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Topic: Looking forward (Read 25 times) previous topic - next topic
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Looking forward
Yahoo Message Number: 150767
Fifteen years ago, with the purchase of my first RV (a 1985 Lazy Daze) still in the planning stages, I joined Yahoo in order to learn from this group. Eventually, I was named its leader.

In the decade and a half since then, I've learned a lot--about RVing, of course, and also about keeping a group like this on an even keel. But for better or worse, I think I've taken the group about as far as I can, and it's time to hand it over to someone with fresh ideas.

That's why I'm going to step down on March first, and hand over the reins. No, I'm not going to going to pick a successor--that's up to you folks to decide. Of course I'll remain an active member, but I look forward to seeing what fresh leadership does with the group.

It's been a wonderful fifteen years, and I'm deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to making this one of the friendliest, and certainly the best informed, RVing groups on the net.

Andy Baird

Travels with Andy
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Looking forward
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 150771
Dear Andy,

I am very sorry to see you step down as our truly fearless leader, but I don't doubt you need a break from this. You've put in an amazing amount of time and freely shared your wealth of knowledge.

It's safe to say that Bernie and I would not be Lazy Daze owners now if it weren't for you and the others who created this forum. This was the very first place I learned about LD. By studying all the threads I gained confidence that we total novices not only could manage an RV but actually would enjoy camping in one. And that has been the case.

So, I hope you'll enjoy your "freedom" and will let us know whenever you're back in Santa Fe. Thank you for everything!


Re: Looking forward
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 150774
Andy, Sorry to see you step down. You are one of the "voice of reason" members keeping this forum clean and to the point. After a decade and a half you definitely deserve a break. Thank you for passing on the knowledge and advice over the years.

Now you will have more time to collect gadgets. I found a cool flashlight that is also a USB/Iphone charger. You probably already have one. It's called a PAL.

Bob 01 23.5 TK with toys....

Re: Looking forward
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 150775
Andy, a big thanks for all you have done for this group over the years. This has to be one of the most civil forums that I have participated in and that is because of you! I can only hope that whoever takes over can do a similar job. There are some here that could do that but it really takes commitment and I hope that they can do it.

May this forum go on forever.

As mentioned before now you will have more time to find/test and report on new gadgets related to using our Lazy Dazes.

Jerry 2000 30 IB
Jerry Galang
Meridian, ID 83646

Re: Looking forward
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 150776
Thanks for your service Andy. I look forward to your continued participation. Enjoy the freedom.
Pleinguy : Full-Timer
2004 Twin-King "Tardis"

Re: Looking forward
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 150777
Your leadership will truly be missed.  It's good to know that you will still be sharing your knowledge with the group.  Thanks, Andy.

Dale 23.5 FL & 2000 Cherokee "Follower"

Re: Looking forward
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 150780
It's  been a wonderful fifteen years, and I'm deeply grateful to everyone who  has contributed to making this one of the friendliest, and certainly the  best informed, RVing groups on the net.

 15 years is a long time at any thing like this. And I know the problems from holding office in other clubs my self.

Enjoy the rest; It is well deserved and earned.

Best wishes


A Retired Plumber

Re: Looking forward
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 150784
Andy -

I've been amazed by your knowledge, inventive solutions and ability to keep the group on track. Recently I was looking for spot mirrors and amongst the comments on Camping World's site I came across a thorough review. Imagine my surprise when I saw it was from you! Thank you for your dedication to building this community and helping people fix and enjoy their rigs.

- Michael (once and future LD owner)


Re: Looking forward
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 150798
Good luck Andy.
I am new to RVing and you are my RV hero.
I have learned a lot from you and am greatfull.
Glad you are staying around.
Keep of the good work.

Re: Looking forward
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 150799
Another newbie here...  Thank you Andy.  Your Eureka blog was a large part of me deciding to get a Lazy Daze, and this forum has been very helpful.

Enjoy all of you extra time!

2014 TK
The Super Flea

Re: Looking forward
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 150805
Thank you for all the years of leadership, Andy.    You have been persistent and kind when members have wandered off topic, reminded us to snip the message we are replying to, and tossed the miscreants who showed bad behavior.   You have shared generously your helpful hints and ideas.
Thank you, Juli Wilson Minden, NV
Juli W.
Former owner 1994 mid bath,  2006 26.5'rear bath

Re: Looking forward
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 150809
Andy - Here's another thanks for sharing your knowledge of RVs, LDs, and RV life.

I started researching RVs seriously a few months ago trying to learn enough of the basics to be able to ask the right questions re buying a used one.  I found a link to Eureka - a pot of gold! - in another forum and from there this forum.

The others have said it well.  This is one of the most informative and welcoming groups online, thanks greatly to your leadership.

I'm hoping to buy an RV within the next few months.  Whether or not it turns out to be an LD, I thank you for all the help I've received from you and the other participants in the LD forum.

2007 MB

Re: Looking forward
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 150810
In addition to your work here as a moderator, your travel journals and photography have been an inspiration to us since before we picked up our new 24' FD in 2008. One of the first accessories we bought was the Eureka CD, and it's been very helpful. The pictures of your trip to the San Juans in our home state of Colorado have reminded us to visit Lake City at least once a year. Thanks for all of your efforts.

Sincerely, Larry & Kathy Jones Monument, CO
Larry in Monument, CO
2008 24' FD

Re: Looking forward
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 150817

Along with your obvious knowledge I think your greatest legacy is how you were so even handed and compassioned in handling this site.

As far as I am concerned you should be considered Moderator Emeritus.

I hope you stay available to assist your successor whomever that may be.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

Terry R

Re: Looking forward
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 150820
Andy, you stepped in for me when I was desperate to cast off the responsibilities of this group, and I am forever thankful for that! I wasn't surprised that you transitioned into and handled the task well, but I am amazed at how successfully the group has thrived and become a model, in my humble opinion, of what a well-run forum SHOULD be, under your capable leadership. I attribute this to you, personally, as I have seen so many other forums and newsgroups founder over the years. I'll keep my fingers crossed for this one now. Hopefully my fears will be allayed... Anyway, thank you again!

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Looking forward
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 150823
Hi Andy,

As many have said, if it weren't for you, Andy I (and many others) wouldn't likely have known to buy a Lazy Daze and why it's been such a great decision. This well run group influenced me heavily as I knew I would  be traveling solo and the fact that there are such helpful, knowledgeable folks willing to jump in is a huge plus. Your website and generally helpful, objective demeanor have had a huge positive influence on me and so many of us.

I'm extremely grateful for your input here over the years as well as knowing about how you help people privately on a regular basis. I'm hoping your "retirement" as moderator will be an enjoyable next part of your life.

Very gratefully,

Andrea Eagles 2007 RB

Re: Looking forward
Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 150824
Andy, Thank you for your dedication and even-handed direction over the past 15 years.  We've followed you all the way, and even before that, with your travels with Gertie.  This is a well deserved break so you can, hopefully, move on to the next phase, but you must know how much you will be missed!  You are a true diplomat--hmmm....is that your next calling? ;-)

We hope to see you again, on the road.  In the meantime, thanks again for a job very well done!

Sandy and Joe Brown

Re: Looking forward
Reply #22
Yahoo Message Number: 150831
"As far as I'm concerned, you should be considered Moderator Emeritus."

Amen to that !!

Barry "O"

06 MB Ruby Red
2006 27' MidBath

Re: Looking forward
Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 150864
Thank you Andy, I'm sitting in my rig (ok, but it's parked on the side of my house) writing this thanks in large part to what you've written over the years. In fact I just solved my first plumbing conundrum thanks to this group.
I wish you all the best in retirement, as moderator seems like quite a job! I look forward to continuing to hear/read from you.
2003 MB
Formerly 1997 TK

Re: Looking forward
Reply #24
Yahoo Message Number: 150923
Hi Andy,

I just realized this new development. Just wanted to say thanks for your efforts, and I really appreciate it. You epitomize the typical LD owner. In that most LD owners are well informed, do their research, admire quality, enjoy a bargain and many other great qualities. It's been a few years since I have been LD-less, but I continue to monitor the group because of the wealth of knowledge that is shared here that transcends the RV world. I think you had a big part in creating that atmosphere.

I wish you well, and I know you will make good use of all the extra time you will have on your hands.

