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Topic: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath (Read 59 times) previous topic - next topic
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Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Yahoo Message Number: 129178
After about 10 years of wanting one, My wife and I are heading down to Lazy Daze next week to order a 27' Mid-Bath.  This group has been a great source of information over the years. Here is what I'm planning to order. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.

- House batteries disconnect switch - Second solar panel - Outside shower - Game table - Dash cup holder console - Electric step - Backup camera - T-connector under sink for future water filter - Extra 12 and 120 v outlets (TBD at the factory)
 I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks as they have mixed reviews and wait until I can evaluate the rigs handling myself in real world conditions.
 The stock mirrors don't get good reviews - I assume this also applies to the optional electric mirrors?  As my wife and I will both take turns driving this would be convenient, but adjusting them twice a day doesn't seem like too much of a hassle.  I'll probably replace the stock mirrors when we get back home.
 Once we put in a deposit, the coach is supposed to be ready in three or four months. Since we live in Oregon now (no sales tax), we will take possession of the rig in Arizona or Nevada.
 Back home we'll add Bigfoot levelers and a hitch to tow a Honda Fit and take it from there.

Any ideas?



Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 129179
After about 10 years of wanting one, My wife and I are heading down to Lazy Daze next week to order a 27' Mid-Bath.  This group has been a great source of information over the years. Here is what I'm planning to order. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.

- House batteries disconnect switch - Second solar panel - Outside shower - Game table - Dash cup holder console - Electric step - Backup camera - T-connector under sink for future water filter - Extra 12 and 120 v outlets (TBD at the factory)
 I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks as they have mixed reviews and wait until I can evaluate the rigs handling myself in real world conditions.
 The stock mirrors don't get good reviews - I assume this also applies to the optional electric mirrors?  As my wife and I will both take turns driving this would be convenient, but adjusting them twice a day doesn't seem like too much of a hassle.  I'll probably replace the stock mirrors when we get back home.
 Once we put in a deposit, the coach is supposed to be ready in three or four months. Since we live in Oregon now (no sales tax), we will take possession of the rig in Arizona or Nevada.
 Back home we'll add Bigfoot levelers and a hitch to tow a Honda Fit and take it from there.

Any ideas?



Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 129180
Since you already live in Oregon, I would suggest not having the factory put ANY solar panels on your rig and, instead, head to AM Solar in Springfield, OR to have them do the installation.  The factory uses AM Solar's products, anyway, but...unless they have changed their installation methods since we bought our 2004...they attach them permanently directly to the roof instead of leaving a gap to allow for air flow (and possible tilting, if wanted).

Linda Hylton http://earl-linda.blogspot.com
Linda Hylton

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 129181
Well early congratulations! We hope you will get as much enjoyment from yours as we have ours.
 Here are my comments. I am certain few will agree with me, but so be it. It is free advise.

- Electric step
A waste of money. Certainly you are able to bend over and put the step in and out yourself.

- Backup camera
I use it rarely, but it's nice to have. The mirrors are much better for backing. Comes in handy when you need to put the bumper a half-inch from a pole.

I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks as they have mixed reviews and wait until I can evaluate the rigs handling myself in real world conditions.
Worth it on the 27, not so much so on the 24.

The stock mirrors don't get good reviews
I have not paid attention to what they are using right now. The ones on the later made 2007's could not be better. We set them and forget them.

Back home we'll add Bigfoot levelers
I will wager you are clever enough to get the rig level with orange blocks. If you just MUST add the weight and something that can fail, then go for the more costly HWH brand.

Cheers, Don & Dorothy
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 129182
I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.

- House batteries disconnect switch - Second solar panel - Outside shower - Game table - Dash cup holder console - Electric step - Backup camera - T-connector under sink for future water filter - Extra 12 and 120 v outlets (TBD at the factory)

Don, I had them install the table in back like in the 24 Twin King. You will not regret it. I can even show you how to make it removable.
Dave & Sandy dhassel999 at aol.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 129183
"catsonrye"  wrote: I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks as they have mixed reviews and wait until I can evaluate the rigs handling myself in real world conditions.
--- When you decide (note that I said "when", not "if" ;-)) to change out the OEM shocks, you might want to check with Henderson's Line-up in Grants Pass; they install Bilsteins and Konis.
 The stock mirrors don't get good reviews - I assume this also applies to the optional electric mirrors? --- It's true that older versions of the cab mirrors were pretty bad; many owners replaced the OEM mirrors with Velvacs (or another).  But, do you have sources for the *currently-used* mirrors getting poor reviews; I don't recall seeing negative posts on the board about the *new* mirrors. ??? Is it the "low-profile" thing or something else that makes the "new" mirrors undesirable? --- Consider Linda's suggestion of contacting AM Solar for the panels and charge controller.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 129184
Quote from: catsonrye"

"...My wife and I are heading down to Lazy Daze next week to order a 27' Mid-Bath..."

"... Second solar panel..."
 I agree with Linda, AM Solar is your best bet. That's all they do and they are VERY good at it. You'll probably not see much of a difference in price either. And while you are there think seriously about a Battery Monitor.

"... Outside shower..."
 Well, I got carried away with that and haven't used it one time in eight years. Particularly if it's right by your front door.

"... Electric step..."
 Contrary to what others have said, I would not even want to think of being without the electric step. You don't have to remember you forgot it just after you rip it off by dragging it along a curb.

"... Backup camera..."
 Best money I ever spent! Can you back up a large vehicle to within inches of an object behind you, that Honda Fit for instance??

"... T-connector under sink for future water filter..."
 Didn't want one, don't have one, don't miss it. I use an in-line filter outside, YMMV.

"... Extra 12 and 120 v outlets (TBD at the factory)..."

Good idea.

"I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks..."
 Only experience can point out the value of the Bilsteins. Lateral stability (sway) is one good reason. But then I've never had stock shocks so who am I to judge.

"Back home we'll add... a hitch to tow a Honda Fit..."
 No need for overkill, the stock hitch is more than capable of towing a Fit, ask Andy Baird.



So, with those comments I'd say go for it and don't look back.

Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Jiggs 30'IB
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 129185
After about 10 years of wanting one, My wife and I are heading down to Lazy Daze next week to order a 27' Mid-Bath.  This group has been a great source of information over the years. Here is what I'm planning to order. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.

- House batteries disconnect switch - Second solar panel - Outside shower - Game table - Dash cup holder console - Electric step - Backup camera - T-connector under sink for future water filter - Extra 12 and 120 v outlets (TBD at the factory)
 I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks as they have mixed reviews and wait until I can evaluate the rigs handling myself in real world conditions.
 The stock mirrors don't get good reviews - I assume this also applies to the optional electric mirrors?  As my wife and I will both take turns driving this would be convenient, but adjusting them twice a day doesn't seem like too much of a hassle.  I'll probably replace the stock mirrors when we get back home.
 Once we put in a deposit, the coach is supposed to be ready in three or four months. Since we live in Oregon now (no sales tax), we will take possession of the rig in Arizona or Nevada.
 Back home we'll add Bigfoot levelers and a hitch to tow a Honda Fit and take it from there.

Any ideas?


Don, I mostly agree with what others have said except the electric step is a REAL PLUS (came standard on our 30').  We've hardly used the outdoor shower (again, standard) but it was nice when the dogs needed feet cleaned off.  I would not pay for one extra.  I wish I had a back up camera.  It was not offered the year I bought ours (2002).  You can add an after market one more cheaply than the factory cost. Check Andy Baird's or Larry Wade's photos.
 If you are going to add antennas or run any wires from the roof into the LD, you might try to get a capped hole (there's a better term for this) installed on the roof above the general area where you will put the equipment in the LD)

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 129186
Guess we'll add our two cents.

Battery disconnect switch is a good idea.
 Absolutely wait to do solar panels at AM Solar. You will have many more options available on panels, controllers and battery monitors. The ability to tilt the panels has been incredibly helpful this winter. May want to see if LD can do anything to make the installation easier for AM Solar: wiring, reinforcing, etc.
 We initially disagreed on the electric step, but are so happy we ordered it. Have said so more than once.
 Depends on your family on the shower. We use it for dogs and grandkids. Somehow it's easier to get the kids to "play in the water" outside than going into the inside shower. We use it to rinse out buckets and such outside.
 Absolutely more outlets. We did not realize that that was on option when we ordered. Wish we had.

Definitely order the V10 engine.

Get as much LED lighting as LD has available.
 Most of all, have a wonderful time. We're enjoying our second LD. Two of the best investments we ever made.

John & Patti Golden, CO

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 129187
"The ability to tilt the panels has been incredibly helpful this winter."
 And you can't do that with the factory-installed solar panels. Yes, I agree with John & Patti and the others who recommended having your installation done by AM Solar, since your home is in the Pacific Northwest. Their panels can be tilted, for the modest cost of $15 extra in hardware per panel. Although in the past I've expressed skepticism about how often one is likely to use tilting panels, a recent experience convinced me of their value.
 I hadn't bothered to tilt my panels in some years, preferring to do my winter camping in campsites with electricity, but this January I found myself spending two weeks in a dry-camping site at Catalina State Park near Tucson, AZ. To complicate matters, my 2003 midbath had developed the classic "cracked generator fuel line" problem, so I couldn't fall back on my generator.
 In short, I was completely dependent upon my solar panels, and with the days short and the winter sun low in the sky, that was difficult for a heavy electricity consumer like me. in this situation, tilting the panels up at around noontime each day yielded many additional precious amp-hours of power. (I learned to lay them flat again at sundown rather than waiting till the next morning, after one early-morning adventure on a slippery frost-covered roof.)
 Yes, it was a pain to climb up on the roof twice a day. But without the added juice generated by the tilted panels, I wouldn't have made it through that two-week stay... or more accurately, I'd have had to cut my computer usage to a bare minimum, which would have had a major impact on my normal lifestyle.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 129189
Looks like you are ordering everything that I did in 2004 on my midbath.
The electric step is a godsend, I wouldn't be without it. (be sure to lubricate it several times a year) The game table is a good idea but I have only used mine once.
The disconnect switch is definetly a good idea, however, I have never used mine.
The backup camera is indespensible.
Ditto on extra plug ins.
The outside shower comes in handy in rainy weather, cleaning fish and/or if you have sandy children.
If the T connector would have been offered in 2004, I would have purchased it.
I haved not been without the Bilsteins, so cannot comment.
 One thing that most members will agree on is that AM Solar is head and shoulders above anyone else.
AM Solar is on the leading edge of all things RV solar.
 In my opinion, any leveling system is a waste of money and weight. I have two plastic ramps that level the coach 99% of the time.
If they do not work, I just move to a more level site.
 Hendersons In-line also sells and installs a good steering stablizer. It was needed on my 2004. Don't know about recent models.
 Other items you might want to consider are a battery monitor, whole house surge supressor, an upgrade to a multiple stage converter and Banks Powerpack.

David in Spokane, Washington

__ From: catsonrye giallanza@...>
 To: lifewithalazydazerv@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2012 2:19 PM
 Subject: [LD] Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath

After about 10 years of wanting one, My wife and I are heading down to Lazy Daze next week to order a 27' Mid-Bath.  This group has been a great source of information over the years. Here is what I'm planning to order. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions.

- House batteries disconnect switch - Second solar panel - Outside shower - Game table - Dash cup holder console - Electric step - Backup camera - T-connector under sink for future water filter - Extra 12 and 120 v outlets (TBD at the factory)
 I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks as they have mixed reviews and wait until I can evaluate the rigs handling myself in real world conditions.
 The stock mirrors don't get good reviews - I assume this also applies to the optional electric mirrors?  As my wife and I will both take turns driving this would be convenient, but adjusting them twice a day doesn't seem like too much of a hassle.  I'll probably replace the stock mirrors when we get back home.
 Once we put in a deposit, the coach is supposed to be ready in three or four months. Since we live in Oregon now (no sales tax), we will take possession of the rig in Arizona or Nevada.
 Back home we'll add Bigfoot levelers and a hitch to tow a Honda Fit and take it from there.

Any ideas?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 129190
Andy:  Why didn't you just leave them tilted if you were staying inn one spot?
 tilting the panels up at around noontime each day yielded many additional precious amp-hours of power. (I learned to lay them flat again at sundown rather than waiting till the next morning, after one early-morning adventure on a slippery frost-covered roof.)

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 129194
1) House batteries disconnect switch saved us big time when we put it into winter storage this past year in AK. With that switch, we were able to leave the batteries in the rig.

2) I believe others are correct on the solar panel, and one day I will go to AM Solar to switch out the panels, but the 2 we got from the Mothership worked just fine for us, last Fall on our trip home to AK. And the sun was already low in the skies.

3) Outside shower - we got it thinking we would clean fish, boots, etc. but we didn't use it. Mostly due to the fact its on the driver's side of the rig, not where we go in and out of the rig the most.

4) Game table - got it, but don't like it. It needs something to stabilize it, as it swings in its hole.

5) Dash cup holder console??? It was standard equipment when we picked up our rig Sept 2011. Actually enjoy this particular layout of the console.

6) Electric step - absolute godsend for these legs. Its a bigger drop off to ground than I realized to open the manual step each time.

7) Backup camera - love it!!!  I still use the side mirrors, but the camera was a joy to have.

8) T-connector - we decided not to get it and am happy we didn't. The water filter added outside did a marvelous job.

9) We added extra outlets, but not as many as we thought we would need. As the ones they now have are in pretty good places.  But I'm of a mindset you can never have enough outlets...so think hard how you will use the rig...

10) Bilstein shocks - the Mothership did not recommend them for us due to where we lived. We have some pretty rough roads in AK and we will do alot of dry camping up here.  Without the Bilsteins, the trip North was wonderful. I suggest you ask the Mothership on that. I've heard they make a world of difference for many.
 11) The stock mirrors - you need to realize issues of old are not necessarily still true on the LD's.  We had zero issues with the mirrors - they did us quite well in all conditions. We set them upon receiving our rig in NV and never reset them again.
 12) We ordered our rig in May 22, 2011, it would have been done in August, but we wanted to do it after Labor Day, so picked it up in September. They told us 3 months to be built.   We took possession in NV - it was an easy process.
 13) Like many others, we/I have zero problems using the orange blocks to level the rig. We thought about getting the levelers, but our trip home ruled that out. About the only thing I may still consider is some sort of stabilizer - but the LDs are far more stable than some other Class C's we've been in.
 Just my two cents worth... We still over 126" of snow on the ground, here's hoping that 1st week of May, I can finally get the rig out of winter storage!!!

Melinda 2011 27' MB
2011 Mid Bath

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 129195
 When doing post delivery wiring, it's often necessary to get wires from inside the coach up to the roof, or from inside to underneath the chassis. The most common path for this is via the back of the fridge ' but that is not always the most convenient spot. A better option would be to have the factory install one or two 3/4' PVC pipes (conduit) from under the coach body through to the roof, one might be installed behind the fridge and another in wardrobe. The conduit/s could later be cut or accessed as needed at the interior, or alternately, each conduit could be installed in two pieces, one from the inside up and the other from the inside down from the same interior space - - this would necessitate cap plugs on each outside pipe of course. Such conduits would be useful when adding things later, such as solar panels, external Wi-Fi and cellular antennas, GPS or XM radio antennas, and whatever the future of electronics might bring.
 When I purchased Yonder ('05 Mid Bath), I asked about this and got the normal answer at the time. Not sure if they are more accommodating now, but maybe . . .


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
"Yonder" '05 MB
"WLDBLU" glider trailer

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 129197
"Why didn't you just leave them tilted if you were staying in one spot?"
 If the rig had been parked facing east or west, I could have tilted the panels so they'd face south and left them up. That would have been ideal. But in this case, my campsite (reserved, so I couldn't change it) was oriented in such a way that if the panels were tilted up in the morning, they got significantly less sun. For maximum output I had to lay them flat until 1:00, then tilt them up.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 129198
I'm really surprised at the number of folks who encourage purchase of the power step.  When we stop and need to put the step out, I always exit the rig via the driver's door, walk around and put the step out.  It is so easy to do, and exiting via the driver's door is so much easier for me (plenty of arthritis and lack of flexibility) than trying to get into the back of the rig first.  When we're ready to leave, I just put the step up and enter via the driver's side door.  Really easy!
 I would find that the added cost and complexity of the power step to be a negative, but that's just my way of thinking, and to be sure, YMMV.

Rich Gort - 2000 MB - Birch Bay, WA
Former 2000 MB- Now Bullet Crossfire 1800RB trailer pulled by a Chevy 2500HD

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 129199
On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 18:50:54 +0000 (UTC), Rich Gort wrote:

When we stop and need to put the step out, I always exit the rig via the driver's door, walk around and put the step out.  It is so easy to do, and exiting via the driver's door is so much easier for me (plenty of arthritis and lack of flexibility)
You and me Rich, but we are far out numbered.
 We use silverware, no paper plates and have most electric appliances on board, but I draw the line at electric steps and levelers.
 Of course, we are doing a little rocking and rolling in southern NM in the gusts of 50mph. Levelers would stop that.
 No ipod, ipad, iphone, kindle, electric step, mattress topper, sat dish or BBQ.
Just barely getting by.

Cheers, Don
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 129200

3) Outside shower - we got it thinking we would clean fish, boots, etc. but we didn't use it. Mostly due to the fact its on the driver's side of the rig, not where we go in and out of the rig the most.

Melinda 2011 27' MB

IMHO, the disadvantage of having the outside shower on the passenger side (where ours it) is that it IS right where you traffic in, out and around the LD.  Thus, if you use it there, the ground/concrete/asphalt/rocks/outdoor mat can get wet, muddy, etc.  For me it would be a plus to locate it on the driver's side where there often is grass or weeds or something other than a concrete pad or landing area where standing water would be a nuisance.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 129201
I agree with Rich and Don -- it's called the KISS approach.  And the payback for eliminating all that electrical stuff (levelers, steps) is traveling down the road with less weight and spending less on gas.  But Don, I *do* travel with a BBQ.  C'mon -- gotta have a *few* luxuries!
 And one more thing for the original poster to consider:  ask the factory to remove the vertical window valences.  Although some will comment that in exposing more window you are more vulnerable to cold, I guess it all depends on where and what time of year you intend to travel.  I have a rear bath with surround windows; when it's cold, the simple resolution is to add another layer.  The difference in increased wall space and outside views is remarkable.  Also, if you are one who believes there are no clocks in the forest, you can ask the factory to eliminate the clock and/or the magazine rack, also freeing up additional wall space so you can customize your space.

Lorna In snowy, hailing Coarsegold, CA http://uppity-woman.blogspot.com/
2003 RB

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 129202
I wanted to delete that option, but my wife vetoed my delete. She was right, too: it's been great. It is easier than walking around the outside every time we want to leave, or putting it down every time we stop because we might use it, and I never, ever forget it!
 Maintenance has been 30 minutes after 11 years use, when it got slow. I got a manual online, found out you are supposed to lube it once year - lubed it and it works fine. I'll only wait 6 o 7 years before I lube it next time.
 My step is ahead of the rear wheels; a step behind them might get more road dirt and grime.

Eric Greenwell
2005 Jayco 24SS

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 129203

Congrats on your future purchase!

Now for our two cents worth.
 We have a 30 foot that comes standard with a shower and an electric step.

The Step.
Having had SOBs without an electric step and having forgotten to stow it many times, the electric step is a joy to have. The coach never has forgotten to tidy up and pull that thing in for us.

The shower.
It's located on the passenger side, next to the entry door. Not the most convenient. Seems too close to set up an outdoor shower stall, or to wash dog feet, cuz the campsite gets too muddy by the door. We have been considering installing the unit listed below in our coach. They have a spray hose storage as well as a hot and cold spigot setup. Seems very nice.  Could install it away from traffic flow in and out of coach.  Could even wash the coach with it:)

Good luck! Lydia and Robin
Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 129204
Hi Don,
 Congrats on making the big decision! It was around 10 years ago that we discovered this great website and got to see our first Lazy Daze.
 I've had a nearly 9 year and 100,000 miles learning curve. I'll comment after each item from the perspective of what I would do the next time.

- House batteries disconnect switch
I wouldn't be without it.

- Second solar panel
We have one and it has been enough for us. I know some folks are advising to have the work done at AM Solar...but here is a news flash

***** solar is now STANDARD on a new Lazy Daze*****! And based on past experience, I don't know how much luck you would have asking them to delete it from your order.

- Outside shower
Had it on a travel trailer and never used it. If you need it, get it.

- Game table
Don't have it and wouldn't get it. But one thing I saw on a new rig last year, was some folks order a larger table for the dinette and I would definitely make that move.

- Dash cup holder console
I think the factory now includes a really nice console so I don't think you need to order anything.

- Electric step
Ah... the issue of the day! I would not be without it!!! As for those who exit the driver's door to enter their rig, I don't get it. Does it never rain in their world? So many times we've stopped in the rain and waited to set up. It would be more expensive to add later, get it now.

- Backup camera
I don't have it but there have been times I would've liked one. Easier now than later.

- T-connector under sink for future water filter
Don't have it and wouldn't bother with it.

- Extra 12 and 120 v outlets (TBD at the factory)
Extra is good.

I thought I would pass on the Bilstein shocks as they have mixed >reviews and wait until I can evaluate the rigs handling myself in >real world conditions.
I have them and would definitely get them again. Since you plan to add the weight of levelors and will tow a car, I think they would help.

The stock mirrors don't get good reviews - I assume this also >applies to the optional electric mirror
From what I've seen, the new mirrors are great. IF you think you want power mirrors, I would order them rather than wait for later. I think the new ones are heated, aren't they?

Back home we'll add Bigfoot levelers and a hitch to tow a Honda Fit and take it from there.
We didn't get levelers and I do think if I were to get a new rig, I would get them. We seldom need to use anything to get level and travel with lists of level sites, but lordy, it gets tiring trying on sites sometimes. Hindsight is 20/20 and I think I could live without them, but I don't want to!

Any ideas?
If I were ordering a new rig, I think I would ask the factory to install a Seelevel tank monitoring system; I would ask them to install the monitor at eye level in the kitchen area. I doubt they will do it, but maybe they could at least the wiring harness so all you would need to do is mount the display and the tank sensors.
 Good luck, and thank goodness, you didn't ask for opinions about what is the best color!;-)

Steve K.
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #22
Yahoo Message Number: 129206
"For me it would be a plus to locate it on the driver's side where there often is grass or weeds or something other than a concrete pad or landing area where standing water would be a nuisance."
 That's true. On the other hand, having it there means that if you wash the sand and mud off your feet (or your dog's feet), by the time you walk to the entry door they are dirty again.
 My (used) rig came with one of these located on the street side, but I've never used it. And for those of you who travel in cold weather it's just one more thing to winterize-one more potential failure point in your water system.
 The Spray-Away external hose connection device is an interesting concept, but it requires a foot of space inside the coach, which would make it difficult to find a place for it.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 129212
I would also add to Rich's comment about exiting out of the driver's door that it has another advantage.  The only time I ran the engine battery down completely was when I went to the coach door to exit after arriving in the twilight and never noticed that the parking lights were still on.   Had I exited out the driver's door, a buzzer would have reminded me.
 This was in Cape May State Park (NJ) in the winter, and we had signed in and paid ourselves as there was no attendant in the winter.  The next morning, with a dead battery, I could not get any assistance until a cable man happened along.  Since then I have long battery cables, a battery charger, and roadside assistance.  ;=)


Re: Off to the Mothership to Order Mid-bath
Reply #24
Yahoo Message Number: 129213
Hey Don, you should try the memory foam mattress toper.  ;=)
 We first tried it on a recommendation of this group, and now have on on every bed we have.
