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Getting blasted...
Yahoo Message Number: 117698
As far as the bikes go...
I know it's a pain, but if you could please pull over closer to the side of the road (when it's safe) so the bikes can get by... they only need a couple of feet.
Not speaking for the hot rodders on the buzzy sportbikes, but even on my old slow Harley, it's really hard to follow something large that I can't really see around, going uphill way too slowly....I've actually had to follow big rigs uphill in first gear... my bike was not very happy, and it's hard work for the rider.
 Part of riding a bike is to go thru curves at the road's speed limit... that's what bikes are made for and are extremely good at. (And it's way fun!) What bikes are NOT good at is going very slowly...the little things called physics and laws of momentum are constantly at work, it's much harder to ride at 3 mph than at 73 mph....
Same as a bicycle...easier to ride at 10 mph than 1 mph...  Forces of gravity also at work here.....
 And no, riding a bike while sightseeing is not at all safe .... it actually very dangerous to not. pay. attention. Especially to the objects ON and close to the road.....including vehicles and especially forest rats (deer)...
That's why so many bikers will stop to take photos....

Y'all take care~! Mary

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Re: Getting blasted...
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 117704
wrote: As far as the bikes go...I know it's a pain, but if you could please pull over closer to the side of the road (when it's safe) so the bikes can get by... they only need a couple of feet.
--- When I'm driving the motorhome on any two-lane road, narrow or otherwise, I ALWAYS pull *out of my lane* and into a *pull-out* to let faster traffic pass when it's safe for me to do so without endangering me or my rig. In other words, the pull-out has to be *long enough* for the rig to pull off and slow or stop completely to let traffic pass, it has to be *wide enough* so that I'm not pinned against a bank or trees or rocks or still hanging in the lane, and it has to allow clear visibility of the road ahead and behind so that I can get back on the road safely. Anyone who's ever traveled with me on two-laners will attest to the fact that I spend almost as much time in pull-outs as I do on the road.
 But, I don't "lane share", i.e., pull over to the right and let somebody use the *same lane* to pass me; no way am I going to risk catching a wheel on the edge of the pavement or pinning a wide rig into a half-lane space to let a bike or anything else by! I've seen  too many *dumb passing stunts* by drivers of all kinds of vehicles, including motorcyclists, when somebody in a large vehicle trying to be "nice" does a lane share. Passing vehicles *will use your lane* to pass you if you move over to allow this, and they *will* push you as far to the right as possible in order to avoid getting too far into the oncoming traffic lane.
 I will make whatever "pass me" accommodations that I am able to as often as I can given the particular road conditions, but "lane sharing" ain't gonna happen. (And, yes, I used to ride.)


2003 TK has a new home

Re: Getting blasted...
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 117705
On 10/23/2010 10:05 AM, jctaylor1941 wrote:
But, I don't "lane share", i.e., pull over to the right and let somebody use the*same lane*  to pass me;

 If it isn't illegal, it certainly should be!  Just because a motorcycle *can* do this doesn't mean they *should* do it.  But, then, I've seen motorcyclists do some really dangerous stunts out on the open road (and we won't even talk about bicycles!).

Linda Hylton http://earl-linda.blogspot.com/

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Linda Hylton

Re: Getting blasted...
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 117706
I don't either. I feel I would be encouraging someone to take a risky move.
 If I recall aright, in California motorcycles are allow to pass in the same lane in slow rush hour traffic, 5mph or so.   But not at 30 or 50 or whatever.
___ best, paul "Thriving not surviving" Some once thought a million chimps would in time type great old works of literature Now that we have the Internet we know that not to be true.......

Re: Getting blasted...
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 117709
wrote: ...in California motorcycles are allow to pass in the same lane in slow rush hour traffic, 5mph or so.   But not at 30 or 50 or whatever.
-- This is "lane splitting", i.e., riding along the inside edge of a lane  between lines of vehicles; it is legal in California. Lane splitting is most commonly done by motorcyclists (and some bicyclists!) when traffic is stopped at a light (in order to get to the head of the lines and a "jump" on the light change) or moving relatively slowly in congested traffic conditions. However, "legal" does not necessarily equal "smart"; why take the all-too-likely chance of a driver opening a car door into the bike or changing lanes quickly and cutting off a bike because he/she didn't see the motorcyclist coming up between the traffic lanes, or (the motorcyclist) losing his/her balance and control of the bike at "low" speeds and falling against (or under!) a car or truck in the lane? All this risk to get a few seconds ahead of the line....

As ever, YMMV.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Getting blasted...
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 117710
"I know it's a pain, but if you could please pull over closer to the side of the road (when it's safe) so the bikes can get by... they only need a couple of feet."

 I'm personally aware of four motorcycle fatalities in which due caution was NOT part of the accidents.
 When I'm going slow on a two lane road I will decide when it's safe to allow someone to pass, for my sake and for yours. You will get the courtesy you deserve when safety concerns are taken into account and laws obeyed and not until.
 So as you sit back there, chomping on the bit, just remember that I'm taking your safety into account as well as my own.

Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Jiggs
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Getting blasted...
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 117711
On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 17:05:34 -0000, "jctaylor1941" jctaylor1941@...> wrote:

When I'm driving the motorhome on any two-lane road, narrow or otherwise, I ALWAYS pull *out of my lane* and into a *pull-out* to let faster traffic pass when it's safe for me to do so without endangering me or my rig
I wish more states had pull-outs. Oregon has them, Washington not so much so, New Mexico forget about it.
 On safety. We saw a truck blow it's tread the other day. You need to be well behind a truck to avoid being hit with the airborne pieces, even farther back to avoid hitting large sections in the road.

In my world, retreads would not be legal.
Don & Dorothy
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