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Topic: Travel with Dog(s) (Read 1214 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Travel with Dog(s)
Reply #50
The bad news, my dog got into the cement. 
The  good new, she is really good with the “stay”  command. 
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Travel with Dog(s)
Reply #51
I am glad that this group understands prong collars. On my maiden voyage I was camping with the ladies RTR. At night a group of us would gather at a fire and one night a "lady" told me quite loudly how cruel I was for using a prong collar. Having trained dogs for years I tried to explain to her the benefits and the possible hazards. Since she was not listening I let her say that I was a mean, sadistic pet owner. Another sign of our I'm right so you're wrong society. I have trained working dogs most of my life. Prong collars are a good tool. As this group knows every animal is different and your responsibility is to keep your dog safe. My dog knows that when the prong collar is on she is "working" and needs to pay attention. Like most tools, you must know how they are to be used. The encounter reminded me not to be so quick to judge. If I also commented that I was also reminded"That you can't fix stupid" would that make me a mean girl?:)
2005 RK

Re: Travel with Dog(s)
Reply #52
Colddog - our bossy cat started her bossiness by wanting to be bugging the other cat ALL the time - grooming her, cuddling, being close, until the other cat started hissing at her to get her to back off.
That helped as otherwise we would get bugged all the time.

But now it also has some territory claiming to it.  It is more the softer cat hates to have the other cat in her face all the time and the bossy cat likes to roughhouse more than the softer cat.  So the software cat often leaves to not have to deal with the bossy cat. It think that makes the bossy cat think that certain areas are hers to command.
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Travel with Dog(s)
Reply #53
"Once in a while, only in a safe camping setting with friends, I do relax the rules..."

Last week we were happy to spend four days in our very most favored campsite, #11 in Deadman Campground (NFS), on the Kennedy Meadows road, just a mile or so short of the Resort/Pack Station.

The physical location provides for more than ample exposure for the solar panels and allows one to move the lawn chairs around to different areas for shade. That site is situated within a stones throw of the Stanislaus River. A more idyllic location would be hard to come by! Use caution if you sleep walk!

Cedar is as curious as any dog and loves to explore his space. Sitting outside in the lawn chairs he was allowed off leash but under very close supervision and under voice and visual control every second. He's been there many times before and knows where his limits are. He enjoyed a relaxing trip along with the other members of his pack.   ;)   ;D
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
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