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Topic: Leg Room in a 26.5 MB (Read 7 times) previous topic - next topic
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Leg Room in a 26.5 MB
Yahoo Message Number: 56528
Hi all,

My wife and I are considering the purchase of a 2003 LD, 26.5ft MB.
We have yet to see the particular unit we are considering as it is not close to us.  I am 6'9" and am concerned about the legroom for driving.  If any of the group members are near this height, I would be interested in your experience with driving a LD.



Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Leg Room in a 26.5 MB
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 56540
I am 6'9" and am concerned about the legroom for driving.  If any of the group members are near this height, I would be interested in your experience with driving a LD.

While we don't have the rig yet (16 days and counting . . .) Our 30 footer has the barrel chairs behind the drivers seat, and while I'm not positive (somebody with a 30 footer pipe in here) I believe the drivers seat has a ton of room to slide back.

Hope this helps
