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Topic: Newbie needs glossary (Read 11 times) previous topic - next topic
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Newbie needs glossary
Yahoo Message Number: 105030
Hi again As I was reading some of the older posts I see that there was a question from Ellen as to what means what.  So far I have figured out the folowing

SOB = some other brand? PO = previous owner? any others I need to know about?

Also, who's who?

Does Steve work for the factory?

DR dining room, those are ind of easy.
I have an 84LD with the dinette in the front opposite the kitchen and one rear sofa that faces the bathroom.

so do I have a RB rear bath or RL rear lounge?

So much to learn - and so many lazy days ahead to learn it.


Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 105031


"Does Steve work for the factory?"
head to learn it.

Steve Newton is part of the family that owns Lazy Daze, Inc.  If I have it correctly, Steve's father, Ed, and Ed's brother, Paul founded LD back in the 50s.  Paul died several years ago and Ed retired several years ago.  I believe Steve is the last Newton involved in the mgt of LD and he has no children (that I am aware of) to pass the business to.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 105037

"Does Steve work for the factory?"

head to learn it.

Steve Newton is part of the family that owns Lazy Daze, Inc.  If I have it correctly, Steve's father, Ed, and Ed's brother, Paul founded LD back in the 50s.  Paul died several years ago and Ed retired several years ago.  I believe Steve is the last Newton involved in the mgt of LD and he has no children (that I am aware of) to pass the business to.
Chris, close.
 In the 50's, a couple of high school shop teachers, Paul Newton and Harold Hamm, started building pick-up truck campers for themselves and friends.  This evolved into the Lazy Daze company.  Owners of these units also got together for outings and this was the beginning of the Lazy Daze Caravan Club.  After Harold Hamm died suddenly, Paul Newton brought his brother Ed into the business.  Ed had a successful produce business up to that point.  Ed always took credit for the idea of building a "coach" onto the back of a van chassis and inventing the class C motor home.  The first "housecar" was built about 1964.  Paul was the camper of the family, Ed was the businessman.
 When we bought our rig (2001), both Paul and Ed were still there, and I believe Steve was the production manager.  After Paul became ill with cancer, Steve bought out his uncle and joined his father in running the company.  For the last couple of years Ed has no longer been able to help run the company and Steve has run the company by himself.  It does not appear that there are any remaining family members in line to take control of the company.

Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 105038
When we ordered our LD in 1975, the person we dealt with was named Jim Paas.
Anyone know what happened to Jim?


Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 105049
H-m-m thanks Anne,

What then is RB - rear bath?  I have that Then there is RL - rear lounge?  I have that

Is that why it's a Multi?

Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 105055
In this website's Files section (accessible via text link at left on every page), check the Frequently Asked Questions folder for the file "What do the model abbreviations mean?"

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 105057
H-m-m thanks Anne,

What then is RB - rear bath?  I have that Then there is RL - rear lounge?  I have that

Is that why it's a Multi?

What you have, Cathi, is a Multi.
Actually, the long name is multiplan...  the bath, closet and kitchen stayed in the same place, but the dinette and sofas could be interchanged or replaced with chairs, etc.  Somewhere I found a floor plan that showed all the different variations, and of course now I can't find it!!  Unfortunately, this plan is no longer made, but I love mine!!

Lisa and Blue 1990 Multiplan
 PS:  I do have 3 sets of LONNNG seatbelts on my dinette, which are fastened to the floor.  Have taken all 6 grandkids and their mom on trips.  Cozy, but it works!!

Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 105066
H-m-m thanks Anne,

What then is RB - rear bath?  I have that Then there is RL - rear lounge?  I have that

Is that why it's a Multi?
==================================== The Multi-Plan (discontinued since about 1995) is so named because you could choose various floor plans within the "living room" for example you could have a dinette or a sofa on the street side behind the driver. All the ones I've seen had a couch that unfulded into a double bed in the passenger rear, opposite the bath/shower.

Re: Newbie needs glossary
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 105069
Cathi:  Have you read about Andy Baird's CD, 'Eureka 2'?  It has more information than you can imagine, including an RV Glossary!  It will take you several days, or weeks, to assimilate everything he offers.  I still review it every few weeks just to make sure I have gleaned everything in it and, of course, use it for reference anytime I'm stuck on a project!  Suzan

Re: Newbie needs glossary-Eureka the answer?
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 105070
Hi Suzan, Thanks for the reply.  I have seen reference to it - but did not know what it was.  How do you get it - what is the cost?


Re: Newbie needs glossary-Eureka the answer?
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 105074
For those that purchased the original Eureka, is there an upgrade discount on Eureka 2?
   To: lifewithalazydazerv@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 15:45:56 +0000
 Subject: [LD] Re: Newbie needs glossary-Eureka the answer?

Cathi, you can find information about Eureka here:


Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/

 With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Newbie needs glossary-Eureka the answer?
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 105087
"For those that purchased the original Eureka, is there an upgrade discount on Eureka 2?"
 There was, for sixty days after Eureka 2 shipped last October 1st. That offer expired last December. Eureka 2 includes a huge amount of new material, as well as everything that was in Eureka 1 (the latter completely revised and brought up to date), so it's still a pretty good value even without an upgrade discount.
 With that said... folks, I really appreciate the interest in Eureka, but we discourage commercial self-promotion here, and as the group's "owner" (to use Yahoo's terminology), I don't want to break my own rules... so it's best to send questions to me via private email. You can find my contact info on my website.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Eureka for this list
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 105092
I want to say this and I hope it goes down well.
 While there is a great deal of information in this sites archives, it is not all that easy to locate. Yes, my mileage does vary.
I think we could make it easier for new comers to find the answers to their questions. The questions that have been asked and answered time-and-time again. For instance, what do you seal the roof seams with? Where do you get Tireman valve stems?
 What I proposing is to develop an easy to use FAQ. I don't think Yahoo is at all suitable for the purpose, otherwise the same questions would not be asked again and again. We need something else for the FAQ.
Something like a Wikipedia maybe?

I would be willing to mine the archives for information and develop articles for a FEW subjects if others would pitch in on other topics.
 Now please don't pile on me if you don't like this idea. Just let it lie and nothing will be done about it. OTOH, if you think this has some merit, let's hear your ideas on how it could be done.
 Again, please, if you don't have something positive to say about this, just be silent and it will die on the vine. I have no desire to cram anything down the collective throats of this group. I think it is a viable idea. Maybe it is, maybe not.

Cheers, Don
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Eureka for this list
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 105099
"While there is a great deal of information in this sites archives, it is not all that easy to locate. What I proposing is to develop an easy to use FAQ. I don't think Yahoo is at all suitable for the purpose, otherwise the same questions would not be asked again and again. We need something else for the FAQ."
 You're right that the same questions come up over and over, Don. I hope it won't sound like "piling on" if I talk a little about why I don't have much confidence that a separately hosted Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database, such as a Lazy Daze wiki, would be consulted any more often than the present one is.
 First, we've done a number of things to make the current FAQ visible. (If you can think of additional ways, please let us know!)
 * It's the very first thing you see when you enter the Files section.

* It's the first bold heading in the description on our homepage.
 * It's conspicuously mentioned in the "Welcome!" email that every new member receives when they join the group.
 Yet despite all this, people seem to overlook the FAQ. So the question is: if we moved the FAQ to a separate site, how would that make it more likely to be found?
 We'd mention it on the group's homepage, of course... and in the "Welcome" letter... and I guess we'd put a link of some kind in the Files area. But we're already doing all that. You can see where I'm going with this line of thought: if people don't notice those pointers to our current FAQ, why would they notice links in the same places to an external FAQ?
 In short, it seems to me that the problem is not where the FAQ is located, or how it's organized, but how we can get more people to *use* it. Until we solve that, I don't think there's much point in setting up an external FAQ. So again, if anyone has ideas for making the FAQ--*any* FAQ!--more conspicuous, I'd love to hear them.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Eureka for this list
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 105104
Hi, me again, Cathi
 I am reading these posts regarding the FAQ with interest as I am maybe the newest newbie?

Anyway, as to the FAQ

1.  When I go to the FAQ it is quite different than connecting with a real person.  There is no "conversation" going on.  When one is new and needs help they like to feel as though there are real folks out there willing to help.  That's how we learn about each other, no?  
2. The FAQ and other such lists are alphabetized by the first word of the question instead of by the topic, I think.  The FAQ

Re: Eureka for this list
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 105115
"When I go to the FAQ it is quite different than connecting with a real person. There is no 'conversation' going on. When one is new and needs help they like to feel as though there are real folks out there willing to help."
 And in this group, there almost always are. :-) But you need to keep something in mind: when somebody new asks a question like "What floorplan is best for me?" "What tire pressures should I use?", or "Why is there no diesel Lazy Daze?", those are conversations we've already had a dozen times or more. The reaction in this group (unlike some) is always polite... but behind the scenes there's likely to be some eye-rolling and "Oh, please, not AGAIN!" going on. ;-)
 The fact is that there *are* questions that come up over and over again, and that have been answered in detail over and over again. Answering questions is *work*, and when someone asks you to do over the work that you've already done... well, you know how that feels.
 That's why the FAQ is there, and that's why in this group or any online discussion group, it's good etiquette to check the FAQ first before posting a question. If after reading what's there, you have questions that the FAQ didn't answer, then by all means post them. But at least make the effort to see whether your question has already been answered. I do it when I'm a newbie in some other discussion group. Most of us do it. It's just good manners.
 "there is always the feeling the FAQ are somewhat canned info, maybe outdated too."
 We work hard to keep that information current. If you find errors, by all means point them out so we can correct them. But please don't assume that because it's online, it's stale.
 "if I contacted the factory asking for help and they referred me a certain page number where I could read the answer, my confidence level would not be high..."
 I have to disagree with you there. Nine times out of ten, the information on that web page is going to be more complete and detailed than what somebody tells you over the phone, because the web page was carefully thought through, checked, and proofread, while the phone advice is "off the top of their head" and might omit important facts.
 What's more, the web page will usually contain links to vendors and other relevant information (e.g., where to find a good price), so what you need is just a click away. Giving web addresses over the phone is such a pain, and so error-prone, that it's not often done.
 Now, if the web page doesn't answer your question, *then* you'll want to have an interactive conversation with someone. But do your homework first, please! It's like the old saying in the computer field: "RTFM" (Read The Friendly Manual). If I had a nickel for every time I've been asked a question that's answered in the owner's manual, I wouldn't need Social Security. ;-) Any of the experienced folks here can tell you the same.
 The point here is not to discourage anyone from asking questions, but simply to ask newcomers to take advantage of the answers we've already posted in the FAQ (and elsewhere) for your benefit. It's better for you, because in many cases you'll get complete information right away without having to wait for replies. And it's better for us, because we won't have to write an explanation of valve stems and extenders for the twentieth time. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Eureka for this list
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 105119
I'm old and forgetful now, but I don't remember RTFM standing for "Read The Friendly Manual"

Even thought I've been in computers for many decades now, I still can't remember what it DID stand for.

Perhaps if I can recall I'll post it here. Perhaps not :o)

best, paul

"Thriving not surviving" - Paul Schaye (at 2008 NYC Marathon)

Back to the FAQ
Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 105200
A couple of people have suggested that there are topics not covered in the FAQ--roof resealing is one obvious candidate--so I thought I'd issue a call for suggestions. What are some questions that come up frequently, but aren't covered in the FAQ? Are any of the existing FAQ articles in need of updating or expanding?
 If we can come up with a list of candidate topics, then we can find some volunteers who are willing to write about them for the FAQ. I'll take roof resealing. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Back to the FAQ
Reply #24
Yahoo Message Number: 105201
"If we can come up with a list of candidate topics, then we can find some volunteers who are willing to write about them for the FAQ."


I'm willing to write about almost anything except, maybe, coffee makers .

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze