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Roof Reseal Question
After searching and reading a number of posts in the archives I was still feeling like I wanted more experienced eyes to look at some pictures I have. The rig is a 2005. Aside from cleaning, what are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance!


Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #1
You're due.

I have a 2006 and the roof was in better shape.  Had the Factory do mine.  Also replaced all the fans and escape hatch.

Peace of mind....

2006 RK

Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #2
Looks a bit thin. I'm no expert but from what I've read on this forum the factory seal while very well done  will dry out and thin over time opening the possibilities of leakage.

When I got my 2003 last summer a previous owner had done all the seams with Eternabond and put a heavy pliant seal over the Eternabond tape so I don't have a feel for how long a factory seal will last. I am very grateful the previous owner did it though. I used Eternabond on an Alpenlite 5th wheel I used to have and was very happy with the results.


Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #3

Here is a shot of our ‘15 roof seal four years after the LD was made. Aside from the slight discolouration, you will note that the seam between the roof panel and the side panel is not visible. In fact there is a noticeable rise in the seal kind of like a speed bump. The Mothership recommends a reseal ever 7-10 years. Mine should be good for another 3-6 years.

As mentioned above, the seal on the LD you are inspecting shows an obvious demarcation between panels. This may warrant a good look inside the rig for signs of water intrusion. If none is seen, and you purchase the coach, it will definitely need a reseal by a professional or your dedicated elbow grease to address the issue.

Another thing to consider is the seals around vents and the brittleness of the plastic vents. These can be replaced but will require additional work.

Others here will no doubt speak more to these concerns.

Good luck.
2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #4
Hi Morty,

While I don't know the details, I suspect this is the unit you were asking about that had a generator that had not been run in over a year? If you haven't already bought this rig, are you asking opinions about the condition of the roof? Or are you asking if it needs to be resealed? (YES IT DOES!) You had indicated you would have an inspection done before making a purchase.

IF you asking for opinions, this unit has been neglected. 14 years old without a roof reseal. Several white spots along the passenger side and front seam are probably a half as#ed attempt to cover protruding screws. There is a hole in the AC cover too. The level of filth on the roof indicates neglect.

Anyway, if you are considering purchasing this unit, the condition of the roof would tell me this unit would be a prime candidate to have water leaks and that would be a red flag for me. Any signs of electrolysis, failing window seals, vertical seam separation?

These are just my opinions based on a neglected roof. Others may feel differently.

Steve K.
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #5
Thank you, all.

I’ve not bought it. But I plan to go see it right after the holidays. Late next week or early the week after.


Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #6
It looks like a 15 year old roof, stored outside for a substantial period, and not cleaned particularly well.  I suspect it was covered in leaves and had standing water on the roof for a while. 

Most of the dirt is cosmetic and will either wash off or not be visible (since it's on the roof!). 

The caulking is definately old and in need of replacement, but I don't see anything in the pictures that couldn't be fixed with some time and effort or some $. 

If I already owned this coach, I would plan to wash, eternabond, and replace the plastic parts very soon.  I would also add vent covers to the standard size vents.

It's impossible to say what can't be seen.  Any coach that old could have leaks, but many won't.  It can sometimes be hard even in person to catch everything.  It's part of the charm of buying a vehicle that's almost old enough for a drivers license!

'03 MB in NC
2003 MB

Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #7
It is difficult to see - close up pictures would give more information. 

I agree with Larry, it looks thin to me also (e.g. not good coverage and a concern that spots could be letting water in).

You want to look for any cracks or pinprick holes that could allow water under the sealant.

If you see any, check carefully inside - water travels so a leak in one spot (seen from above) could follow inside to something 8' or further away.  Where there is a crack/space, water travels.  Water seeks out low spots which means going down walls (not just sitting in the ceiling).
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #8
My roof strategy.

We just purchased Mike & Elizabeth Coachman's 2010 LD. It was very well taken care of and stored inside - in Florida -  throughout it's life, when not in use.  With that said, the coach will not be stored in such a perfect situation moving forward. We are also in Florida but live 3 blocks from the Gulf of Mexico and the mh will be getting wet. My number 1 challenge will be keeping the envelope watertight.
With this in mind, and after doing exhaustive research on the matter, on multiple forums, I decided to Eternabond every seam and penetration on the roof of "Monty". The coach will never be as clean - or dry - as the day I purchased it...so I arrived to pick it up with a kit. I spent the first 3 hours of ownership in Mike's garage and started with the main roof seams. I chose to tape over the existing "working seams". I believe this will create a double barrier and will also mean the original seams are now in a state of slower decay, if any.

Since I have gotten the coach home, I have been completing one roof penetration at a time. So far I have the escape hatch, fridge vent and toilet vent complete.

May not be the purist way to go but it makes sense to me. Eternabond is amazing stuff

I am $200 into the project and just ordered some 6" tape for the feet of some of the remaining places

Long distance motorcyclists new to rv
2010 Rear Bath

Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #9
JMO but the pic showing the virtually open seams along the outside perimeter would be enough to make me not even waste my time looking at this particular LD.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Yet another roof reseal post (sorry)
Reply #10
JMHO, but from the photos provided, I'd pass on this LD; the condition of the roof indicates to me that the rest of the rig may be in similar shape, i.e.,  not serviced or maintained, with a lot of potential (expensive) repairs and replacements needed to make the motorhome roadworthy. (I believe that Morty originally posted that he wanted to fulltime; to me, this is even more reason to choose very carefully!)


2003 TK has a new home

Re: Roof Reseal Question
Reply #11
First, “Thank You”, to each and every one of you who took the time to reply and opine. That means a lot to me.

My needs are indeed for a rig to full time in. It will be my home. My only home. I can only afford to buy once, and even then it’ll have to be a previously enjoyed unit. I can’t afford to make an expensive mistake.

That said, and even though I’m really bummed, I’m going to take the advice of the tribe and pass on this one.

My max purchase budget is about 28k. I know that’s not much in the LD world, but it’s all I have and I don’t want SOB. I want a mid-bath and that’s it. I need the separate living room. I have more elbow grease and time than money. Until I can find one I’ll be living in my pickup pulling a cargo trailer after my house closes. So, if you hear of something that you think might work for me, please, seriously, let me know, ok?

Thank you all so much again.

With Kindness,


Re: Roof Reseal Question
Reply #12
I have more elbow grease and time than money. Until I can find one I’ll be living in my pickup pulling a cargo trailer after my house closes. So, if you hear of something that you think might work for me, please, seriously, let me know, ok?

Thank you all so much again.

With Kindness,


I was going to comment yesterday but didn't. Now I think is a good time. I would evaluate it. If you need to do the roof and nothing else or a few more things could you buy it for enough less to make it worth your while? Many things are repairable. Some people on here might want perfection and can pay tons for it, some may be able to pay less and do the work.
I don't have much time, but I bought my LD a few months ago for about 40% less or $6000 less than most. So far tires because they were the wrong load range, two 6 volt batteries, skylight, will reseal roof, and need to check on leveling system. I think I am way ahead on this.  If you have more time than money reconsider, just look it over well.
Steve and Jill, Steve posting
1999 26.5 Mid-Bath

Re: Roof Reseal Question
Reply #13
First, “Thank You”, to each and every one of you who took the time to reply and opine. That means a lot to me.

My needs are indeed for a rig to full time in. It will be my home. My only home. I can only afford to buy once, and even then it’ll have to be a previously enjoyed unit. I can’t afford to make an expensive mistake.

That said, and even though I’m really bummed, I’m going to take the advice of the tribe and pass on this one.

My max purchase budget is about 28k. I know that’s not much in the LD world, but it’s all I have and I don’t want SOB. I want a mid-bath and that’s it. I need the separate living room. I have more elbow grease and time than money. Until I can find one I’ll be living in my pickup pulling a cargo trailer after my house closes. So, if you hear of something that you think might work for me, please, seriously, let me know, ok?

Thank you all so much again.

With Kindness,

28k is sufficient funds for a very nice LD. Keep looking.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.