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Topic: Membership Level (Read 422 times) previous topic - next topic
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Membership Level
I see that I, like some of the rest of you, have several different Yahoo membership ID's and levels depending on the number of posts made under that ID. I have Junior, Full, and Hero - all connected to the same email address. It picked the Cool_Delta_Mike ID from my email address. Anyway, I can change to Hero just for my own vanity?
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Membership Level
Reply #1
I had the same question. Somehow or another, I have 4 accounts. And my highest is only Sr. It seems like after 15 years of posting I'd have made enough to be a hero.   :'(

Re: Membership Level
Reply #2
Don't worry, most everyone is in the same boat, its one of the crazy things that Yahoo does to us.  They probably have some internal table, or not, to keep track of the changes over time.  But what they make *cough* available to those trying to migrate data is a full box of chocolate.

After we do the change over, I will go through and "merge" the duplicate accounts, this will give you the correct total post count as well as the earliest join date.  It will not be perfect but it will be very close for most.

Re: Membership Level
Reply #3
That sounds like a LOT of manual work Steve. I am not that vain.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Membership Level
Reply #4
I've always used the same Yahoo User ID, but I have used different email addresses from time to time, so I'm assuming that's why my post count is only 100-something?  Since I joined the LWALDRV Yahoo Group back in 2004, I'm pretty sure I've make more posts than that!   :)
Linda Hylton

Re: Membership Level
Reply #5
I've always used the same Yahoo User ID, but I have used different email addresses from time to time, so I'm assuming that's why my post count is only 100-something? 

Yup, each different e-mail address was handled as a unique account by Yahoo.  Once the initial activity settles down and account merging can be addressed, you'll get "transfer credit"  ;)


Re: Membership Level
Reply #6
I don't have a problem with multiple Yahoo IDs, as I've only got the one (I think)...I only signed up with Yahoo in in order to join LWALD.  Everything migrated over so easily, but now I'm wondering if there's a way to change my email.  I'd like to just drop/stop using the Yahoo account because I never look at it (only on the occasions I was dropped from LWALD & had to sign in again).  Is is possible to run everything with my regular email account through my ISP?  ...or am I tethered to Yahoo for eternity?

                                          Thx--                 Lynne

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Membership Level
Reply #7
You are free to use whatever email you like with this system, although I will note that at the moment we are having some delivery issues with sbcglobal that I'm working on. 

To change your email use My Account -> Account Settings there is an area in that form for the email that you would like to use. 

Note when you change your email, the system will require you to "reactivate" your account, this to ensure it has a valid one and one you have access to.   Simply change the email and save your changes, you will then receive an email to the new address  (always check the spam folders!) with a link to re-activate (no password changes or anything like that)

Re: Membership Level
Reply #8
Thx, Steve
LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm