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Topic: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance (Read 10 times) previous topic - next topic
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Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Yahoo Message Number: 129109
We're loving our new to us 06 IB but have a concern about the maintenance of the light-beige coach and seat cover material.  Before I put my dog who loves to jump up on it, I'd appreciate any advice about preventing stains, and clean-up.  Thanks.

06 IB
'O6 IB Anniversary Model
Sue, My Copilot
Carlie, our canine princess

Re: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 129110
"Jules"  wrote: We're loving our new to us 06 IB but have a concern about the maintenance of the light-beige coach and seat cover material.  Before I put my dog who loves to jump up on it, I'd appreciate any advice about preventing stains, and clean-up.
--- The only simple, functional way that I know of to keep the seats and couches from getting dirty, stained, and worn is to keep them covered, particularly if you have pets and/or children; either/both of these can make big messes in short order, and using a fire hose as a cleaning tool really isn't practical.
 Some people use sheets, bedspreads, or throws, ready-made or "custom cut" covers for the upholstered surfaces. Whatever you use, it should be sturdy and *washable*!

As ever, YMMV.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 129112
My friend who has the Anniversay Edition puts a runner on the carpet and throws on the sofa.  She had a boxer & now has an Italian greyhound.  Stays pretty clean that way.  I also use a runner on the carpet & throws on the sofas (2000RB) had 3 dogs. Hope this helps

Betty Jean

Re: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 129114
wrote: I also use a runner on the carpet & throws on the sofas (2000RB) had 3 dogs.
--- Just a comment on the "runner": some might suggest using an "RV dealer type" plastic runner on the carpeted area; IMO, this is not a good idea because moisture can become trapped under the plastic and contribute to the development of mold in the carpet and the pad. I use a washable cotton area rug (an Ikea Nästved) to cover the area between the couches in my TK; others will have additional suggestions, I'm sure! ;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 129115

"I use a washable cotton area rug (an Ikea Nästved) to cover the area between the couches in my TK..."

And I use a bulk carpet runner of appropriate design and color that I purchased from Lowe's. Then I took the LD and the runner to a local shop and had it cut and bound to fit from the dog house all the way back to the linolium in the kitchen. Wallah, custom carpet runner.

Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Jiggs
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 129118
"Before I put my dog who loves to jump up on it, I'd appreciate any advice about preventing stains, and clean-up".

Jules 06 IB

Hi Jules, We bought our 2006 IB one and a half years ago and considered the same issues you are coming up with.  I made slip covers (from a comforter set) that completely cover the couch seat and back.  I used the bed skirt to cover the upholstered kick board as well.  We have a cat that travels with us and didn't want him to scratch that part.  Both dog and cat ride comfortably and of course the cover can easily be washed.
 We cut an area rug to completely fit over the light carpeting as well and re-purposed some Costco seat covers we had left over from another car to take care of cab seats.
 You might check out the improvementscatalog.com.  They have some decent covers in a variety of fabrics that tuck and drape over a couch.  Since the couch is quite long, you either need tha variety they offer or create yourself.
 Will send you a link to our pics this evening so you can see the end result.

Enjoy your coach! Robin
Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition

Re: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 129119
Yes, I purchased mine at Costco for 9.99 it does have a non slip backing & is easy to wash.

Betty Jean

Re: Anniversary Edition Couch Maintenance
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 129134
 We posted the pictures to our yahoo album in this forum. Our coach is named Bella La GoSee. The link is below.

good luck with finding your cover scheme.

Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition

Re: Bella La GoSee
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 129135
 We posted the pictures to our yahoo album in this forum. Our coach is named Bella La GoSee. The link is below.

good luck with finding your cover scheme.


Robin, there is little doubt that you win the contest for the most original, clever and humorous LD name.  What a hoot!

Formerly: 2002 30' IB