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Topic: Intermittent marker light - 2003 TK (Read 173 times) previous topic - next topic
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Intermittent marker light - 2003 TK
So I've had a couple marker lights out and decided it was time to check them out and possibly change bulbs. Turns out the bulbs were not burned out and when I moved them a bit the light came on.

What I thought was interesting is that the socket the bulb goes into is a flexible beige colored rubber type material. As I moved the bulb around in the flexible socket the light would go on and off. But seem to always stay off when I let go of the bulb. I tried contact restorer and squeezing the flexible socket thinking that would maybe compress the wire contacts to make a better connection to the bulb to no affect.

In the end I just pulled the bulb out slightly and that seems to have remedied the situation. The three intermittent bulbs have stayed lit with them removed ever so slightly. So the marker lights are back on for now but I'm thinking it's just a matter of time before they loose a good  connection now that the bulbs are not fully seated in the socket.

Any similar experience?

Re: Intermittent marker light - 2003 TK
Reply #1
Hi Steve  G? Yes, lots of experience. Reach inside the silicone socket and pull the metal fingers more toward the center. With age they have moved away from the bulb contacts. Use some dielectric gease to keep water and corrosion away from the contacts. The bulb contacts will connect through the grease. I soldered wires (very small ones about 24 ga.) to cross the lousy connections where the plastic (I'll call it a rivet) posts connect the nickel plated socket ears to the ring terminal connections. You have to scrape through the nickel to get to the brass underneath to solder to.  If you haven't soldered small sensitive stuff before, maybe some de-ox it instead. (I've been soldering since I was eight, lots of practice) The new fixtures and lenses were discontinued by Petersen about two years ago, and the supply chains are drying up. They are really hard to replace also, what with all of the caulking, and being on a roof.
    A friend and I designed and built a few replacement discs to fit inside the fixture with surface mounted chip LEDs. Once soldered in they replace the 'gut's' of the light with LED's. I plan to bring a few to the Morro Bay meetup, to see how they work.  A friend just a few blocks from me (2001 MB) may be my 'guinea pig' before then.  RonB
    The pc board will be coated with white polyurethane except where the LED's are and the solder eyelets. The red
    one uses red LED's and different current setting resistors. Tough to hand solder those little parts.  
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Intermittent marker light - 2003 TK
Reply #2
Thank you Ron, this is Steve H from  Oregon. I'll take your advice on cleaning up the contacts and using dielectric grease. I have lots of soldering experience so if you ever make the replacements available that could be a good option too.

That Morrow Rock reminds me of  Haystack Rock off of Cannon Beach in Oregon. I'll sure have to check it out when I travel down that area.

Re: Intermittent marker light - 2003 TK
Reply #3
Mine go in and out too.  It's always a big of a game to see if I can keep them working long enough for the annual state inspection.

I've noticed that the bases on some of my lights have developed small cracks that expand if I push the bulb in with any force.  I've been mostly trying to avoid making it worse until I can come up with a more permanent solution. 

I guess my main point is - be careful with them as they might be fragile and it could be easy to make the problem worse.

'03 MB in NC
2003 MB