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Unusual Camping Companions
The pig in Big Bear was an unusual site for me. That’s for sure, but I’ve traveled with an odd fellow a few times myself.

Exoctic pets require special care. Any pet left alone at home while we travel would fare poorly on their own.

Back in our Travel Trailer days my DW was sooo kind as to present me with what she thought I had dreamed of for many years-a six inch Columbian Green Iguana. Ok. I accepted this new friend into the family and Christened it “ Ignaciois Iggy Iggs”. Iggy for short. What else?

Over the years, Iggy would join us on our family vacations to Yosemite. At that time she was about a foot long and eventually got to be a bit more than four feet long.

My daughter figured that if Iggy could travel with us so could her Hamster, Teddy. We were all the rage in the Valley as Japanese tourists would climb off the shuttle bus and see Iggy. Many would insist on getting their photo taken with the Beast Of Yosemite Valley. It was fun. Iggs was a star in her own right.

Iggy was a very large part of our RVing life for many years. Not as large as a pig, but just as charming.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #1
"Iggy was a very large part of our RVing life for many years. Not as large as a pig, but just as charming."

How long did she live with you? 

I've thought that a bunny might be a good pet.

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #2

We got Iggy at our local pet store soon after she was hatched. She was with us for 13 years. She unfortunately had an inoperable illness and I had to put her to rest.

She still has a place in our household. Right next to our two dogs who lived for nearly 18 years.

I’ve heard that Iguanas can live as long as 25 years. If she had, she’d still be camping today and entertaining visitors in campgrounds across America.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #3
Was she this beautiful ?

Iguana | Adventures of Dorrie Anne

Day of the Iguana | Adventures of Dorrie Anne

Can you tell if this is a male or female?  Contrary to when he was a kid . . . and MOM took care of all the animals my son dragged home, this precious creature was returned to nature.

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #4
Ahhh... now you have me thinking of Iggs.

She was absolutely glorious. Brilliant greens and very friendly although one had to be cautious at feeding time.

I always fed her from behind. Like a dog, she had a tendency to jumped at her food dish if it had been a while in coming. Fingers have been nipped and blood drawn, but hey, who’s fault was that? Ask my daughter. She’ll tell you.

The male has a distinctly large head from what I understand while the females head remains smaller and proportionate to her body. Males are more aggressive as well and can get up to 6’ long. Female Columbian Greens stay around 4’.  Looking at your photos the Iggy pictured appears to be female. Then again, I’m not an expert.

I’d have to say that my life with Iggy was very special. I’m pleased that my DW was so kind as to bring Iggs into my life. For a wild animal she made a fine companion.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #5
Sounds like Iggy was an excellent housemate.  One of my childhood friends had a huge iguana named "Cosmic Charlie".  In addition to his vegetable and fruit fare, Cosmic Charlie really liked to eat live rats.  He would pounce on the rat and bite it, and then beat the whimpering bejeebers out of the rat as he slammed it on the walls of his cage until the rat was dead, and then he would eat it.  Blood would be all over the cage walls and we boys thought it was great fun.

I never had any inclination to try to hold Cosmic Charlie, nor did I ever bring one home to my own kids.  We had a possum for 3 years, a raven for about 1 1/2 years, a crow, a scrub jay, a variety of snakes, rabbits, rats, turtles, tortoises, cats, and dogs, but never an iguana.

I'm going to keep it that way still.

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #6

You definitely have me beat in exotic friends. I did have two chinchillas for quite some time and their “kits” who are adorable fully active miniatures of their parents. Chica-The Dad was loved by our family poodles who let him take rides on their backs around the house.

Cockatiels were also some of my exotic friends. Lost my voice on occasion due to their dander. Who knew?

Alligators as a kid, plenty of dogs and a few cats. Fish and turtles. Hamsters and toads.

Toads...that was an interesting friend who found our dogs “Skippy” dog food bowl on the back porch and just went at it till he was full. Funny little thing.

Haven’t been without a dog in the house in over 30 years. Great companions on family trips although they can be very vocal when my DW disappears around a corner. I always enjoy taking them along and imagine what may be going through there minds as they amble along. Like little kids on a grand adventure.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #7
We have 2 traveling pets to accompany us in our "Wild Thing" travels...the first acquired is "Sock"rates and the second companion is "ArisTOTle"...both are domesticated sock monkeys, "TOT" being the slightly younger and much smaller.  Never need to worry about them in the heat or cold, no need to do "walkies" when it's wet out, no feathers or fur, feeding time is limited to The Captain and Mrs. Tina, and so far, neither has bitten each other or us. 

In the cold weather travels, they share a nice fleece hoodie, and in the Florida sun, they share a really cool surfer shirt and shorts combo.

2006 MB "Wild Thing"

2006 MB

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #8
Pictures of Sock & Tot, Tina?  With both winter & summer attire?   :D

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #9
OK, Lynne...me:  white-haired lady in fleece jacket in winter; white-haired lady in swimming pool in warm-weather winter!  Best visual willing to offer.

Mrs. Tina
"Wild Thing" Inhabitant
2006 MB

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #10

I believe we were hoping for pictures of your sock monkey companions 🙈🙉🙊

Daughter of the first Lazy Bones
Hitting the road on my own and with a friend 🚐 while reporting back to the Lazy Bones at home 🛋

2 Lazy Bones - Home

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #11
If I recall correctly, it was in Sterling Hayden's classic book, "Wanderer" that he described his favorite non-human companion on his boat.  It was a spider in his window.  He said he didn't have to provide food, other than the occasional insect intruder, the spider didn't make any noise, and didn't have to be taken out to do its business.

Wanderer was a great read.  I used to crew on a home-built schooner on which the owner/builder had accumulated a variety of pieces of Hayden's original boat and integrated them into his own.

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Unusual Camping Companions
Reply #12
When we went camping in Big Sur - there was a person camping with a monkey. Not sure what make and model but thinking rhesus. That was a couple years in a row in fact - which seemed remarkably unlikely.
1996 Twin King