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Topic: FMCA's Convention in Pomona (Read 4 times) previous topic - next topic
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FMCA's Convention in Pomona
Yahoo Message Number: 19217
Is anyone going to the FMCA Convention in Pomona, CA in March?  We thought we would give it a try and see what it is all about, since it is fairly near where we live.

Cindy Beck
2004 MB Blue/White, Honda CRV
Corona, CA

Re: FMCA's Convention in Pomona
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 19224
Is anyone going to the FMCA Convention in Pomona, CA in March?  We thought we would give it a try and see what it is all about, since it is fairly near where we live.
 Cindy                                                                            Yes, Cindy, we will also be there and will be parked in the "no generator" area of the convention.  It is always an interesting event and quite educational if you haven't been to one before.      Stewart

Re: FMCA's Convention in Pomona
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 19238
Quote from: Cindy\[/quote\
"] Is anyone going to the FMCA Convention in Pomona, CA in March? We thought we would give it a try and see what it is all about,
since it

is fairly near where we live.


Yes, Cindy, we will also be there and will be parked in
the "no generator" area of the convention.  It is always an

interesting event and quite educational if you haven't been to one
before.      Stewart

 Our '95 teal 23.5 LD will also be parked in the "no generator" area.
I hope we run into each other there!!
 Maybe you can answer this question for me.  We received a card in the large packet of registration information that said we were to enter on Tuesday, March 18.  However, since we both work, we weren't planning on showing up until either Thursday night, or Friday morning.  Will that be a problem for us?

Cindy Beck
2004 MB Blue/White, Honda CRV
Corona, CA

Re: FMCA's Convention in Pomona
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 19246
Quote from: stewart sterling"

  Is anyone going to the FMCA Convention in Pomona, CA in March? We thought we would give it a try and see what it is all about, since it is fairly near where we live.

Cindy Yes, Cindy, we will also be there and will be parked in the "no generator" area of the convention.  It is always an interesting event and quite educational if you haven't been to one before.      Stewart

 Our '95 teal 23.5 LD will also be parked in the "no generator" area.
I hope we run into each other there!!
 Maybe you can answer this question for me.  We received a card in the large packet of registration information that said we were to enter on Tuesday, March 18.  However, since we both work, we weren't planning on showing up until either Thursday night, or Friday morning.  Will that be a problem for us?
 Cindy                                                                              Cindy - that shouldn't be a prblem, as there are seldom very many coaches in the non generator area.  Were only 7 of us in Hutchinson!  Just follow the instructions in the packet & go in when you can.  They don't usually park at night, so probably get there early in the am on Friday.  Hope to see you there.                                    Stewart

[Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Re: FMCA's Convention in Pomona
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 19259
Go to ------www.fmca.com---- and read all about it.   Family Motor Coach Ascociation is a family oriented organization for motorhome owners. The convention is a large rally. Several thousand MHs is not uncommon. Many vendors, many MHs on display. Sometimes good entertainment. ray, F178312

FMCA's Convention in Pomona
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 19267
I've just checked out the FMCA website.  Looks very interesting.  For soon-to-be rv owners, we are wondering at the number of rv owner clubs.  Do long-time rv owners belong to several motor home clubs/organizations?  What would be the advantage of belonging to, for example, Escapees AND FMCA .... We've also seen lots of advertising of The Good Sam Club... those ads look interesting (and inviting!)  No doubt there are many more out there....
Any suggestions on how to select a club? We are so grateful for all the responses we've already received (from Andy, Victor, Bob & Joan Phillips, Noel and others) regarding our introduction to rving.


Re: FMCA's Convention in Pomona
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 19273

That is an interesting topic, but one that is very subjective.  Any comments are likely to produce protests from those that love a particular group.  Nevertheless, from our perspective, here goes:

A fellow RV'er gave us a copy of the FMCA magazine and suggested we join, as he used their mapping service all of the time and thought that and the magazine justified membership.  Since we depend upon the Delorme computer maps mainly, this did not seem to offer too much for us.  The magazine seemed to me at least to focus too much on 'big' Class A motor homes.  Perhaps it was just a bad selection, but we decided we were not interested.

We joined the Escapees for a year, but did not renew our membership because they seemed (to us) to be too involved with commercial/escapee campgrounds, and too little interested

Re: Advantages of belonging to various RV groups
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 19281
We joined Escapees two years before buying our LD, mainly for their excellent magazine, plus information on the current RV scene, as it had been several years since our previous RV.  I've been more enthusiastic than my husband about our membership.  (He's not a "joiner".)  Part of my initial motivation was that I planned to do most of the RVing by myself.  It hasn't worked out that way, fortunately.  Bob took early retirement just a couple of weeks before we picked up our LD, so we've been able to use it together.  We have not yet attended any Escapades, (planed to get to the one last fall, but a heart attack thwarted our plans!)but hope to try one this year.  Escapees also offers a great mail forwarding option, used, I think, mainly by fulltimers.  They also have C.A.R.E.  It is a facility for long or short-term nursing care,

Which clubs to join?
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 19283
Any suggestions on how to select a club?
We joined the Good Sam Club along with their Emergency Road Service last year when we bought our used LD. We needed the ERS right away as the LD broke down as we were driving it back to WA from CA! I like the good works the Good Sam members do in their communities and the magazine has some interesting articles. The club sure does send out a lot of unnecessary mail tho! I also like reading the Trailer Life and Motorhome magazines occasionally when I pick them up at the library. Rving will probably always be a part time activity for us even after we retire so we don't need the many full time services that Escapees offer but they seem like a very active club too with many benefits.
Marti in Seattle
2011 Blue MB