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Topic: We got the call! (Read 2 times) previous topic - next topic
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We got the call!
Yahoo Message Number: 48258
We just got the call from Vicky at the "mothership".  We pick up "Liberty", our blue 26.5' MB, on Friday morning, January 28, 2005.  If possible, we want the ICC driver to transport her to Arizona on Saturday morning.

The letter with the VIN came today as well.
 For those keeping track, that's invoice #8242 placed on September 23, 2004.

As you can imagine, we're excited!

Brenda and Alex Rutchka

delivery database factoids
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 48277
Bit Stringer  wrote:

...We pick up our blue 26.5' MB, on January 28, 2005... invoice placed on September 23, 2004.
That's a delivery in only 127 days, possibly a record for speedy delivery.

This made me wonder what information we had collected recently in the delivery time database.  Here's what I found about the average wait between the date an order was placed and the date the finished coach was delivered.

2001: 21 LDs, ave. wait 235 days, range 198-254 days 2002: 42 LDs, ave. wait 225 days, range 201-269 days 2003: 41 LDs, ave. wait 237 days, range 194-286 days 2004: 38 LDs, ave. wait 207 days, range 159-275 days

So deliveries in 2004 occurred 3 to 4 weeks faster than previous years.

The delivery time database provides information about the models ordered.  Of the total delivered in all years, 17 were 23 foot models, 20 were 30 foot models, and 105 were 26 foot models

Among the orders for 26 foot models by our members, the Mid Bath was the most popular by a wide margin:

Mid Bath   73 Rear Bath   21 Rear Kitchen   10 Island Bed   only 1

Another interesting factoid is that members of our group ordered and took delivery of about 40 LDs a year in 2002, 2003 and 2004.  Based on the order numbers LD uses, the factory produces 200 to 220 coaches per year.  So our group members represent about 20% of LD's customers!


Re: We got the call!
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 48281
Wow! Four month wait has got to be one of the quickest on record.


We just got the call from Vicky at the "mothership".  We pick up "Liberty", our blue 26.5' MB, on Friday morning, January 28, 2005.
If possible, we want the ICC driver to transport her to Arizona on Saturday morning.

The letter with the VIN came today as well.

For those keeping track, that's invoice #8242 placed on September

Re: We got the call!
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 48304
For those keeping track, that's invoice #8242 . . . Brenda and Alex Rutchka

FYI, we're #8248 but are delaying our delivery date until early May because of work commitments. So those with invoice numbers before ours should get delivery sooner than expected.

Emily & Joseph 26.5' Tan RB "Home"

Re: We got the call!
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 48306
Congrats!  Seems like LD is moving quickly on building RVs.  We're 8231 and are scheduled to pickup Jan 20 (although we delayed from Jan 14th).  If my math serves me right, LD is averaging 1 delivery a day.
Is this right?  Hope they are just getting more efficient and not cutting corners.

Mark and Louene.

Re: delivery database factoids
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 48308
Oryoki, I find your averages surprising, because for years the waiting time has been said to vary

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: delivery database factoids
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 48313
On Sat, 2004-12-25 at 14:45 +0000, foyearl wrote:

Oryoki, I find your averages surprising, because for years the waiting time has been said to vary in the range of 5-6 months, both in this chat group and by the factory, whereas your averages are in the 7-8 month range. Something is amiss somewhere.
For what it is worth, our order will skew the statistics a little. Our order number is #8262 for a 30IB. We were told that the current wait time is about 5-6 months. Because of our peculiar circumstances, we ordered early about the first of November and requested that delivery be coordinated for early June.
 One of the things to remember is that 30 footers have another wrinkle in the scheduling process.  The Ford truck frame needs to be extended by a third party because LD doesn't do that itself.  That adds to the delay and variability of the waiting time.

Alex '05MB Gonnabee soon now.

Re: delivery database factoids And 30 FT. wait times
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 48325

As Alex said, the frame stretching adds another wrinkle to the

equation. I ordered my 30 footer in May and have already waited 7

months and have not received "the call" as of yet. I don't really
 expect them to be done with the coach until sometime in mid February.

So you may be looking more closer to 9 months rather than a 6

month waiting time. 6 months would be wishful thinking.

So all you people out there that ordered after me and are

getting your coach before me, yes I'm very jealous !

Jealously waiting,


Re: delivery database factoids
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 48339
  I find your averages surprising, because for years the waiting time has been said to vary in the range of 5-6 months, both in this chat group and by the factory... Our order number is #8262 for a
30IB. We were told that the

current wait time is about 5-6 months (snip).


My limited experience with ordering two LD motorhomes tends to bear out Oryoki's findings.  I waited exactly eight months for delivery of a 2003RB and am waiting approximately nine months for delivery of my 30TB. From that experience I would say that you will be fortunate if your receive your 30IB, ordered early in November, by early June 2005.

The good news is that the quality of the product makes the delay worthwhile and we can enjoy one another's company while we wait.

My current PO #8189 dated May 3, 2004 began production on December 13th.  I have received the VIN but not the call.  Since the factory is closed next week I think the best I can hope for is a late January or early February pickup.

As an aside, I would be grateful to anyone who visits the factory between now and then who would be willing to take a picture or two of my 30TB (Blue) while it is in production.

Best wishes, Nate Walker Tacoms WA

Re: delivery database factoids
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 48352
Alex, JC, Nate, and others: Yes, I understand all of the variables regarding the 30IB and possible manufacturing glitches. The recent shorter delivery time is probably a reflection that the factory is getting back to a more- normal schedule after some of those glitches.
I was told by Steve that 2003-4 were unusual years because of multiple factors. One of those factors was the introduction of the new transmission, which caused some folks to wait to order and some folks to change their orders. That created a logjam, which has taken the factory time to remove.
We have known for a long time that we were going to order, and our order could have been placed many months ago. Our order date was coordinated with Steve to provide a buffer to give them as much flexibility as possible to meet our needed delivery date. With Steve's guidance, I ordered at a time that allows them more than seven months to coordinate the manufacturing so that our 30IB will be ready by early June.
Perhaps one beneficial factor was the time of year that I ordered. Maybe orders were slow at that time because of the general economy and similar factors. It is also possible that Steve and Ed are being extra-accommodating because of our unusual situation, but there was no mention of that in our conversations. I simply explained our situation to Steve and asked him when I should order to allow a buffer, and I added additional time to that recommendation. He had no reason to give me inappropriate advice, and he is the one who coordinates the manufacturing process, so I have confidence in his guidance.
Most folks have the flexibility of a home on the mainland and use their LD part-time. My wife and I will be moving from Hawaii directly into the motorhome to live fulltime. We will not have another home, we do not have any family in the Los Angeles area, and our moving date and airline reservations are cast in stone. Thus, any delay in delivery will result in our having to live in a motel for that additional time.
Steve and Ed are quality people, and I have no doubt that Steve and his crew will do their best to meet our timeline. If they are giving us special consideration, we are very grateful. If unexpected glitches cause a delay, we will survive.
Like others, we are getting more and more excited and can hardly wait.
For what it is worth.

Re: delivery database factoids
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 48362
I suspect that $2-plus gasoline slowed orders for all brands of RVs.
Orders should return to a more normal rate after gas prices stabilize around or under $2 and RVers become accustomed to the new price level.