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Topic: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings) (Read 187 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Non-member Classified...
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Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Not being a CA resident and not to seem insensitive to the plights of the homeless, but I'm surprised local officials tolerate such situations. They often deteriorate into very unsanitary "homes".

Unfortunately, what usually happens is the local city council will usually enact some sort of parking ordinance that impacts home owning rv owners as well. And it's happening more and more around where I live in southern California.  Soon I may not be able to park my Lazy Daze in my driveway, let alone on the street.
Hi, I'm Jo!
My little red wagon is a 1997 23.5 TK

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #1
Unfortunately, what usually happens is the local city council will usually enact some sort of parking ordinance that impacts home owning rv owners as well. And it's happening more and more around where I live in southern California.  Soon I may not be able to park my Lazy Daze in my driveway, let alone on the street.

Yes, I think the city of San Diego also enacted an ordinance a year or two ago that makes it illegal to park an RV on the street.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #2
Not being a CA resident and not to seem insensitive to the plights of the homeless, but I'm surprised local officials tolerate such situations. They often deteriorate into very unsanitary "homes".
It has been an increasing problem with many rigs parked in residential neighborhoods and dumping trash and waste everywhere. But LA has a huge housing shortage and a rapidly growing homeless population beyond the usual drug addict/mental health group. The RV dwellers generally have a bit more means and perhaps a source of income just not enough to afford rent. Last year we sold a conversion van in the $4k range and one guy was looking at it to live in and be his vehicle to get to work. Going through a divorce with 3 kids he wanted to stay near and his job didn't pay enough for rent.

The city of LA just passed a new ordinance legalizing rv dwelling on public streets in industrial zoned areas only, as a stop gap measure to satisfy residents without making the plight of these "homeless with means" any worse. Oh and I'm currently fighting my city over my Lazy Daze in the driveway but it's due to some neighbor complaining  (and it's not clear they're actually banned in my city I may just have to move it behind a fence).
98 MB

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #3
Unfortunately, what usually happens is the local city council will usually enact some sort of parking ordinance that impacts home owning rv owners as well. And it's happening more and more around where I live in southern California.  Soon I may not be able to park my Lazy Daze in my driveway, let alone on the street.

And then this happened.  At least I can fit my 23.5 in the driveway with a little maneuvering but some of my neighbors around here aren't so lucky.
CA: Long Beach moves to ban parking for RVs | RV Daily Report
Hi, I'm Jo!
My little red wagon is a 1997 23.5 TK

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #4

And then this happened.  At least I can fit my 23.5 in the driveway with a little maneuvering but some of my neighbors around here aren't so lucky.
CA: Long Beach moves to ban parking for RVs | RV Daily Report

Seems to be happening more and more, at least in California.  Kent, will this affect you as well?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #5

The article states that RV parking on private property will not be affected. My 27' RB fits perfectly in my driveway with a couple of feet in front and behind the rig to clear the garage door and sidewalk.

Several months ago I received a letter from LB Code enforcement that a neighbor complained (we all know her name & where she lives) that I had an oversized vehicle on my property that is blocking the view.

I live on the corner and my driveway is not on the corner.

As my LD is pulled  along the side of my home, only about 12 feet of it's stellar  beauty is viewable by residents. It in no way hinders anyone's view from my corner nor does it hinder the view from the opposite direction.

A call to Code Enforcement (January 23, 2017) concurred that my LD was neither too long or too tall and could in fact be parked any where on my property that any vehicle could be parked.

I was given the Municple Code Chapter 21 21.41.276 to back myself up in case the neighbor tried to do this again (she has since found other was to annoy me and other neighbors...I personally feel she would be happier in a gated community but I think the HOA would soon tire of her as well).

So, in answer to your question, no I don't believe it will effect me.

It's a shame that RV owners who own homes in communities are being forced to pay for storage of their rigs as Cities constantly change board members.

As the cost of living continues to rise, the added expense of RV housing will place an even greater burden on those of us who have entered or are entering our Golden Years of retirement.

More power to Full Timers everywhere. That being said, FT RVers have plenty of hurdles of their own.

Advocacy groups have been able to remediate some issues, but it appears the battle for RV residence/travel is always going to be a moving target for some bureaucrats to aim at.

Oh, for that cloaking device. Maybe I'll check Amazon for one.


2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #6
Good to know, Kent.  Yes, a cloaking device would come in handy!  Your neighbor is not Klingon, is she?

Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #7
"cloaking device"

Please send URL when you find it!

Our carport, and the driveway leading up to it, will accommodate at least three vehicles.  There is a circular driveway in front of the house that would accommodate another four to five normal-sized vehicles.  When we bring the Lazy Daze onto our property, we put it in the middle of the circular driveway, right by our front door, and yes, it blocks our view of the house across the street, but does not block anyone else's view of anything except our front door.  We are then allowed to have it there for only three days. 

Yet, I think that if we had seven or so vehicles consistently parked on our property, there would be no problem!  As it is, we have our Sportsmobile campervan under the carport, and a small, silver Mitsubishi sedan on the circular driveway.  The car is so small, it is practically hidden from view by a large cactus that has spread over a good portion of the front yard.

Thus we pay over a hundred dollars a month to store the Lazy Daze off site - eight miles away.  This is a huge deterrent to actually using it.  It shouldn't be, really, but it is our own sloth that makes it so.  If we had more expendable energy, the story might be different. 

The only redeeming factor is that the storage is under cover on three sides, leaving only the covered windshield and the covered front tires subjected to sunlight and other of nature's ravages.  We have enough hailstorms here that having a roof over her head is considered a big advantage.

Virtual hugs,

Judie  <-- Sierra Vista, Arizona
Adventures of Dorrie Anne | Photographing the West

Today:  The Tale of Tippy Tail


PS:  I'm trying to attach a photo.  I've done it before, but things look different now.  Formerly I could add a photo from my hard drive.  Now it asks for a URL, even though I have downloaded the photo onto the Lazy Daze site page.  It says that it is there - 100% - but when I try to attach it, the dialogue comes up asking for a URL.  So . . .

I trundled over to Flickr to put the photo into my account there so that I could comply with the request for a URL.  When I try to access my Flickr account, I get a Yahoo! page that doesn't function.  Anyone know what happened to Flickr? 


Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #8
Perhaps the pesky neighbor needs to be in a different type of 'gated community', one where the authorities control the keys to the gates.
In our village, so far so good on parking.  Can't leave it on the street or in the front drive for extended periods, but back of house is fair game.  If it was 4" shorter in height, and 8 or so inches shorter in length, I could put it in the garage.  There are ways, but they're labor or capital intensive...

2000 Front Lounge

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #9
split this out of the LD classifieds topic

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #10
AFAIK, we have to take the cake for what we put up with to enjoy our TK. Our driveway is steep and too short, so no parking there. Our street is narrow and if a car is parked on the other side, which my garage-converted-into-a-studio neighbors always must do, we must cajole our next-door neighbors to allow us to park in front of their house. The night before we bring the rig home for washing and loading, I put out three paint buckets with caution tape strung between them to mark off that precious spot.  That spot only works because of a "T" street opposite, which allows passing vehicles to swing into it a bit to get around us. Even then, they must creep slowly (we can only hope) through the gap between the rear of the LD and the back of the neighbor's car opposite. It's really fun when a cement truck or construction vehicle comes down. Then we might have to move. Not fun when you're plugged in to give the fridge a head start.  We put out reflective cones to warn drivers after dark. We absolutely can't be there on Tuesday mornings as that is trash day and the cans and trucks really put the squeeze on. We have become masters of the expedited packing and loading ballet (and the reverse). Our house looks like a staging area for an invasion before each trip. We never know when we return from a trip whether there will be any space at all. Then we have the half hour drive (on a good day at a good hour) to the storage lot (which is all outside in the SoCal sun) through the 405/10 interchange in west LA, perhaps the most congested in the state. Then we pony up $176 a month for our piece of concrete, with no dump facility, no wash facility, no working on rig allowed.  There's only  12-18 inches on either side to the adjacent rigs, an ancient Airstream with rotting tires, and a toy hauler. I can only hope they're careful when they back in or pull out.
   And yet, here we are, 10 years on, planning the next trip. Gluttons for punishment!  -- Jon & Loni
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #11
Wow, my hat's off to you!

Hopefully, Mr. Magoo won't be coming down your lane!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #12
Not all of us have as difficult a time dealing with neighbourhood parking as Jon & Loni, so congratulations for the "Tough It Out Award".  But with that, I think I have found the solution to all of our LD parking worries.

No more pesky California sun. No more blizzards covering those solar panels and varmints chewing up our wiring.

It's the perfect solution. If you can afford it...


I'm saving all my soda cans and I'm pretty close to making the move.

Subterranean Kent
2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Street parking ordinances (split from Re: Non-member Classified Listings)
Reply #13
Kent, thanks for that. I see a big problem at the end of the video- I can see neighbors. But the hydraulic lift gave me the idea of converting an aircraft carrier for the purpose of getting away from it all in isolated serenity, having access to enclosed storage for all my vehicles and being connected via satellite or supersonic aircraft.  Dream big, right?

'92 Mid Bath