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Topic: Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or turn (Read 26 times) previous topic - next topic
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Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or turn
Yahoo Message Number: 148996
I know that the water pump should be off when you're hooked up to city water, but what about when you're boondocking?  Do you only turn on the pump when you're actually going to use it and then turn it off again, or do you just leave it on while you're out there if it's only going to be a few days?

I tried to do a search on this but only came up with answers to water pump issues.

Thanks, Syndi
2014 TK
The Super Flea

Re: Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 148997
Some  people turn it off when not in use. Others only when they will be out of the MH.  That said, in 14 years of use of my present LD I have remembered to turn it off  about four times. There never has been a problem. That's a nonanswer if I ever  saw one.


I know that the water pump should be off when you're hooked up to city  water, but what about when you're boondocking?  Do you only turn on the  pump when you're actually going to use it and then turn it off again, or do you  just leave it on while you're out there if it's only going to be a few  days?
 I  tried to do a search on this but only came up with answers to water pump  issues.

Thanks, Syndi

Re: Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 148998
Just my own experience: I haven't hooked up to city water for years; I always use the onboard tank. If I'm in the rig, going in and out, or close by outside, I leave the water pump on. When I'm away from the rig for any length of time, I turn the water pump off. If something is going to leak or"blow", I want to notice and deal with it it a.s.a.p. rather than returning to a flooded rig.

As ever, YMMV.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or t
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 148999
We leave the pump on all the time when we're boondocking. I try to remember to turn it off before we leave the rig, but don't always.

Linda Hylton
Linda Hylton

Re: Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 149000
What Joan and Linda said, plus we turn it off overnight.
 Also, until recently, we always hooked up to city water and left it on at the bib all the time.  We have been "intimidated" by Terry T., however, never to use city water hook up, with the following reasoning.  With the pump left on all the time, a burst valve or line will result in a max 50-gallon flood.  With city water left on all the time and a burst valve or line....Well, you get the picture.  So, by extension, if you keep the pump off when away or sleeping, to avoid a max 50-gallon flood, why would you hook up to city water, leave it on, or worry about shutting it off when away or sleeping?  Just use the tank and monitor the pump status.
 One man's opinion, but enough to scare us into tank-pump only at all times.  This is one of those low-probability-but-high-cost dilemmas.  Depends on your approach to risk management.


Re: Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 149001
We never hook up to water as some areas have "bad" water and don't want to contaminate my tank.  Only fill up known 'good' water.

Re: Newbie-ish question: While boondocking, leave water pump on or
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 149002
We don't hook up to city water, but use only tank water which has been slowly filtered and run through a water softener before going into the tank.  The pump is (attempted) ALWAYS (ahem) turned off when we leave the rig.  So far, so good.  We do leave it on at night, though.

Virtual hugs,

Judie http://dorrieanne.wordpress.com
2015 Leisure Travel Unity (Sally Forth) - 2024 -
2009 Pleasure-Way Excel TS (Joyce) - 2019 - 2024
2018 Sportsmobile - (Hopper) 2023 - 2024
2005 RB (Dorrie Anne) - 2009-2022, 1985 TK (Gertie) - 1991-2001
1999 Mountain Aire (Francine) - 2001 - 2009