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Off Topic Ebook
Yahoo Message Number: 129331
For those of you that are familiar with Martha Marks, one of our members, and her book Rubies of the Viper just thought I would let you know that it is free for the Kindle for 2 days.

You can find it here.

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.

Re: Off Topic Ebook
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 129332
Thanks!  I just finished a book and was looking for something different to read.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Off Topic Ebook
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 129336
Thanks to Jim and Andrea for (individually) sharing the news that my novel, Rubies of the Viper, is FREE today and tomorrow on Amazon. I wasn't going to do a shameless self-promotion here, but since they did if for me I just want to say how much I appreciate that.
 And Andy (who also gets my personal quarterly newsletter) replied privately to me with this additional info, which I also appreciate and will share with others here:

*** I want to point out something you left out with regard to "Rubies": even if you don't own a Kindle, you can read the book using Amazon's Kindle software for Mac, iPhone/iPod/iPad, or Windows... or on any computer, phone or tablet that has a web browser, using their Kindle Cloud Reader. You may want to send out an addendum mentioning this, so that people understand that you *don't* have to own a Kindle to enjoy the book.
 Kindle for PC: http://amzn.to/GUYbbb
 Kindle for Mac: http://amzn.to/GJXU0M
 Kindle for iPhone/iPod/iPad: http://amzn.to/GSKFcK
 Kindle for Android: http://amzn.to/GXGevy
 Kindle Cloud Reader: https://read.amazon.com/about
 I just purchased and downloaded a copy in Kindle format (yes, I now own two Kindles, which have replaced my aging Sony Reader), and look forward to rereading the book once I finish my current reading list. :-)

 Also... many thanks to Andy, Jim and so many other people on this list who get my personal newsletter who wrote this morning to wish my husband continued progress in his recovery from viral encephalitis last winter. Your moral support through this tough time has been wonderful!

Martha in Santa Fe 2009 MB, which will soon be on the road again!
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.

Re: Off Topic Ebook
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 129339
There's also Kindle for Android phones. Just go to the Android app store and search on "Kindle." I downloaded it for free recently, but haven't tried it yet.


Re: Off Topic Ebook
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 129341
I use my Kindle for Android when I get caught in a very slow line in a store or at the pharmacy desk. It is handy when I am without my kindle or other reading material. Works great!


Re: Off Topic Ebook
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 129345
On Mar 23, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Roger wrote:

At BF you mentioned a possible sequel to ROV. Any word?
Hi Roger! I remember you from last year's BF and am impressed you recall from our conversation that there was a sequel to "Rubies of the Viper" in the works.
 Actually, yes, there is a sequel with the draft title of "The Viper Amulet," which was coming along nicely until my husband got sick in mid October, at which point it screeched to a halt. As he's gotten better over the last couple of months, I've tried to crank my brain back into gear and get back into the groove of writing. It actually started this week and with luck will continue uninterrupted to a happy fictional conclusion.

Thanks for asking!

Martha in Santa Fe

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