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Topic: need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico (Read 6 times) previous topic - next topic
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need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico
Yahoo Message Number: 111565
On the menu:  Ice cream soup
 Does anyone have any experience with RV repair shops near Alamogordo, New Mexico, or any nearby city.  Our refrigerator seems to have stopped cooling, although there is no apparent reason for this.  No ammonia smell; the flame is burning continuously - a puzzlement.

Virtual hugs,

Judie (2005 RB)

Re: need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 111567
wrote: Does anyone have any experience with RV repair shops near Alamogordo, New Mexico, or any nearby city.
-- Judie, if you don't receive a specific recommendation, you might email/call Mike Sylvester for suggestions; I don't know where he is at present, but his business is located in Albuquerque and he might know of a shop in or near (maybe Las Cruces?) Alamogordo:


2003 TK has a new home

Re: need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 111570
 Been there, done that.  A year and a half ago or so in my '05 MB.  So, you have my empathy
 I'm assuming you've run the fridge through its paces and noted that the fridge's electric heater works on shore power and the gas flame lights up nicely when running the fridge on LP.  In other words, the fuses and gas shut-off valves and fridge controls are fine.  If so, your "cooling unit" needs to be replaced.  You can replace the whole fridge for a bit more money.  If you have the Dometic RM2662, consider replacing it with a Dometic RM7362 and pick up an extra cubic foot of internal space.  It fits in the same "cut out", i.e. hole in the wall and the power and gas plumbing line up. Thinner, more effective wall insulation is the key.  But, you don't get to save the door paneling insert because the framing (think of it as a picture frame) on the new door is narrower.
 Why it happens is a mystery if you've been careful to keep the rig sufficiently level when the fridge is operation.  I was told that somehow a blockage developed in the piping used by the refrigerant. The cooling unit is not serviceable by a dealer.  The refrigerant, mostly ammonia gas, is under great (~300 PSI) pressure.

I cannot help you with an RV repair place near Alamogordo.

Alex Rutchka, SE #4 '05 MB

need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 111571
 Sorry, I can't help you with a repair person, but when ours was wonky (different symptoms, it would freeze everything, fridge and freezer) it was a bad thermistor.
 Prior to finally getting it fixed, everyone seemed to think it was a bad board, do I'm going to say try that first.  Sorry to hear about it, I know what a PITA it can be.

Kate http://cholulared.blogspot.com

"There is something in the air of New Mexico that makes the blood red, the heart beat high and the eyes look upward.  Folks don't come here to die-they come to live and they get what they came for"
 from "Land of Enchantment , Memoirs of Marian Russell along the Santa Fe Trail"

Re: need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 111585
Alex Rutchka  wrote: If you have the Dometic RM2662, consider replacing it with a Dometic RM7362 and pick up an extra cubic foot of internal space.  It fits in the same "cut out", i.e. hole in the wall and the power and gas plumbing line up. Thinner, more effective wall insulation is the key.  But, you don't get to save the door paneling insert because the framing (think of it as a picture frame) on the new door is narrower.
--- Alex, you mean the RM 3762 (3 and 7 were transposed in the model number given in the post), right?

 There are no specifics on the Dometic site what the "advanced insulation technology" consists of; do you know? TIA.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 111586
 You're right, that's a "typo".  It is RM3762.  Thanks for catching it!

No idea what the improved insulator is.


Re: need refrigerator repair near Alamogordo, New Mexico
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 111608
ammonia smell; the flame is burning continuously - a puzzlement.
Have you climbed on your rig and sniffed at the refer roof vent? I had the same symptoms with no apparent ammonia smell in the rig, or from the ground behind the side vent door. The ammonia leak was toward the top of the cooling unit, and there was no doubt from the top.
A rebuilt cooling unit: $1250, incl tax.  A new fridge, about $400 more.
 Sorry, no advice on a local repair, but you can call Dometic and get a list of local authorized dealers.

Good luck!

Bob 2002 MB