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Topic: Underneath the Lounge Carpet - Question (Read 193 times) previous topic - next topic
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Underneath the Lounge Carpet - Question
Like many LDs we have vinyl in the kitchen and hallway of our '09 MB.  The lounge has carpet.  The basement compartments under both lounge couches have the same linoleum as the kitchen and hallway.  Is there any chance that the vinyl in the basement compartments extend underneath the lounge carpet?

Edit:  Change linoleum to vinyl thanks to Paul Banbury's post.

Re: Underneath the Lounge Carpet - Question
Reply #1
Can't say on yours, ours had a small patch of vinyl tile in front of the sink, stove.  All the rest, dinette, hall, bath (yuck), and lounge were carpeted.  Under the carpet was padding and sub floor.  It came up easily, with a staple pulling session.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Underneath the Lounge Carpet - Question
Reply #2
Ours had a small patch of vinyl tile in front of the sink, stove. 

Our vinyl starts behind the drive/passenger seats and goes to the entrance of the lounge.  As I mentioned, it's also on the "floor" of the basements underneath the couches.   I don't want to dig around on the carpet to see what's under it.  It would be wonderful if the Factory ran the vinyl all the way across the lounge area. 

Second Edit:  The Factory calls this stuff linoleum and it's not underneath the carpet.   It's installed like Paul's.   So it's back to finding a suitable carpet replacement.

Re: Underneath the Lounge Carpet - Question
Reply #3
I wish my compartments were vinyl on my 2002. Mine are carpeted but not the same color as the lounge. The carpet does help keep stuff from rattling and sliding around. Probably helps with insulating sounds too. But it is hard to clean if you get pine needles on it. I try to make sure everything is clean or bagged before I put it into the compartment.
Lynn and Lori

Re: Underneath the Lounge Carpet - Question
Reply #4
I have follow-up question for those who have removed the twin lounge seats in the MB.   It looks like once the cushions are removed from the lounge, the expandable frames are held in place with screws in the wooden sliding mechanism.  Once those screws are removed, do those frames simply lift out?  At that point, I think I should have full access to the carpet?  Thanks for any guidance.

Re: Underneath the Lounge Carpet - Question
Reply #5

As part of rewiring and annual access to the hot water heater for winterizing, I got very adept at removing the sliding part of the bottom cushion platform. For a 1997 MB, remove the three screws (from the top) holding the central guide. It drops, then the sliding platform can pivot up out of the way. At that point you'll need to pull the dozen (each) screws that hold the 1/4-inch plywood down that forms the fixed portion of the platform. With those out of the way, you have complete access to the storage areas from the top.

I quickly replaced the screws for the plywood over the water heater with brass inserts and #6 machine screws, as I would have worn out the framing holes with all the removal/replacement. I had plans to make a hatch in that plywood, but sold the coach before I got to it.

Put a mark on the slider (where it meets the platform) before you unscrew it from the platform. Even with that, it was a hit-or-miss to get the three screws back in the holes each time. I got used to looking under the platform each reassembly with a flashlight to ensure all the screws were in the slider, and hadn't missed it.

Mark H
Former owner, 31-foot gas Class A
Former owner, 1997-8 mid-bath