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Topic: Air Defaulting to Defrost (Read 218 times) previous topic - next topic
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Air Defaulting to Defrost

On our last trip, I started out with an ABS dash light and the air blowing through the defrost. Fixed the ABS and attacked the air issue yesterday and today. I researched this common issue in the Companion and several youtubes. I decided to go with this guy's fix which seemed straightforward and clean (dash air fix).

I ordered the parts from Amazon:
vacuum switch
vacuum line

While awaiting the parts, I removed the access plate on top of the dash to check out the vacuum lines. Yikes! The rats got me there too!!! The first photo shows the damage they did and the second the fix. I was able to cut away the end fittings and jam the vacuum lines onto the nipples and cover with some shrink tube.

The next two photos show the general repair. Essentially, you replace the factory setup with new parts and locate them inside the cab (where Ford should have done in the first place).

The noted video shows the step by step fix. Good to go!

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
09 27' MB
10  Suby Forester

Re: Air Defaulting to Defrost
Reply #1

Hi Jor, A good picture of the vacuum operated pistons that move the flaps inside the heater ducting.  I always find it amusing to label an accumulator for vacuum. A problem for English to be accumulating a quantity of the absence of something!  Your third link to the 'accumulator' seems indirect.  I used that same one Amazon.com: Dorman 47995 Vacuum Storage Canister Compatible with Select Ford...  and I agree that Ford should have used something more rat proof, in my case squirrel proof, or located it where it would be easier to work on.
   Calling a vacuum, really an air directing valve, a switch is also off-putting.  I guess the word 'switch' is used too often for too many things.   Good fix! It's happened a lot to many of us here in just the last few years.   RonB

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Air Defaulting to Defrost
Reply #2
Your third link to the 'accumulator' seems indirect.
Thanks, Ron. Fixed it.
09 27' MB
10  Suby Forester

Re: Air Defaulting to Defrost
Reply #3
Thanks for this information. I’ve been putting this fix off for a while. Time to order parts!