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Topic: Harvest Hosts (Read 2 times) previous topic - next topic
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Harvest Hosts
Yahoo Message Number: 109631
This site/service was mentioned in a blog; I thought some might be interested:

The website doesn't offer a list of specific growers or producers, just a general map of their locations; guess one has to put up the $20.00 membership fee to find out the details! ;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Harvest Hosts
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 109639
On Jan 31, 2010, at 6:32 AM, jctaylor1941 wrote:

This site/service was mentioned in a blog; I thought some might be interested:
Oh my, what fun -- overnighting in a vineyard, not having to find a designated driver, waking up to sweet sounds and smells of rural America, access to fresh *fresh* fruits and vegetables.  I'm in heaven!  Joan, thank you for sharing this little nugget.  I'd sure rather park free in dirt than on asphalt and hear birdsong instead of truck noise!  WalMart, you're history!!

Lorna Santa Cruz http://uppity-woman.blogspot.com/
2003 RB

Re: Harvest Hosts
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 109642
"This site/service was mentioned in a blog; I thought some might be interested"

 We need to keep an eye on this. Right now there are only a hand full of participants but it could easily grow. What a fun way of traveling and maybe finding some tasty food and wine.
The RV agriturismo could be the next big thing in the foodie world.

2001 MB
* Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)

Re: Harvest Hosts
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 109643
The website doesn't offer a list of specific growers or producers, just a general map of their locations; guess one has to put up the $20.00 membership fee to find out the details! ;-)
Sounded great, Joan, so I joined. Once a member, you have access to all their hosts. Most of them are in Washington and Oregon. Some also in California. Nearly all are vineyards and the average space is for 2-4 units per 24-hour-limited period.
 I like the looks of this and hope it catches on more throughout the country with farms and such.


Re: Harvest Hosts
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 109644
Great idea! Like the others, I hope it catches on. I can see myself camped in a pecan orchard in New Mexico... :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Harvest Hosts
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 109645
"David Walker"  wrote: Most of them are in Washington and Oregon. Some also in California. Nearly all are vineyards and the average space is for 2-4 units per 24-hour-limited period.
--- Thanks for the information, David.  I figured that most of the listings would be wineries or vineyards, but that's a good start! ;-)
 I come from a farming family, and I can see the Harvest Host concept working with *certain crop or product types*; the "constraints" of the types of operation that would work within the framework would be in being able to provide adequate space for a limited number of RVs and (of equal or even greater importance, IMO) to be able to offer (a) product(s) which is/are immediately "salable" and/or "consumable" to overnighting RVers. For example, in addition to wineries, I can see the participation (parking space, large vehicle access, traffic patterns, and local ordinances permitting!) by artisanal cheese,  specialty food producers, and/or craft brewers, "U-pick" operations (seasonal, of course), and perhaps small, local farmers' markets.
 $20.00 sounds like a small investment for some interesting "overnight" locations!  ;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Harvest Hosts (France Passion pictures)
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 109662
Alright!  This sounds like they are copying the highly successful France Passion program.

Here  ( http://tinyurl.com/FrancePassion )is a little photo journal I put together for you (10 pics) in our group pics- it shows just one example in France.
 France Passion offers free overnighting to Camping-Cars (Motorhomes) at vineyards and other farms which have produce that they are happy to have you sample and purchase, should you choose. I am happy to oblige!
 The locations are lovely, the relationship good for both- it has been highly successful in France and I'm excited to see it develop here.
 We found France to be the most motorhome friendly country of our travels- what a joy!  People from England routinely ferry (or shuttle) their RV's to France because of the wonderful welcome. Wouldn't it be great in the U.S. to have that really positive attitude toward self-sufficient RV'ers?
 France Passion requires a small membership fee for a little directory book that you can buy here http://www.france-passion.co.uk/ (good English description).  So great!
 Italy has a similar program, but Caravans (pull behind trailers) are also allowed in those as well.  France also has Aires, which are thousands of free parking places right in the center of towns, etc.  Very convenient!  Spain too.
 Anyway, hope you enjoy the photos.  I highly encourage folks to take advantage of an RV exchange and enjoy the fruits of RV'ing in France and elsewhere in Europe!

Bon Appetite!

Tessa, back in  Texas