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Topic: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site? (Read 18 times) previous topic - next topic
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Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Yahoo Message Number: 125687
I am real new here and don't want to step on any body's toes.
 I find this yahoo group for LD,  kind of awkward/ confusing to use at times.

Has there been any past discussion of starting a real web site? There seems to be enough interest to support one.
I am willing to pay an annual membership fee.
I see others charge like $10-$15/ year.

Again I apologize, if I am offending anybody regarding this topic.
 I am new at the computer and would be no help in starting such a site.
Someone else would have to do.

Thanks , Steve

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 125707
"I find this yahoo group for LD, kind of awkward/confusing to use at times. Has there been any past discussion of starting a real web site?"
 The topic comes up from time to time, usually when Yahoo has had one of its periodic outages. You can find those discussions in the message archives. There's never been enough support for such a move to make the transition seem advisable, though. Putting it another way, Yahoo isn't perfect, but it's good enough for most of us most of the time.
 Something to keep in mind is that we have more than 4,600 members, yet only about 10% of them post messages or participate actively. The rest just read the conversations here and pick up occasional bits of useful information, and that's fine. Most of us got started that way.
 My point is this: this "watch and learn" behavior is greatly encouraged by the fact that the group is free. People who aren't sure whether they want to get involved in RVing, or aren't sure they want a Lazy Daze, can afford to hang out here, risk-free and cost-free, and learn about the lifestyle and the brand. Eventually, many of those "lurkers" become active participants, and enrich the group with their questions and their ideas.
 But if we started charging $10-$15 a year, it's a safe bet that most of those "watch and learn" members would drop out, and very few new ones would join. Now, a few of the old-timers here might argue that that would be a good thing, because it would make sure that only "serious" LDers were involved in the conversations. There'd be few beginner questions, because few beginners would pay to join.
 But I believe that restricting access to just those who were willing to pay would seriously hurt the group in the long run. It would all but eliminate the flow of new blood and new ideas. The group could degenerate into a bunch of old-timers rehashing the same old topics again and again. It's happened in other groups. I don't want to see it happen here.
 Money aside, it comes back to motivation. For most of us, it doesn't take that long to get used to the Yahoo way of doing things. And it works pretty well (tonight's scheduled maintenance outage aside ;-) most of the time. There's just not enough incentive to move elsewhere, and I would guess that there probably won't be... unless at some point Yahoo goes belly up and we have no choice but to move.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 125709
On Oct 3, 2011, at 6:28 PM, Andy Baird wrote:

My point is this: this "watch and learn" behavior is greatly encouraged by the fact that the group is free. People who aren't sure whether they want to get involved in RVing, or aren't sure they want a Lazy Daze, can afford to hang out here, risk-free and cost-free, and learn about the lifestyle and the brand. Eventually, many of those "lurkers" become active participants, and enrich the group with their questions and their ideas.
 But if we started charging $10-$15 a year, it's a safe bet that most of those "watch and learn" members would drop out, and very few new ones would join.
Andy, that snip of your answer perfectly describes me 3-4 years ago. I was a lurker here long before we ever got serious about ordering our 2009 LD. I like the group just as it is, for that reason and many others.

Great answer, BTW. As always. :-)

Martha in Santa Fe... just back from a trip to introduce our new kitty to "BluCon" and hoping to get down to ABQ for a visit to the group before Balloon Fiesta is over!

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Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 125711
Many forums work that problem by allowing free watch and learn but require login or charge only if the "watch and learners" want to participate by asking questions, etc.

best, paul

But if we started charging $10-$15 a year, it's a safe bet that most of those "watch and learn" members would drop out, and very few new ones would join.
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Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 125713
Hey Martha, please come and join us at the Balloon Fest!  I've just recently finished your "Rubies of the Viper" novel and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I didn't want it to end. Perhaps you can sign the eBook! :)

Alex Rutchka, SE #4 '05 MB

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 125714
On Oct 3, 2011, at 7:38 PM, Alex Rutchka wrote:

Hey Martha, please come and join us at the Balloon Fest! I've just recently finished your "Rubies of the Viper" novel and thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't want it to end. Perhaps you can sign the eBook! :)
Wow, Alex, that's sooooooo great to hear.  I'll be glad to sign the air above your e-reader. Would that work?  LOL!!!
 Bernie and I hope to get down there later this week, to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. How long are all you guys going to be there? We've got a bunch of catching up to do at home but could slip away one day. Just don't want to get there and find everybody's gone.

Will Balloon Fest still be on next weekend?


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Re: Balloon Fiesta
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 125718
The "Farewell Mass Ascension" of hot air balloons is 7:00 am Sunday (the 9th) morning.  Brenda and I will be leaving by noon that day.  I think quite a few folks will still be here till then.  Linda Leach would know how many.  There's quite a variety of schedules among attendees.  We've been here since last Friday while some folks just showed up today.

Alex Rutchka

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 125720
 Your answer is well put.  I joined the group before we bought our 2001 LD.  It was a couple of years after the group started [when there was only about 3000 messages (compared to 125,000 now)].  I would not have joined at the time if there was a fee.
 It has been a learning experience to read so many opinions on LDs (and coffee makers).  I would not change the group, despite Yahoo's occasional problems.

Barry (Soon to be driving our LD from CT to TX for the winter.  Our son has had it all summer.)

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 125721

Martha in Santa Fe... just back from a trip to introduce our new kitty to "BluCon" and hoping to get down to ABQ for a visit to the group before Balloon Fiesta is over!
Martha, please do come down. I,ve been wanting to meet you. You've been so helpful to people seeking NM advice. And we have traveling kitties in common! Linda (and Carole)

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 125722
While we are on the subject, has anyone thought of creating a Facebook page for this group?  I find it a great way to share pictures, media and places.  Just a thought.

BTW, Andy I completely agree with your explanation.  I have come across groups that have a subscription and I always pass.


Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 125726
On Tue, 4 Oct 2011 07:23:58 -0700, Victor Sanchez wrote: "  BTW, Andy I completely agree with your explanation. I have come across groups that have a subscription and I always pass."

One other avenue to consider would be a site that is free but allows those inclined to donate some $$ towards keeping the site active in terms of paying towards the hosting expenses and whatnot.  Most hosting plans assuming average bandwidth needs are not that costly when you pay a year at a time but I've got no idea about how much bandwidth a LD sight might need once you figure in forums that can accept and host their own images (requiring file space), network bandwidth, etc..

Even the hosting site I use (hawkhost) offers their highest tiered "shared" plan for what comes out to about $130/yr which includes 24Gb of disk space, 360Gb of network traffic per month and all the normal features expected.. Of course a domain name would be on top of that but is cheap.. I think a "donate if you like the site" sort of setup could work to cover some of these expenses since we're not talking $400+ or anything like that.

Anyway.. Just throwing that out there as I've done it before..

-- Rick

visiting Balloon Fiesta
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 125727
On Oct 4, 2011, at 7:37 AM, psclallen wrote:

Martha, please do come down. I,ve been wanting to meet you. You've been so helpful to people seeking NM advice. And we have traveling kitties in common! Linda (and Carole)
Linda, thanks for that warm invitation!
 Since we've been away for a while, Bernie wants to spend this week painting in his studio. But I'm free most days except Friday and would love to meet you and visit with all my other friends from this great group.
 I'm thinking of driving to ABQ on Thursday and catching up with all of you then. Is there anything especially noteworthy happening that day that I should either be there for or avoid? Is early afternoon Thursday a good time, or would the morning be better?
 Linda, Steve, George, and everybody else I met there last year... please let me know the best time on Thursday to catch you guys "at home" in Lazy Daze Village.

Martha in Santa Fe 505-690-9601

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Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 125730
Ugh, please, no social sites.....I am fine with LD on the yahoo base.


Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 125731
One issue with putting your photos on Facebook is that once posted the ownership rights of any pictures posted go to Facebook.  That said, I post pictures on Facebook, but not anything that might be worth something or
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 125732
On Tue, 04 Oct 2011 17:29:25 -0000, johndacrema wrote: "  Is there a bandwidth issue for those traveling and trying to linkup to the site (Facebook) or for that matter another website? It seems to me this format would be very friendly to those using there camper."

Any site that uses forums or other stuff that needs to be loaded will be slower for phone-based internet.. The format you're currently using (a mailing list) is ideal in that it generally has nothing to load outside of the message itself (but in this case Yahoo puts ads on the bottom of each email -- something that could be done away with by using your own mailing list software such as GNU Mailman, Majordomo, etc.)

Just passing that along..

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 125733
Speaking of free vs paid RV web sites, I would encourage you to check out _www. RVtravel.com_ (http://www. RVtravel.com) .  It is one of the  best and most informative RV related newsletters around.     Writer and host Chuck Woodbury has been at it for a long time and has lots to  offer.   The newsletter comes to you each Saturday morning and is  free.   Chuck also accepts donations from those wishing to support his  newsletter, but there are no obligations.  He also operates the largest RV  related bookstore around.  Enjoy.
Gale   02  IB

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G N Wilson
2008 Mid-Bath

Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 125740
"Ugh, please, no social sites.....I am fine with LD on the yahoo base."
 What would be nice if we could imbed pictures in our posts.  I belong to other yahoo groups where this is done.  I am not sure if this is a feature that Andy has turned off since there are quite a few mobile followers or if it is just not an option to us.  It is difficult to navigate through the pictures to find something someone has posted.


Re: Has anybody thought of starting a "real" LD Web Site?
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 125744
I tried facebook and cancelled it because of all of "? wants to be a friend" .  My LD friends are right here on Yahoo and isn't this a "real LD site"? Thanks to Andy .

Betty Jean

Re: pictures in posts
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 125745
"What would be nice if we could imbed pictures in our posts. I belong to other yahoo groups where this is done. I am not sure if this is a feature that Andy has turned off since there are quite a few mobile followers or if it is just not an option to us.  It is difficult to navigate through the pictures to find something someone has posted."
 You're right, Ramon--it is difficult to find what you're looking for in our large Photos section. And yes, photos in posts is a feature that we moderators turned off way back when, because we were concerned that they'd make life even more difficult for members who are reading these posts through limited-bandwidth connections.
 But maybe it's time to revisit that decision. I'd like to hear from folks here--especially those who have slow or limited-bandwidth connections and who read other groups that do allow photos in posts. Has it been a problem for you? If not, maybe we should turn on the photos-in-messages feature, at least for a trial run, and see how it works out here.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: pictures in posts
Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 125751
With the mass proliferation of 3g/4g smart phones/network and the ability for most email tools or web browsers having an option to load or not load photos, it seems like a good idea.

I say a trial run is a good idea.

my 2 cents,


Re: pictures in posts
Reply #24
Yahoo Message Number: 125752
"If not, maybe we should turn on the photos-in-messages feature, at least for a trial run, and see how it works out here." Andy
 That's a good idea. Like others, I find the photo section to be almost unusable. It can take a long time to page through hundreds of photos, looking for a newly posted pic. I have purposefully not added photos to the files, preferring to keep them on my own site, just because few would be willing to search for them in the files.
If this becomes a problem, it is simple to turn it off.

2001 MB
* Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)