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Topic: Protect-A-tow (Read 6 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Protect-A-tow
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 148039
Several postings on this topic will come up if you do a forum search using "tow car shield" and "Protect-a-Tow". The search bar (for the group and an option for a web search) is at the top of the home page of the message board.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Protect-A-tow
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 148041
"I have done this. I want to know if other LD owner has used the protect-a-tow. Not from class A owner." ---- I don't know of many "class A owners" on the LWALDRV message board; I'm pretty sure that the responses gleaned from past threads on this and related topics listed below are from real live LD owners! ;-)

"I have used both a shield and the P-A-T - in fact, both at the same time. Dealing with the shield-type protector was just too cumbersome at the end of the day. It was bulky and always in the way. The P-A-T folds up and is easy to store. Despite using both devices for a year or so, I still wound up with minute pitting on the windshield but never have had any large spots. I think there is so much turbulence created between the LD and the car that pitting happens regardless of the device unless one covers the windshield. And I travel in the West where there is always an abundance of grit on the roads.
---- -I second Chris' recommendation for a PAT.  We have been using one for about 5 years.  It's low tech, but I prefer to think of it as "elegant simplicity".  We live in Oregon, with real winters and a complete, state-wide ban just lying in wait on the road to smash your windshield.  In over 50 years of licensed driving, I never had a damaged windshield until I moved to Oregon 10 years ago.  Since then, one car has had the windshield replaced and the second windshiled was hit and has a nice "snowflake" set of cracks.  Our other car has also suffered one winshield damage incident, resulting in another glass "snowflake".  All these were suffered wihen driving the vehicles, not towing.  With the PAT we have had not a single bit of damage to the tow vehicles (the one with the replaced windshield).
Suffice it to say that when the perimeter bungee and the spreader bar broke (not at the same time) last year,  I fashioned a new spreader bar (one piece) from Home Depot materials and replaced the perimeter bungee.  The tow skirt will wear out in the next couple of years, and I will buy a new one from the manufacturer.
---- We have also used a Protect-a-Tow for several year and are very pleased with it. We have had to replace the spreader bar (home depot plumbing dept.) and shock cord, but the "apron", as we call it, is still in ok shape after several years of use...
--- We also use a Protect-A-Tow from a Canadian company. The combination has proven superior in protecting our two vehicle...other than carrying it in an inclosed trailer, it will get chips and dings...
--- And the company is great to work with.  When I purchased the package, I had not measured properly, so I  received the wrong sized unit. Protect-a-tow handled the problem with tact and efficiency and no extra charges. They sent me away a very happy camper.
--- We've only had it a few years, and haven't done a great deal of during this time, but have used it about a dozen times. No problems at all..." ---

As ever, YMMV.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Protect-A-tow
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 148042
Yes, and I would not be without it.  It has saved the front of the tow from damage.  May not be perfect but for the price you cannot go wrong.

Bob. SE 5
Kathy and Bob on the Go

Re: Protect-A-tow
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 148043
Joan, that was a "beyond the call of duty" response. Nice work. Chris (a happy P-A-T user for 12 years)
Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Protect-A-tow
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 148045
There's a pretty good discussion in the LD Companion .


Posted by:   wmw173@gmail . com  wmw173 Date: Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:29 am ((PDT))

Does anyone use a Protect-A-Tow when towing a Veh . ? Would like some input .

Re: Protect-A-tow
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 148048
Ted, the only reference I found specific to the Protect-a-Tow was a photo of the item under the topic heading, "Stone Shields"; is there another discussion of the PAT under another topic in the Companion?  Thanks.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Protect-A-tow
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 148054
 That article wasn't meant to be more than a little introductory piece just to let folks see the various types of devices that are available  . Folks can Google those items to learn more  .
 If anyone wants to send me more particular information on the Pat or any of the others, I'll be happy to add it to the article .
 And I can see that I need to add some more tags to make finding the article a bit easier .


Posted by:  jctaylor1941@yahoo . com jctaylor1941 Date: Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:35 pm ((PDT))

Ted, the only reference I found specific to the Protect-a-Tow was a photo of the item under the topic heading, "Stone Shields"; is there another discussion of the PAT under another topic in the Companion?  Thanks .