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Benchmark atlases and maps
Yahoo Message Number: 147777
For those who still find printed atlases and maps useful and enjoyable to use as planning tools, I recommend Benchmark products:

Benchmark Maps & Atlases

Benchmark does have a few apps for certain states; I can't attest to the quality of the apps, but their atlases are excellent, and I find them indispensable for travel planning.

Benchmark atlases and maps can also be bought from Amazon, but sometimes the Amazon editions are earlier publication dates; check the Benchmark website for the most recent edition of a particular state's atlas.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 147781
Thank you, Joan, for this listing for Route 395 from Carson City to Lone Pine.  Is this a better choice than the AAA map and guide that you mentioned the other day?

Virtual hugs,

Judie http://dorrieanne.wordpress.com

Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 147782
I'll second Joan's recommendation of the Benchmark state atlases! We've been using them for years and have one for each of the Western states that they publish. IMO, they're heads and tails better than the Delorame atlases for the same states.

Linda Hylton
Linda Hylton

Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 147783
In your opinions, Judie and Joan, which atlas does a better job showing forest roads and trails? Forest roads in particular for those who like off the grid dispersed camping.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 147788
"...which atlas does a better job showing forest roads and trails? Forest roads in particular for those who like off the grid dispersed camping." --- I agree with Linda that the Benchmark atlases are superior in inclusive content, accuracy, and organization to the DeLorme, but some people prefer DeLorme's format over that of the Benchmarks.  Large bookstores often carry at least a couple of Benchmarks and DeLormes; I suggest checking out a "sample" to see which better suits your purposes before ordering.

Benchmarks do a very good job of showing forest "roads and trails", including designated 4 wheel drive goat tracks in the sectional maps. NF (BLM, etc.) campgrounds are also marked, as are some area "attractions". For my purposes, the Benchmarks are great; I've relied heavily on them to "map" travels and camping spots.  If I were a backcountry Jeeper (ATVer, biker) and wanted even more detail, I'd get maps of the national forests that I was interested in exploring.


I also suggest always stopping at a ranger station when traveling in any national forest; many (but not all) have very knowledgeable personnel and free maps of various types (NF maps are NOT free) and assorted "literature", sometimes including the MVUMs of the area. (Although these are better downloaded [PDFs] from the specific national forest's website.)  This is the link to the NF's portal website; select the state and paricular NF from their home page:


The AAA Eastern Sierra Guide Map ("Information on camping and points of interest from Lone Pine to Bridgeport")  is excellent because it offers focused detail on a fairly narrow, specific area, i.e., campgrounds, roads (of all types!) and attractions along and within several miles of both sides of 395.

As the adage says, "So many roads, so little time!" ;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 147789
Joan - Is this Eastern Sierra Guide Map available only in California, and only in person?  I don't see anything at the site where I can order it from Arizona.  You so very kindly sent me one of these some years ago, and I think that is the reason why.  We still have it, and if there have been no/few changes, then we are golden.  We ARE going to order the similar one directly from Benchmark - "Highway 395, Carson City to Lone Pine", and the atlas for New Mexico.  It will be interesting to compare the Benchmark books to our DeLormes, which are now getting pretty long in the tooth.

I downloaded the Benchmark app for New Mexico, but have not spent a lot of time with it yet.  Just browsing the Legends is encouraging as to its usefulness.

The Owens Valley may see us yet!  ;->

Virtual hugs,

Judie http://dorrieanne.wordpress.com

Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 147791
Ha!  Chris - I've been grounded for over seven years, and it's been almost twenty since we wandered about in Gertie using the forest roads and trails.  So I am now a "babe in the woods" in this regard, and look to Joan and others for guidance.

After another two horrendous sessions of radiation treatments (20 each time!) over the last eight months, Gary is feeling nearly human, and we are beginning to think about sashaying over to the Owens Valley when the weather cools off.  Hopefully some of the fall can be spent in New Mexico, as well.

We look forward to poring over the Benchmark books and maps (and apps!) to get those juices going good and proper!

Virtual hugs,


Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 147793
Judie, the Eastern Sierra Guide Map that I sent you should still be accurate, but I don't recall the publication date. The latest edition of this map is dated "1/11-11/13". (I used a previous edition with "sticky flags" indicating changes until the "new" one was issued.)

AAA is a regional outfit, *not* a national organization as far as its products and services go, so what's available in my region, i.e., CSAA  (AAA's name for northern CA, NV, and UT; I have no idea how they came up with those divisions!) may not be offered in another region. The map certainly should be available from the "Southern California Automobile Association" (AAA's name in SoCal), but, beyond that, I don't know.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Benchmark atlases and maps
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 147800
I agree with Linda that the Benchmark atlases are superior in inclusive  content, accuracy, and organization to the DeLorme, but some people prefer  DeLorme's format over that of the Benchmarks.  Large bookstores often carry at  least a couple of Benchmarks and DeLormes; I suggest checking out a "sample" to  see which better suits your purposes before ordering.

Benchmarks do a very good job of showing forest "roads and trails",  including designated 4 wheel drive goat tracks in the sectional maps. NF (BLM,  etc.) campgrounds are also marked, as are some area "attractions". For my  purposes, the Benchmarks are great; I've relied heavily on them to "map" travels  and camping spots.  If I were a backcountry Jeeper (ATVer, biker) and wanted  even more detail, I'd get maps of the national forests that I was interested in  exploring.

 I can not speak for Benchmarks I have not used them. As for DeLorme it is still a paper map and I have since replaced it with DELORME TOPO USA on disk.
We all carry laptops today so there is no reason not to go with the computerized maps.
You can get the whole USA and Canada on two disk. You can zoom in to where you are looking at a one block area. And as it says TOPO so you have the elevations.
You can get the whole US and canada for $77.00 from Amazon You can load all the maps on the hard drive so you can access it all at once and it will do far more than any paper map will do. And no web needed. Version 10 is the latest.

Amazon.com: Topo North America 10.0: Software
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