inadvertently loosened it?  On the other hand, the tire pressure was fine prior to leaving this morning.  Curious.

So we added one (1) more pre-flight check which is to make sure all the TPMS sensors are tight. 

Hope our experience is helpful.

Re: An Interesting Tire Story
Reply #1
Perhaps it was loose, but not loose enough to leak before you departed.   Vibration during driving may have loosened it farther until it became symptomatic.  Sounds like you handled it well.  
Safe travels.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE