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Topic: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!) (Read 1447 times) previous topic - next topic
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Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Vince has resigned from LD.........last day is a week from Friday.....going to miss that guy!!!!!


[edited topic title to be more descriptive - Michelle]
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #1
Too bad!
 2001 TK “Dazi”

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #2

How did you hear about this?

I need to send him an email. :-(
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #3
"Vince has resigned from LD..."

Please tell me this is not true, that I am having a bad dream! Bummer, they are going to be looking far and hard to find a person as highly liked and as competent as Vince.   :o   :-[
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #4
Resigned as in quit or did he retire?
If the latter, congratulations.
If the former, that doesn't bode well.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #5
Vince is too young to retire, based on my in person meetings.  Whatever the reason behind his departure, this is a loss for all of us customers. 
2019 MB “Dream Catcher”
Jeep Wrangler JL

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #6
2007 MB

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #7
It’s not April so this just breaks my heart. I’ve had nothing but pleasant visits with Vince.

He has always been a great advocate for us LD owners.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #8
Bill, how did you find this out? Factory visit? Whatever motivated this, loss of a core employee, particularly in a company as small as LD, is disturbing.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #9
Wow, how long has he been with LD?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #10
He WILL be missed.  Sad, nothing is forever.

2007 31 IB

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #11
Hi All,

As a nearing retirement baby boomer and RV newbie researching Class C's,  I first bought and studied the RV Consumer Group's motor home ratings package.  Lazy Daze quickly rose into the top three on my short list of new coaches due further research.   I then joined this forum to learn more.  I started reading LD owner's posts.  I became concerned reading the peeling/cracking paint posts primarily how such is considered a "cosmetic" issue by LD.  I look at it this way.  LD coaches are mobile advertising billboards for them, rolling around the country being seen by hundreds, possibly tens of  thousands of people in a single coach's lifetime.  For LD to be satisfied with their newer coaches looking like those in the posted photos did not endear me to them or earn my trust.  Instead, it left me wondering what other flaws are lurking under newer LD coaches. 

As further affirmation of my concerns, today I read beloved LD guru Vince is resigning from LD employment unexpectedly.  Hmm.

Sadly, yet thankfully, I've concluded it best to cross Lazy Daze off my short list before I pluck down $100,000+ of my hard earned money.

My concerns are my opinions.

In no way am I trying to insult, upset or harm any Lazy Daze motor coach owner. 

Re: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply #12
He’s not retiring.
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #13
FYI, as noted in the first post, I edited the topic title.  It's best to be descriptive with these since it helps folks know what the topic is about and will help future searches.

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #14
FYI, as noted in the first post, I edited the topic title.  It's best to be descriptive with these since it helps folks know what the topic is about and will help future searches.

Yikes, sorry.....lesson learned :)
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #15
Hi All,

As a nearing retirement baby boomer and RV newbie researching Class C's,  I first bought and studied the RV Consumer Group's motor home ratings package.  Lazy Daze quickly rose into the top three on my short list of new coaches due further research.   I then joined this forum to learn more.  I started reading LD owner's posts.  I became concerned reading the peeling/cracking paint posts primarily how such is considered a "cosmetic" issue by LD.  I look at it this way.  LD coaches are mobile advertising billboards for them, rolling around the country being seen by hundreds, possibly tens of  thousands of people in a single coach's lifetime.  For LD to be satisfied with their newer coaches looking like those in the posted photos did not endear me to them or earn my trust.  Instead, it left me wondering what other flaws are lurking under newer LD coaches. 

As further affirmation of my concerns, today I read beloved LD guru Vince is resigning from LD employment unexpectedly.  Hmm.

Sadly, yet thankfully, I've concluded it best to cross Lazy Daze off my short list before I pluck down $100,000+ of my hard earned money.

My concerns are my opinions.

In no way am I trying to insult, upset or harm any Lazy Daze motor coach owner. 

While I agree with you on the paint issue, I’m not quite ready to abandon ship. I don’t know the reason why Vince left but sometimes change is good for an organization, sometimes not. I’m taking a wait and see stance for now.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #16
While I agree with you on the paint issue, I’m not quite ready to abandon ship. I don’t know the reason why Vince left but sometimes change is good for an organization, sometimes not. I’m taking a wait and see stance for now.
I completely agree!!! His decision had nothing to do with any of these issues and attaching one to another is baseless. 
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #17
Unemployment is at record low levels, and good skilled workers in the trades are particularly hard to find.  I've read survey after survey from small business owners in trade related industries and finding skilled workers in by far the #1 hardest problem they face right now.

In other words, skilled valued employees, especially those who can work well with customers, have a lot of offers and a lot of options.  There is quite a bit of job hopping going on right now.

I share everyone's disappointment, but it could be more of a statement on the economy than a sign of impending doom at the mothership.

'03 MB in NC
2003 MB

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #18
In other words, skilled valued employees, especially those who can work well with customers, have a lot of offers and a lot of options.  There is quite a bit of job hopping going on right now.

I fully agree with your assessment of the current economic boom in job opportunities.  During a similar economic boom in the 80's I changed jobs 5 times and more than doubled my salary in doing so.  Vince will be missed and I wish him well in what ever he does going forward.  If as speculated, his motivation is economic or career advancement, then more power to him.

- John
Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #19
While never meeting Vince and being a new owner, I have only heard good things about his talents at LZ. With his skillset, he may have simply been offered a better gig with better pay/benefits. Being a small company, I can't imagine LD's salary can compete with bigger companies. I'm sure he is simply doing what is best for himself and his family. I should would love to have his contact though if I ever had a question. I'm sure many of us would! I'm happy to know his talents were involved in the building of my new to me 2008.
Joe B.
2008 26ft  grey/white Rear Bath
Family of 5 hitting the open road as much as we can.

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #20
"... skilled valued employees, especially those who can work well with customers, have a lot ...of options."

It would seem to me that Steve should recognize the above fact and do his damnedness to retain a valued employee, or does it go deeper than that?   ::)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #21
It's all speculation but it would be nice if he were opening a shop just to repair LDs.


Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #22
It's all speculation but it would be nice if he were opening a shop just to repair LDs.


Another former LD person, Tim Pease (he sold us our first LD in 2002) left LD about 2007 and opened his own repair shop called Extra Mile RV.  But I think he has moved on to something else.
Glenn & Joan Lambert
Redford, MI
2017 27' Mid-Bath

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #23
Another former LD person, Tim Pease (he sold us our first LD in 2002) left LD about 2007 and opened his own repair shop called Extra Mile RV.  But I think he has moved on to something else.

Is that when Vince was hired?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Vince reportedly leaving Lazy Daze (was UGH!!!!!!!!!!!)
Reply #24
"Tim Pease (he sold us our first LD in 2002) left LD about 2007."

When I took delivery of my LD in October 2004 Tim Pease was no longer affiliated with the company. I believe he had already formed his own company (Extra Mile) by that time. He did an install of the Surge Protector for me at the Pomona KOA and other work still later right here in front of my house.   ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!