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Topic: Halon and Halotron Fire Extinguishers (Read 203 times) previous topic - next topic
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Halon and Halotron Fire Extinguishers
Recently there has been a lot of discussion regarding refrigerators and the potential for RV fires due to off level parking. This got me wondering about the best fire extinguishers to carry in the LD.

I have read many of the previous posts on the subject of fire extinguishers, but these posts are pretty old. Interestingly, much of the talk centered on "Foam" extinguishers vs. "Dry". Some discussion was given to "Halon" extinguishers.

So after quite a bit of research via the net, it appears Halon and it's more environmentally friendly replacement, Halotron are a good fit for the LD.

Knowing that it works well for the types of fires one may encounter in an RV, does it not seem prudent to replace the dry extinguisher LD provides?

I am eager to improve my fire readiness.
It seems prudent to follow the recommendation to have several extinguishers available. I like the fact that Halon and Halotron leave no mess and are extremely fast at putting down a fire.

Any thoughts on this matter? Is anyone in the group carrying either Halon or Halotron extinguishers?

As this is a serious matter, I am anxious for all your input. Thanks.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Halon and Halotron Fire Extinguishers
Reply #1
I suggest reading Mac the Fire Guy's website; you will find a great deal of information from a very knowledgeable and experienced person:


Mac offers quite a few extinguisher choices under the "Store" tab; not inexpensive, but neither is an RV fire!
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Halon and Halotron Fire Extinguishers
Reply #2
I have three extinguishers in our MB.  The original dry powder by the entrance door, a mini foam by the sink/stove and a large foam in an outside compartment. Having attended two Navy firefighting schools years ago I really like foam as does the fire guy.

Re: Halon and Halotron Fire Extinguishers
Reply #3
Fire fighting foam is a wonderful for many interior RV fires, since it does not create  the huge mess that dry chemical extinguishers .
Foam also works on liquid fuel fires by suffocating it, it is the method of choice for aircraft fires.
Do not use foam on electrical fires, as it is conductive.
In our LD, we have the stock FX by the entry door, plus a 5-lb dry chemical stored behind the toilet.
There are several small foam extinguishers distributed through the LD, including one in each cab door's storage pocket and one up in the bunk area, in case of a night fire.

You can never have too many fire extinguishers. I saw, at work, an engine fire that a 20-lb dry chemical FX could not put out.
We finally knocked it down with big, portable FFF foam extinguisher, the type you see on the ramps of airports (this was at LAX)
| Wheeled Extinguisher FoamAmerex Fire
If you ever get a chance to attend a training class for and held FXs, take it and learnt the right way of attacking a fire.
The base of the fire needs to be sprayed, not the top of the flames, so you have to go in low and fast.
2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Halon and Halotron Fire Extinguishers
Reply #4
Hi Folks,

A little update on my fire extinguisher question. I read through the site and viewed the videos linked earlier in this thread. Took everything to heart and followed the recommendations made by my fellow group members.

I found a local Fire Extinguisher man just around the corner from me and purchased two 2.5 pound Halotron fire extinguishers.

 Placing one in the bath area of my RB. So far I am leaning toward laying it flat and Velcroed in the left front corner of the closet making certain no clothing hangs in front or around it. I also thought of mounting it inside the closet on the door. Seems like a good place as it would be easily accessible when the closet door is opened.

As all the cabinets tend to be very thin veneers, Vince warned against bolting anything to the walls or shelves. And as the closet door is solid and well hinged, I think it will support the weight.

The second Halotron I will mount on the wall of the overhead sleeper on the drivers side. This is a sturdy wall and the bolts will be hidden behind the TV set.

I have also purchased 6 small foam extinguishers that will be placed throughout the rig.

With the acception of the engine compartment, I feel the LD is well covered in the event of a fire. I am currently working with the family to solidify our evacuation procedures and fire fighting tactics.

My father was a fireman for 30 years and I think he would be pleased with this part of my fire preparidness.

Thanks to all who have helped me in my quest.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"