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Topic: Renting or Lending your LD (Read 4 times) previous topic - next topic
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Renting or Lending your LD
Yahoo Message Number: 19348
Have any of you had experience with renting or lending your LD to family or friends?  If so, and you charged them, how much did you charge and how do you go about making sure it's insured if someone else, other than you, are driving it?  Once, we rented our trailer out and they purchased a rider policy from their insurance company to insure the trailer.  We have been having requests from some of our friends to rent our 1989 from us.  Doesn't sound like such a bad idea but what have your experiences been? Gratefully, Pamela

Re: Renting or Lending your LD
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 19352
Have any of you had experience with renting or lending your LD to family or friends?  If so, and you charged them, how much did you charge and how do you go about making sure it's insured if someone else, other than you, are driving it
No, and it falls in a category of things that can ruin a friendship or put a strain on family relations, IMO. Of course, NOT doing it if requested can put an edge on the moment too, but I have found most understanding if you have that explanation ready.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Renting or Lending your LD
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 19356
Pamela, We don't have any practical experience yet since we're expecting our 26.5 mb in late March or April of 2003.  But we've already had several friends who have joked, implied, and outright asked, about borrowing or renting it.  My wife and I talked about this issue right after we placed our order and we agreed that the answer would always be a pleasant but firm "Sorry, but we don't rent or loan it out."  We might invite folks to join us on a occasion, but that's it.  I'm not much on borrowing or loaning things anyway.  It just has the potential for serious injuries, problems and hard feelings.  Even with power equipment and tools (not simple things like wrenches, screwdrivers, etc., but potentially dangerous things like chain saws) I just will not loan them out.  I'm never sure how competent the person really is, regardless of how much experience they might tell me they have.  I might offer to bring the equipment over and help them do whatever project or chore they need to do, but I'll run the equipment.  I would hate for an accident to happen, and someone to get injured using my saw, or RV, for example.

Plus the RV is a very complicated piece of equipment.  Using and driving one is not necessarily automatic.  We have put in a lot of time over the year or so learning about RV's and RV systems.  I doubt if other folks would want to take the time to read the manual (over and over!) like we have, and really try to understand how everything works.  The potential for injury and damage is just too great in our opinion.

The answer maybe different for other folks, but we decided the correct answer for us was to "just say no", firmly but politely.


PS:  There was a pretty involved discussion of this topic on the Escapees forum a few months back.  Here is a link if you're interested.
http://www.rvnetwork.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi? ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=000310#000007

Re: Renting or Lending your LD
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 19357
Well I see Yahoo butchered up the url as usual.  If you want to see the Escapees discussion on this topic you might try cutting and pasting the link, or you can do a Search once you get to their forum.
 This discussion was titled "We have a dilemma!!" in the Beginning RV forum and it started on December 7, 2002, by bob112439


Renting or Lending your LD
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 19353
I've been trying to come up with a good explanation in preparation for the request from in-laws.  I've just put too much $$$ into this machine to get it to my liking and comfort  to have to deal with the inevitable mechanical or cosmetic damage that comes from use, especially from someone who is not familiar with the nuances of their own LD.