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Topic: 2013 Balloon Fiesta (Read 3 times) previous topic - next topic
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2013 Balloon Fiesta
Yahoo Message Number: 136767
Up, Up, and Away - is what you will see the balloons do at the 2013 Balloon Fiesta!  I have all the information needed to start taking reservations for this unbelievable event.  Just imagine 500 - 600 huge balloons flying right over the top of your rig every day.  That is what will happen if you join us.  To be included, all you have to do is let me know and I will send you my letter with all the pertinent information for registering.  Last year the 30 rigs had a great time.

Linda Leach

Presently in snowy Colorado

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Re: 2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 136779
Hi, Linda,
 I tried to reply to you alone, but it didn't appear to go through. I hope the Group will forgive me for replying publicly.
 Liz and I would like to sign up for the Balloon Fest LD gala festivities in the fall. Although we were in ABQ in the fall of 2011, we were too late for the Fest, so we're hoping to leave home in New England on Labor Day this year and head down that way via the old Route 66, as much as one can. So would you please add us to your list of folks who would like the information on registering? We've never been before, so this will be a new experience for us. Thanks very much.

Ted & Liz Houghton 2005 RB  NE-13

2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 138119
I want to remind anyone who is thinking of or wanting to come to this year's Balloon Fiesta that I will be out of the country from May 15 to June 15 and won't be able to accept any reservations.  So get them in sooner, rather than later.  Come and join the 20 plus LD rigs (and their owners) who have already booked their reservations for this year's Balloon Fiesta.  You will love this event.


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Re: 2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 138740
 Marian and I have been looking forward to this fiesta for 7 years (the time we've owned the rig!). Thanks so much for handling this!


2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 139096
I just had word from the BF organizers that they are filling up very fast.  So I have had to change my final reservation date.  I need any and all reservations made and paid by July 15 when I send in my final count.  After that date the only reservations I can take are if someone that has already reserved needs to cancel.  I'm sorry to do this, but we definitely want our spot again this year.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Right now we have 26 paid reservations.

Linda Larkspur, CO, getting ready to head to Canada

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2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 143167
This is John and my last year of doing the B F.  I want to thank everyone who has come over the 5 years I have been doing this.  I am also excited to have so many new friends that I have made here.

This year's BF was one of the best ever, we all agree.  We had 38 rigs,  many of which were repeats and several were newbies.  The BF  moved us into a new area and we all agreed that it was better than the one we have always been in.

I was lucky to find a very friendly and completely capable person to take over for us.  I know you are going to really like her.  Her name is Jeanne Bold, and she is a full time LD owner from Texas, and mostly travels in NM.

When BF reservations open, Jeanne will be sending out the notice.

Thanks for 5 GREAT years.

Linda and John Leach Larkspur, CO

Re: 2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 143171
It's the attendees who thank you and John for being superb hosts. Ron and Mary Tribbett Dixon, Ca

Re: 2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 143173
As Mary and Ron said.  Great Job.  The BF was made even more fun by Linda and John efforts.  Pam and Steve campodonico, Three Rivers, ca.

Re: 2013 Balloon Fiesta
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 143174
Thanks so much, Linda and John. Last year I was a newbie, and you made me feel welcome. This year, my second, you made me feel even more welcome, again. Y'all are so gracious. I hope you will continue to attend the BF,  just with not so much responsibility on your plates.

Special thanks to John for all the technical advice.

Jeanne B., the Excel whiz, will uphold your fine tradition, I'm sure.

Hope to see you down the road, or at Quartzite.

Kathy Lautz
1999 MB