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Topic: Oops low bridge! (Read 252 times) previous topic - next topic
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Oops low bridge!
I can’t imagine what this sounded like inside the rig.
Lynn and Lori

Re: Oops low bridge!
Reply #1
Very likely the driver had no idea that "2.6m" is a bit over 8.5' . S/he may be more aware of metric measurements in the future.  ::)
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Oops low bridge!
Reply #3
This reminds me of when we brought our MB home from the factory.  We decided to overnight in the Denver area so we could pick up our adult daughters at the Denver Airport to ride the rest of the way home with us.  When I made the reservation at the KOA, I asked the nice lady on the phone if there were any issues picking someone up at the airport in a RV.  Her response, that I am forever grateful for was, "don't try to pick up anyone in the arrival area.  There is a low bridge that will take the top off your RV.  It has happened several times.  Instead, pick up your family in the departure area, no problems there."  A huge thank you again to the Denver East KOA!
2011 MB

Re: Oops low bridge!
Reply #4
Steve and I got a giggle out of the Denver reference.   Poor Blue, my old 1990 multi-plan lost his a/c shroud to the low clearance sign bolts, after being told we would have no problems!!!
2005 RB

Re: Oops low bridge!
Reply #5
Low bridges are just one hazard.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264