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Topic: Attention: Jake & Lisa & Gini (Read 2 times) previous topic - next topic
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Attention: Jake & Lisa & Gini
Yahoo Message Number: 57435
Like you, Jake and Lisa, and Gini, I too am seeking a used L.D. and I've discovered there is a helpful way of searching.
 First:  Go to FILES on this site and click the first item on the list, Motor Homes for sale, and view what is available. Should be lots there to meet your needs....a lot of people are selling.
 Don't announce your search for an L.D. more than once on this message list  as your message will be deleted.  There appears to be a rule that does not allow more than one request message.
 Be aware, there are many more LDs on the market aside from this site's collection.  You just have to hunt for them at various sites:  RV traders, RV dealers, ordinary newspaper classifieds, friendly members here, and luck  .
 Another hint:  Go to LazyDaze website and download the layouts of the various layouts they offer and study them to see which suits your needs best.   I was advised by friendly members that the layout of my choice, the 2003+  26.5'  Island Bed,  did not utilize the space as well as other layouts and that I should, whenever possible, view each model in person, which I will try to do, to see which suits the best.  Good Advice.  So far, having viewed only one setup now, I still feel I like the Island Bed 26.5' the best, for my needs.  I'll keep observing though; I've got lots of time.
 Another suggestion from a fellow member:  Finding a good buy takes time.  Don't be in a hurry.  Anyone else with other good suggestions for a buyer looking for a used L.D., please add your experience.
 A very nice listing of For Sale L.D.s is posted on this site about once a month.  Perhaps we can start a listing that is similar,  a list for us with a description of what WE buyers are looking for, that could be posted once a month for those who wish to find a seller who doesn't wish to advertise on the list.  There are owners out there who don't wish to advertise that they want to sell, and they would like to offer their LD privately.  I'm all for that.  My feeling is, a new buyer is a new active member.
Any comments?  Good Luck Jake and Lisa and Gini.  Bye.  Frances