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Topic: Oh no...Fresh water tank (Read 246 times) previous topic - next topic
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Oh no...Fresh water tank
I was preparing for my maiden voyage tomorrow and started filling the fresh water tank (and it was raining at the same time).  I kept hearing the sound of flowing water and figured it was the rain flowing off the roof.  Well the rain stopped and the flowing water sound didn't.  I climbed underneath the RV and there is water flowing from all over the underside.  The pump is off too.

In looking underneath it wasn't obvious where the water tank is located.  I've let it sit and it has gone from full on the fresh water gage to less than 1/2 empty, and the water keeps flowing. 

Any suggestions of the next step?  The owner I bought it from said they drained the water because it was winter, but now I'm wondering if that was the case. 

Is there a diagram of the water lines?  Since it's coming from all over I'm wondering if it might by the water line that leads to the water heater.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Oh no...Fresh water tank
Reply #1
What a sinking feeling (no pun intended).  I'm no help, but wishing you good luck!  The wizards her will be chiming in shortly with loads of good info.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Oh no...Fresh water tank
Reply #2
If the water is flowing from one point and not from the entire "bottom" of the water tank, it's probable that the tank drain lever is open.  Maybe the former owner flushed the tank and didn't close the valve?

Look under the water tank; you should see a lever about 4" or so long. Push/turn the lever to close the tank.



2003 TK has a new home

Re: Oh no...Fresh water tank
Reply #3
If the water is flowing from one point and not from the entire "bottom" of the water tank, it's probable that the tank drain lever is open.  Maybe the former owner flushed the tank and didn't close the valve?

Look under the water tank; you should see a lever about 4" or so long. Push/turn the lever to close the tank.



The first time I went to fill our fresh water tank of the new to us rig, water promptly flowed right out the bottom and on down the driveway. I stood there in confusion for a moment until I realized the drain valve was open. Ours is located in a storage compartment, live and learn. Hope it's just that.
98 MB

Re: Oh no...Fresh water tank
Reply #4
Randy you don't mention it, but I assume you have opened every access panel and lower cabinet in the rig? The water tank will be located under the water fill inlet. On ours it is accessible by removing a panel inside the coach under the kitchen cabinets.

I would start though by looking at the water pump. I am hoping the previous owners installed a siphon for anti freeze at the pump  and neglected to close it off after winterizing , so  wateris flowing out of it now.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Oh no...Fresh water tank
Reply #5
I think I found the leak.  I noticed some of the carpet was wet so I guessed it might be an inside leak.  I pulled the kitchen drawers out (thanks Paul) and found the culprit.  There is a strainer on the inlet to the Shurflo pump and the plastic cover that holds the strainer screen was broken. Not a crack, the whole top of it was gone.  The local RV store had a replacement piece that I bought 5 minutes before they closed. 

I'm still hoping for a maiden voyage tomorrow if no more challenges pop up. 

Thanks for the input.  I will also find that drain value tomorrow and check it.  Now i know where the water tank is located and where to find the pump.  I'm learning quickly!