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Topic: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan (Read 3 times) previous topic - next topic
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Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Yahoo Message Number: 66354
I and others have been kicking around some ideas for the Yahoo Group, when we all get together at the Golden Caravan.
 First off, I'd like to encourage everyone who uses a handle on this group (as opposed to those who sign with their actual names) to wear a name tag with both their Yahoo handle and their actual name. This would let all of us identify folks who frequently post on the forum. I don't know about you, but I have a devil of a time matching up cryptic handles like "aq433" or "oldfossil" with real names and faces! ;-) That's why I use my real name as my Yahoo handle, and sign it to all my posts as well.
 Some time has been set aside for us on Monday afternoon, the first day of the get- together. I'm not planning on any kind of speech--you've all heard enough from me online already! ;-) So I'm wondering what folks think of this idea: suppose I briefly introduce myself, so you can all see my bewhiskered mug in the flesh. Then I could introduce some folks from the forum who have volunteered ahead of time to be available for questions (please let me know if you'd be interested). That way you'd know who they are and can buttonhole them later. ;-) I thought this might be a good chance for some of the less technical folks to get a hands-on answer frmeth experts; however, this would be voluntary, so don't feel obligated if you don't wish to play. After that, we could spend the rest of the time just getting to know each other.
 Also, if you're open to letting other folks tour your rig, I was thinking that we need a good way to let them know when the time is convenient. So I created a simple "Open House" sign (Open House.pdf in this website's Files area) that you can print out and display. This should insure everyone's privacy, while allowing folks to see as many rigs as they'd like.
 If you have any other ideas, please share them! My notion is to keep things simple and informal, since the rest of the Colden Caravan is pretty tightly organized and scheduled.
Let's just relax and enjoy meeting eqach other!

Andy Baird

City of Rocks State Park, NM
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 66356
I and others have been kicking around some ideas for the Yahoo
Group, when we all get

together at the Golden Caravan.
Great ideas, Andy!  I've just printed a couple of your "Open House" signs and hope to meet many from this group.  I also look forward to seeing and admiring some of the handiwork I've read about on this forum.

Tom Riley
'04 26 RB

Fort Bragg, CA

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 66358

Do you know if name badges will be provided at the time of registration?  If so, perhaps there is enough extra room to add a big'Y' and user name.  Your label maker would work nicely, go into business and sell them for a buck.
 A semi-formal get together on Monday would be great. Try to schedule it around the Union Pacific tours.  A lot of us will want to take one the tours.
I would be happy to share whatever knowledge I have.  I'm also looking forward to learning a lot more from the other LD enthusiasts.  There is a incredible range of interest and specializes in this group.

The Welcome sign is just what we need.  Put it in a plastic folder, attach a small chain and hang it on your open door handle.  Be ready for the lookyloos, Gertie is going to be swamped.

I wonder how many of us will be camped in the Yahoo area?  The LD Caravan Club is divided into camping groups so active members are likely to stay with their friends.
We undoubtedly will be known as the `Yahoos'.
 It would be nice if the Directway users, with open Wi-Fi, would spread themselves around a little to offer maximum coverage. The cell phone internet works OK but a little high speed would save so much time.

How about a roll call, who in the group is going to attend and what area will you be camped in?

My wife and I will be there Sunday, camping with the Yahoos.
See you at Happy Hour.

2001 MB
* Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 66360
"It would also be nice for those who are not attending the G.Caravan (I'll be in Europe at the time) to associate faces with handles."


What could Europe possibly offer that would not be available in Cheyenne?

2001 MB
* Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 66364
We would like to meet you all....we will be with the Great Lakes LD Caravan Club.  We like the idea of wearing the Yahoo handle . Does anyone have a good idea of temperatures

Cheyenne Weather during the GC-to Lee and Mary
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 66424
We would like to meet you all....we will be with the Great Lakes LD Caravan Club.  We like the idea of wearing the Yahoo handle . Does anyone have a good idea of temperatures in Cheyenne the last week of June?  Lee and Mary ---
Pasted in below is what is listed in the Golden Caravan FAQs:

"According to historical averages, the weather should be beautiful during the week of the Golden Caravan. The average temperatures for June 2004 were a high of 81º and a low of 52º with a 98% chance of temperatures over 60º. There is a 32% chance for precipitation and the wind average is 9 mph, with a 38% chance of a windy day over 10 mph. Cheyenne is considered on the Front Range and thunderstorms are a common occurrence in the summer months which could treat us to afternoon showers that last for only a few minutes."

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 66460
Pete and I will be there with the Yahoo group - open house with a list of my 'favorite things/toys' and (hopefully) where I got them.

Sarah In the air - heading to Bejing.

Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 66362
How about a roll call, who in the group is going to attend and what area will you be camped in?
I will be there with my wife, Betty.  We will probably be with the LD South Central group.

Allen Scott

'98 23.5 T/K (Teal)


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Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 66363
Quote from: Allen Scott"

How about a roll call, who in the group is going to attend and what area will you be camped in?

Any chance we could have a database showing who from the list is going, where they will be parking, if and when they will have their rigs available to see, etc.  That way people can plan ahead on where to look for a person or rig they particularly would like to meet or see.

Kathi R.

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 66367
"Any chance we could have a database showing who from the list is going, where they will be parking, if and when they will have their rigs available to see, etc.?"

If you want to take it on, great! :-)

Andy Baird

City of Rocks State Park, NM
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 66371
 Done.  I changed the 'Dazyways' data base to a file, since it is not much used, and added a new 'Golden Caravan Yahoo Roll' data base.

We'll see how much it is used.

Barry 01 r rb tx

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 66388
Thanks for making this suggestion, Kathi, it will be a great resource for all of us, especially those who want to meet fellow Yahoos but won't be camping with them.

I noticed

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 66407
 Thanks.  I tried posting this yesterday but apparently the message got lost

Joanne & GC
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 66409
Thanks for the encouragement.  I intend to try to BD next weekend and see how the batteries hold up.  I had hoped to meet up with Mike Sylvester and have some upgrades done on my rig before the big event but ufortunately, our schedules didn't jive.  Out of curiousity, how long does would you say it take you to recharge your batteries (if they are 50% discharged) by taking her out for a spin?

Kathi R.

PS.  Anybody that is going to the GC, please add your name to the
Database so we can find each other.

Re: Joanne & GC
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 66411
Thanks for the encouragement.  I intend to try to BD next weekend and see how the batteries hold up. ....Out of curiousity, how long does would you say it take you to recharge your batteries (if they are 50% discharged) by taking her out for a spin?
Fortunately I don't know, since that's a worst-case scenario and I've never had to do it. The only time my batteries have ever needed help was when my old ones were expiring.  With the new healthy batteries, I boondocked for 3 nights last winter in freezing temperatures (i.e., using the furnace, and using  the lights more hours than one would in June) with no problems. The key is to not leave anything turned on (e.g., lights, fans) if you're not actually using it.

Joanne in Boston

Re: Joanne & GC
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 66412
Out of curiousity, how long does would you say it take you to recharge your batteries (if they are 50% discharged) by taking her out for a spin?
Longer than one expects.  A few months ago, we were down 100 amp-hours (or 50%) after camping at the Oregon coast.  Then we started the 110mi+ trip home to Beaverton.  Upon arrival at home we were still down about 20 amp-hours after an hour and 45 minutes of driving.  So as a guess, a bit more than 2 hours to replace 50% of your batteries charge.  Especially if the batteries are older -- the don't charge as efficiently.
 The alternator is capable of providing much more charging current, but after an initial surge, the battery voltage rises and it will not accept more than a certain amount of current.


Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 66444
Kathi (and others),

No problem.  Glad to do it.
 I forgot to mention that since the 'Dazyways' data base is a file now, anyone wanting to add their name to it or edit their information can contact me (either

Re: Yahoo group at the Golden Caravan
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 66509
Thanks to Kathi for suggesting a data base for the Lazy Daze Yahoos at the Golden Caravan, and thanks to Barry for setting it up.  I just added our information to the list.  I'm looking forward to meeting all the other Yahoos.

Sharon N.