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Topic: Future Forum Function (Read 10 times) previous topic - next topic
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Future Forum Function
Yahoo Message Number: 159545
My second time trying to post this (thanks, Yahoo). I view the posts via receiving a "batch" of emails (up to 15 in a set) about twice a day. I much prefer this to individual emails or visiting the site. YMMV, of course. Will the new forum allow for this method of reading posts? Thanks, Jon ('06 TK "Albatross" & the scoot toad)
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 159548
"I much prefer this to individual emails or visiting the site. YMMV, of course."

---- Yes, "YMMV" is definitely in play here! ;-)

I read the board on the website for these reasons: 1) I didn't want to create another "specific use" mailbox in addition to my "dump" box, "personal" box, and flaky Yahoo mailbox. 2) By reading on the website, I can scan quickly, select posts to read, and move on without having to dump a mailbox and/or dealing with the clutter of multiple postings. 3) The website, despite being clunky, poorly designed and organized, and awkward, steppy, and often confusing to use, provides access to files and other links that I believe many readers miss (and may not even be aware of) when they receive posts through email.

I'll continue to read the message board on its website because it works for me, but I will be interested in the answers to Jon's question; I suspect that many others may have the same one.

As ever, YMMV! ;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 159552
" I view the posts via receiving a "batch" of emails (up to 15 in a set) about twice a day. I much prefer this to individual emails or visiting the site. YMMV, of course. Will the new forum allow for this method of reading posts?"

I believe you're describing getting the forum posts via "Digest". This feature is also available with the new forum (although you will not be able to reply to a digest, since it's just a collection of posts that aren't necessarily the same topic). Basically any function that is presently available in the Yahoo group is available in the new forum and many have been improved upon (significantly ;-) )

The new forum will also allow for subscription to posts via e-mail. Since there will be more than one category (e.g. general discussions, technical/maintenance discussions, remodeling/upgrade discussions, etc.) you will have the benefit of subscribing to only those categories you wish to. You will also be able to subscribe to individual topics if you prefer that.

Members will also have the ability to use e-mail to post; you can reply to an e-mailed post you get to continue the discussion and you will also be able to start a new topic by e-mail. This is actually one of the few forum designs out there which supports this feature aside from Yahoo; Steve developed the "mod".

Now you will still want to visit the forum site to view photos and use some of the other cool features (like the member map, vastly better search function than Yahoo, viewing member profiles, etc.). I would encourage everyone to at least try the new site experience when the time comes to explore it, even if you think you prefer interacting only via e-mail. A website is a much more interactive, social means of communication and we found a much greater sense of community formed when we created Foreforums from its old Yahoo Group. We do have a tiny handful of users who still use "post by e-mail", or PBE as Steve and I call it, but out of 3000+ members I could count them on one hand.

Michelle former 1999 30IB

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 159553
Thank you for the "features" explanation for the new LD message board! I know that the transition will require a lot of work and time, but your efforts and those of our moderators are certainly very much appreciated! This message board is not only a terrific source of information for all things LD, but also a window into a community of people, most of whom one could never have met, online or in person, without the "vehicle" of this board. In quite a few cases, the "connections" made on the message board are maintained and participation continues even when an LD owner decides that a different RV would be a better fit for their lifestyle!

"Growing pains" for the new board are to be expected, but I hope that everyone will be patient and continue to participate in the same friendly, civil, and helpful ways while any kinks are being worked out; I'm looking forward to the new era!

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 159554
I read this forum by email. There are many advantages the most important is no spam s. If and when I need to see an image or read a file I do logon the web site.

Yahoo IMHO may not be long for this internet world. I'm thinking they will be going the way of MySpace, AOL, and others like that.

As the the life span of the new forum - this is the Internet. It will last as long as there is interest. When the interest dies so will it.

Glen 2014 TK aka Baxter the travel turtle
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 159555
"I read this forum by email. There are many advantages the most important is no spam s. If and when I need to see an image or read a file I do logon the web site. "


To reiterate what Chris included in his announcement, the new site will be ad-free and there are going many provisions to prevent spam from reaching the forum and its membership. Unlike Yahoo Groups, the new forum's purpose is not to generate interest-based advertising revenue opportunities ;-)

Michelle Former 1999 30IB

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 159557
There are many advantages the most important is no spam s.

--- As mentioned, I read the forum on the website and don't get any "spam" (unless it's a post that slips through) or s on any of the pages. I use a robust ad blocker that takes care of most of the in-your-face page clutter.

I agree that it's likely that Yahoo is circling the drain, but, AFAIK, the current incarnation of AOL is still very much alive! ;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 159560
Thanks, Michelle! Nice to know we dinosaurs will be so nicely accommodated. Like the other poster, while a "batch" reader by preference, I do visit the forum site from time to time for specific searches, etc. And, to echo Joan, yes, AOL is alive and I still use its mail function, going back now over twenty years. Looking forward to the LWALDRV changeover. -- Jon, just back from Death Valley and, alas, its withering flowers.
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 159565
Kudos to Steve and Michelle for offering to free us from Yahoo, and to our moderators for embracing their efforts.

Some thoughts on the proposed new forum, which I support wholeheartedly. Although not an original member of the group, I did join back in 2001 when there were about 4000 posts. I went through every one of them and they helped convince me that a Lazy Daze was in our future. Since then I have read just about every post made. I prefer the email batches to the web site - I can easily skim through them without having to click on individual threads, etc.

I have one suggestion: try to keep the number of categories to a minimum. I belong to some other forums that are set up with categories and they all have too many. I tend not to bother to check different categories. The one thing I like about the current LWALDRV group is that I easily see EVERY post, since there is only one category - everything! If there were a Food category, for example, I would probably ignore it....but then I'd miss all those great posts about coffee!

Also, when you start to categorize things, you run into problems of deciding what category a post should fall into. Most are pretty obvious, but some are not. One of my favorite threads of all time was the lengthy and detailed discussion about how much sunburn your left arm would receive when driving. Into what category would that really fit?

For those of us that prefer email, will we have to receive a separate bunch for each category? I would rather receive all posts, no matter the category, via a single batch email. I do not want to receive individual emails for each post.

Thanks again, folks, for your hard work on this.

WxToad @ J. P. Coleman SP, MS www.wxtoad.com www.ultimatecampgrounds.com

Posted by: "stcook" no_reply@yahoogroups.com stcook Date: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:30 am ((PDT))

The new forum will also allow for subscription to posts via e-mail. Since there will be more than one category (e.g. general discussions, technical/maintenance discussions, remodeling/upgrade discussions, etc.) you will have the benefit of subscribing to only those categories you wish to. You will also be able to subscribe to individual topics if you prefer that.

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 159566
"I suspect that many others may have the same one."

So I'm responding to Joan's comment about preferences for the LD Digest vs individual emails.

I'm not that computer saavy, but I do receive LWALD via a couple of digests sent to my (ahem) AOL address each day. Am I understanding correctly that the new method would result in fifteen to thirty or so individual emails sent to me via AOL every day? I don't have the time or the stamina (or the interest) to do so. I skim topics and poster names (Joan, Chris, Andy, Larry, etc.) in each Digest and read only what seems important to us or really interesting. I can't imagine having to plow through that many individual emails on a daily basis.

As to checking in via the website, I check in maybe twice a year; I really dislike Yahoo and all its dealings, and the Digest seems to serve to alert us to any vital info about our LD.

Maybe I have misunderstood the Future Forum Function, but I can't be the only member who prefers to limit our exposure (and time spent) to once or twice a day. Just sayin'.

Pat B.
30' IB LD, Piscataqua River

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 159567
If, like most forum software, the new Lazy Daze forum provides RSS feeds for topics and comments, you can use a website called Feedly.com to collect and display them all in one place and keep them out of your inbox.


Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 159568
For the members here who recently commented on not wanting individual posts e-mailed, please see my earlier response.

You will have multiple options for receiving new posts by e-mail.

Digest (all new posts grouped together, options to select daily or weekly). You cannot respond via e-mail to these forum e-mails since the forum has no idea which post in the digest you're responding to.

Category/board subscription (all new posts in a category/board as they are made, individual e-mail). You can respond to these e-mailed posts to contribute to the topic.

Individual topic subscription (same as category/board).


Additionally, the new forum has Personal Messaging, and you can opt to receive these notifications via e-mail (and respond to them) as well. PMs are useful if you prefer not to share your actual e-mail address with other members.

You will also be able to prevent PMs entirely if you wish (except for blocking moderators or admins), as well as create "buddy" and "ignore" lists.

Michelle former 1999 30IB

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 159583
There is a downside to having too few categories in a forum, and that would be it makes it more difficult to search and use the information in the forum's archives. Having an adequate number of categories doesn't have to hinder day to day use. On most forums I use, I simply click on the "new posts" button and have available the posts or subjects that are new since my last visit.

A well designed forum is a quantum improvement over the Yahoo group format.
"Yonder" '05 MB
"WLDBLU" glider trailer

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 159591
I can't wait to escape the clutches of Yahoo! I'm wondering how others have dealt with categories, especially as concerns relevance. Posts such as "spotted green 27' LD on hwy 80" are timely but lose relevance after several days, while others dealing with, say, mechanical issues may stay relevant for years. Is there any thinking of how posts could be categorized or prioritized in this sense as opposed to subject area?

Thanks, Ray '97 TK
2003 MB
Formerly 1997 TK

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 159592
" I'm wondering how others have dealt with categories, especially as concerns relevance."

This is something your moderators are working on.

If you want to see what we've done for Foretravels, stop on over at http://www.foreforums.com

and you can see what boards/categories we have for Foretravels and how they're used. Now, guests can view some of the boards; you would have to join and be a member to see them all. They are

Foretravel Tech Talk Foretravel Discussions Foretravel Remodeling Foretravel Classifieds

Around the Fire Ring (with it's sub-group Food Fore Travel) (non-brand specific, RV and travel related topics with some stretch/leniency) Forum Instruction Manual (and it's sub-group How-To Guides) (how to use the forum) Commercial Listings (for active, contributing forum members who have a business that is of interest to members, such as our members who are AquaHot service folks, some coach electronics repair, etc.) Yahoo Archive (all the old Yahoo group posts, threaded as best the software could do)

Michelle former 1999 30IB

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 159600
Agree bumper. To me, the topics on the Foretravel are WAY too broad. It's needs several divisions. Maybe a section for things that are directly related to the LD build, another for the Ford, etc.

For what it's worth, the way I started The Companion was using the LD Owner's manual section topics. I figured every topic related to an LD was covered in the manual, except for making coffee, etc. Sure, things like jacks which LD does not install need to be covered, but should be covered in a logical place. I was never logical, so.....someone else needs to figure it out.

That said, even with a great topic organization, it will be like herding cats to get people to post refrigerator topics in the Refrigerator or Appliance section. On here, often the header is not changed when the subject is changed.

On a Jeep forum, there moderator's for almost every section and they move things to the correct section as needed.

My two cents
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 159606
"There is a downside to having too few categories in a forum, and that would be it makes it more difficult to search and use the information in the forum's archives."


I hope and expect you will be pleasantly surprised with how easy and effective the new forum's search feature will be to use. You will be able to type in key search words or a phrase, narrow your search by user and/or date range, order by relevance or date.

Michelle former 1999 30IB

Re: Future Forum Function
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 159615
As a long term user of the application whose current incarnation is yahoo who has watched the cintinual deterioration of convenience and service, I think it will be around for quite some time. Termination would be an improvement, something I have yet to experience in their "improvements".
Just sayin' Joel


Yahoo IMHO may not be long for this internet world. I'm thinking they will be going the way of MySpace, AOL, and others like that.

Glen 2014 TK aka Baxter the travel turtle
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE