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Topic: Daily Digest (Read 799 times) previous topic - next topic
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Daily Digest
We have used the daily digest on the Yahoo forums for years now and really like that method. I seldom use the main site. I assume that it is not possible to get something similar using the notifications here?

Of course, this format is far more robust and I do like it but will miss the old digest.

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #1
Jim, I think this was addressed in the test but I can't remember the specific answer. I'll get back to you.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #2
Here's a quick tutorial on how to "emulate" a daily digest using an RSS reader such as Feedly.com:

RSS Reader as a Digest

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #3

I'm like you in preferring the email messages. I used to get the Daily Digest and never used the website (I was never able to figure out how to navigate through it). As a forum tester, I tried the notification settings and what I get is a daily recap of posts, but it only shows the first few lines of the post, not the entire post.

But having said that, I'm finding the forum so easy to use that I think I'll be okay without the full daily digest. I've found that the forum works great on my Android smartphone, so I can easily check the forum without having to fire up the PC.

Yes, I'd still like the full daily digest, but it's not as big an issue as I thought originally.


Re: Daily Digest
Reply #5
Here's the full post, now that I've figured out how to add inline images (d'oh!!)

Here's an alternate way to get a digest-like summary of posts as an RSS feed:

0. Sign up for feedly -- this is an RSS aggregator that collects individual posts from blogs, websites, news feeds, forums, etc. It's free for personal use and has some nice features to organize your feeds. I used this to replace Google Reader when that was retired.

1. Navigate to the home page for Lazy Daze Owners' Forum, then copy the URL from the navigation bar to the clipboard. It should look something like this: http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php

2. Log into your feedly account and click Add Content.

3. Paste the URL from Step 1 into the content box. The list will populate with search results -- click either of the top two.

4. You'll get a list of recent posts. Click the green "+feedly" button to add this feed.

5. You'll be prompted to select or create a category (folder) for this feed. I have categories for "Camping", "Lazy Daze", "Blogs" etc.

6. You'll see a list of recent posts. Click one of the titles to see a summary, then click "visit website" to view the full message in the forum.

This is addicting -- you can add feeds for blogs you like so you always see the latest posts. You can also add news feeds from Google News and many other news sites. There's a search tool to discover blogs on any topic you are interested in.

There are other benefits -- The RSS feed bypasses (most of) the ads and fancy formatting on many websites that can otherwise bog down a browser, especially on a slow or metered connection. It collects all your items of interest in a single portal so you don't need to keep as many bookmarks. And, once again, it's free for individual use.

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #6
It's true that as an RSS feed, you can get an ongoing list of postings in the forum, but having to click on each one to read it means that I will actually read far less of the forum than with the Daily Digest that included the entire messages.  It's too much trouble and I'll miss a lot of good information.  I hope someone can figure out how to get the email digest again.
1997 MB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #7
From Steve: "There is a daily digest, its under the Notifications area, where instead of instantly (where each full post is sent out as its posted) you instead choose daily.

The issue that was raised is that it "cuts" the post text after 512 characters which may truncate some longer posts, forcing you to click a link to read the full post (and see images etc).  Also remember you can't respond to a Daily (that's not new).

I can increase that 512 limit, but if the size of a Digest gets to large it runs the chance of never getting through the email system (it will send, but it may never reach the destinations)  I recall on very busy Yahoo sites, it would send out multiple Daily's to overcome this issue, but that's not something we can do."

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #8
Hmmm. I tried replying and got a "could not find forum" notice which asked me to (again) log in. Should we always be using the "Quick Reply" box for replying?  Anyway, I also hope that we can get the capability to read full posts in the daily digest format. I really dislike having to navigate through multiple "forums" and then multiple threads rather than seeing all posts laid out in one email. Is it truly impossible to send out multiple daily digests when the character limit gets excessive?  Also, I used to reply to posts from within daily digests all the time. Thanks, --Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #9
Jon, I just punched in "reply" to your message and had no problem. Can you try it again?

We won't drop the daily digest issue but want to get through the initial migration before tackling some major questions.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #10
PS, Jon:

Should we always be using the "Quick Reply" box for replying?

I don't see "quick reply" (which doesn't mean it's not there). Did you mean "quick edit" ?

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #11
I'm reading on an iPad, so maybe there are some formatting differences. At the bottom of each post, I see a line of boxes:  Reply.  Notify. Mark unread. Unwatch. Share. Print.  When I hit the reply box here, it didn't post.
However, at the bottom of the page, there's a black ribbon with "Quick Reply" in white letters. Under that are formatting icons and a text box. When I used that to send a reply, it works immediately.  ??? -- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #12
I have dl'd the digest onto my old favorite email program...Eudora..and I have it layed out as I want it..is there any way to dl the forum digest  IN FULL every day, not just by topics?  I really don't want to use my browser to read mail....old fart, too comfortable in my current set up.  My folders and saved stuff goes back to 1995!! Want to be able to keep it available for adding updates, new posts, etc. and can't figure out how I can do that via the web forum.
Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire
"CHERRYOTTE" our little red home on wheels
"Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #13
PS, Jon:

Should we always be using the "Quick Reply" box for replying?

I don't see "quick reply" (which doesn't mean it's not there). Did you mean "quick edit" ?


Chris, I am currently looking at this on a Win 10 PC and at the bottom of each topic is a Quick Reply box.


Re: Daily Digest
Reply #14
Is anyone receiving a daily digest?  I signed up 24 hours ago and nothing yet. Is there a particular time of day the digest is sent?  -- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #15
I signed up too but haven't received anything yet.

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #16
I received the daily digest yesterday. I don't know what triggers it, time of day, number of posts or what but it is working. I should also add that it is better than I thought it would be. It gives a synopsis of one of the posts in each thread and thread link. Given how well I like this site as opposed to Yahoo I think it will be easy to live with the digest.


Re: Daily Digest
Reply #17
Ah so! I did not scroll down far enough to see the "quick reply". Now I have to see what makes it different from a regular reply.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #18
Regular reply.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #20
I received the daily digest yesterday. I don't know what triggers it, time of day, number of posts or what but it is working. I should also add that it is better than I thought it would be. It gives a synopsis of one of the posts in each thread and thread link. Given how well I like this site as opposed to Yahoo I think it will be easy to live with the digest.


Jim, thanks for posting this. I just changed notifications to try the daily digest because a handful of you have talked about it. I never used it on Yahoo, thus knew nothing about it. I'm anxious to find out what it looks like. I believe the digest you received is what we will have to live with here.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #22
I just got the daily digest and pasted it in so all could see what it looks like. It appears all the text is there and if you want to see posts on the topic from other days, you can click on the link.


Below is a summary of all activity in your subscribed boards and topics at Lazy Daze Owners' Forum today. To unsubscribe please visit the link below.

The following topics were started:
"North East LD Spring Rally" in the Around the Campfire board
    <*> Topic Preview:
    Fellow LDers can join us at Nelson's Family Campground in East Hampton CT,
  June 8 departing June 12. Wannabees are invited as well, on Saturday June
  11. Call the campground directly at 860-267-5300 if interested in a site,
  and please let us know you are coming on the Northeast LD site on Yahoo.

    <*> See the full Topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28656.new;topicseen#new

"35-40 MPH Gusts " in the Around the Campfire board
    <*> Topic Preview:
    Driving across I90 in South Dakota with 35 to 40 mph cross winds. A white
  knuckle day at the wheel. We were pushed out of our lane once, which was
  once too many. We're tucked into Left Trailrace COE. A gem.

    <*> See the full Topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28659.new;topicseen#new

"Daily Digest" in the Site Instructional Guides board
    <*> Topic Preview:
    I posted this in the "around the campfire" but it probably is more
  appropriate here. Is anyone receiving a daily digest? I signed up yesterday
  , and there have been a lot of posts since then, but I've received nothing
  via email? -- Jon

    <*> See the full Topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28657.new;topicseen#new

"Multiple user names" in the Site Instructional Guides board
    <*> Topic Preview:
    Looking over the new website, I've discovered that I have several "user
  names" showing on the membership listing. Is it possible to consolidate
  them into or under a single user name, i.e. number of total post, etc. ?

    <*> See the full Topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28658.new;topicseen#new

"2004 Blue/White 26.5' MB For Sale in Lansing/ Williamston,  MI" in the Classifieds board
    <*> Topic Preview:
    Date of ad: 5/13/2016  
  Location of coach (state, city): Lansing/ Williamston, MI   
  Year of coach: 2004  
  Price: 32,900 or BO  
  Miles: 64,500  
  Length and floor plan: 26.5 MB  
  Chassis (Dodge, Chevy, Ford): Ford E450  
  Engine: V-10  
  VIN: 1FDXE45S74HA58756  
  Exterior colors: Blue/White  
  Paint scheme : traditional horizontal stripes  
  Interior colors: Tan and teal  
  Service records? Yes  
  Air conditioning? Yes  
  Generator?  Yes, 400+ hrs  
  Solar panel(s)? Two (2) factory installed panels, 30S charge...

    <*> See the full Topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28660.new;topicseen#new

Replies have been made in the following topics:
8 replies in "Greetings to All!"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    Hats off to the collaborators: Chris, Judie, Larry, Michelle and Steve. Well
  done. This site is looking very good and user friendly. Many thanks!!  

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28638.new;topicseen#new

9 replies in "Daily Digest"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    > On: Fri May 13, 2016 Jim & Gayle Wrote:   
  > No difference that I can detect.  
  It's in what you see when you are writing your reply. Full (regular) Reply
  includes the ability to add attachments (basically what you see if you
  click "Preview" before posting).  

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28645.new;topicseen#new

1 reply in "North East LD Spring Rally"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    Aha - someone already figured out how to link rally event announcement posts
  to the site calendar! Awesome!

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28656.new;topicseen#new

1 reply in "Thanks for all the web-work!"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    Happy trails, Sarah! Good to see you posting. Don't be a stranger.  
  Gizmo must be getting up in years now.   

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28655.new;topicseen#new

2 replies in "Tires and tire valves"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    Jim, yes they did. The Costco installer wanted to put them on the inner and
  outer dually, but there was only two rubber stabilizers. I said that they
  only go on the inner wheel and that is what they did. I also got a new
  spare tire at the same time as Jay suggested. I re- installed the TPMS and
  everything works fine.  

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28646.new;topicseen#new

2 replies in "Wind Gust or Speed Limits"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    Heck, I've driven on I-40 for (ahem) many miles with my Wineguard batwing
  full up. No damage, except to ego. -- Jon

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28654.new;topicseen#new

2 replies in "Membership Level"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    > On: Fri May 13, 2016 LindaH3946 Wrote:   
  > I've always used the same Yahoo User ID, but I have used different email
  >  addresses from time to time, so I'm assuming that's why my post count is
  >  only 100-something?   
  Yup, each different e-mail address was handled as a unique account by Yahoo.
  Once the initial activity settles down and account merging can be addressed
  , you'll get "transfer credit" ;)   

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28564.new;topicseen#new

1 reply in "Multiple user names"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    > On: Fri May 13, 2016 tcollmar Wrote:   
  > Looking over the new website, I've discovered that I have several "user names" showing on
  >  the membership listing. Is it possible to consolidate them into or under a single user
  >  name, i.e. number of total post, etc. ?  
  See here:   
  [Membership Level](http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28564.msg157565#msg157565)

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28658.new;topicseen#new

1 reply in "Demineralizing hotwater tank on 96 Tk"
    <*> Latest Reply Preview:
    Larry what is the problem with a metal drain plug?  Mine had a metal drain
  plug when I bought it. Actually it's like a plug inside a plug but I had to
  remove the larger one to get the tool in to flush the water heater.

    <*> See your unread replies to this topic at the following link:
    <*> http://www.lazydazeowners.com/index.php?topic=28633.new;topicseen#new

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #23
So, what do I do?  It seems others are getting daily digests, but not me. I have triple checked my profile settings, and daily notification is turned on, and all boxes for the various forums to be viewed are also checked. Yet . . . Nothing. Very frustrating. -- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Daily Digest
Reply #24
And, no, the would-be emails are not landing in my spam folder. -- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄